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Would'nt it be cool.
Dec 3, 2007 by Spano565

if we couldall be pro soapers and soap for a living that be awsome i have these wierd dreams about that stuff and i just waned to no if anyone else ever felt like that. peace?!.

Dec 4, 2007Megashadow77

*sigh* Somebody get him a grammar, book, dammit.

Dec 4, 2007AnthoFlex

I had a dream one time that i was grinding on rails that were very similar to that level in SA2....it was...final rush?

If not those, then the rails in Egg Fleet in Sonic Heroes.

I eventually fell, because my plates cracked and fell apart. I fell 1000's of feet and somehow landed near the unisphere half-dead with my quickdraws (thats what i was wearing) destroyed.

My dreams are always 3rd person mode, i dunno why

Dec 4, 2007Spano565


Dec 4, 2007Spano565

my dreams are sorta like i'm nailin all my tricks at my spot that i go to soap and right at the end of my dream i for some wierd reason fall off a rail in the middle of doing an acid sidewalk in my black expresses.
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