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need some help deciding.
Nov 11, 2007 by Spano565

I know this is a soap site for people who like soap but, i've tried these 2 sports (soaping and agressive inline skating)but i dont no wich to do any advice pleeesse help.(Yes i no i sound desperate).

Nov 11, 2007Spano565

oh but i really like both.
and i dont have time to do both of them any advice is apreciated.

Nov 11, 2007AnthoFlex

its all up to you dude. I mean really, i think you could find SOME time to do both.

If not, you just need to manage your time better

Nov 11, 2007Megashadow77

Well, if you ask me, soaping is less demanding of your time.

Nov 11, 2007AnthoFlex

thats true, you can soap where-ever.

Blading, however, you cant do everywhere

Nov 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

both i say, u can soap any where without worry because they are shoes, and inline on your own time, because of more variety than just grinding

Nov 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

and to know disrespect to soap, i dont consider soaping a sport, neither heelying

Nov 11, 2007SpiderSoaper


Nov 11, 2007xJeremiahx

In-Line, skateboarding, BMX, SOAP, Heelys, scooterz. None of these are "sports". They are more of a past time and something to do for fun.

Anyways.......do both. I skateboard and soap and work 50+ hour work weeks. On top of that I spend time with my girlfriend and take care of my 10 pets. It's all about time management. Spend less time watching TV and playing video games.

Nov 11, 2007Soapdreamer

I consider these past times unless competition is involved. The it is a sport.

Nov 11, 2007Spano565

yeah, screw blading i can soap wherever whenever plus who wants to feel restricted and soaps feel good. yeah i like soaps.anyway thanks for the advice guys it really helped.

Nov 11, 2007SapAuthor

np, but if u ever free up time, don't feel limited to not inline too. I want to get a nice pair of aggressive inlines for when i am free and can hit the skate park, but i always will be wearing my SOAPs around cuz they are compfy and i love em.

Nov 14, 2007Ronni

fag u need other people to tell you what "sport" to do....pathetic. Do whatever the fuck you want

Nov 14, 2007RamenRadio

Then why don't you shut up so we can do it?

Go to hell.

Dec 3, 2007Spano565

well put.
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