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Does anyone know....
Dec 5, 2007 by iwantsoapshoes

where i could get Heelys with Express(Torches, to name a few) in london? and i mean a physical shop, not online.

Dec 5, 2007RamenRadio

Everything is discontinued.

Dec 5, 2007AnthoFlex

HSL discontinues more shoes than J'Lo re-marries

Dec 6, 2007RamenRadio

You know what I find ironic? his account name is "iwantsoapshoes", but he's asking about where to buy heelys.

Dec 6, 2007Megashadow77

Shame Shame.....

Dec 6, 2007iwantsoapshoes

Well unfortunately not all of us are fucking online multi-millionare's, are we?

Dec 6, 2007iluv2spam

stop bitching about you fuckhead

Dec 6, 2007AnthoFlex

iwantsoapshoes, just calm down. Don't let that get to you

Dec 7, 2007Megashadow77

Uh, soaps are cheaper than grind heelys.....

Dec 7, 2007RamenRadio

iwant, you're a acting like a bitch now. I'm not a damn millionaire, I have a job at almost minimum wage.

Not only that, I have other things to spend my money than on soap shoes (not dissing soap shoes or anything, but I have other stuff to do unfortunately)

You shut the fuck up, you're acting like a Jerk.

And Michael is right, soap shoes are a little cheaper than heelys. Just stop bitching and buy a pair, everyone is tired of hearing about you whining you stupid emo fag.

Dec 7, 2007AnthoFlex

And thats how it starts...

Dec 7, 2007Megashadow77

Yo, Trav, Chill out.

Dec 7, 2007RamenRadio

He freaking attacked me, what do you want me to do, get on my heels too? Seriously, back off.

That's no help either.

Dec 7, 2007AnthoFlex

He didnt exactly attack you...

Well unfortunately not all of us are fucking online multi-millionare's, are we?


iwant, you're a acting like a bitch now. I'm not a damn millionaire, I have a job at almost minimum wage.

Not only that, I have other things to spend my money than on soap shoes (not dissing soap shoes or anything, but I have other stuff to do unfortunately)

You shut the fuck up, you're acting like a Jerk.

And Michael is right, soap shoes are a little cheaper than heelys. Just stop bitching and buy a pair, everyone is tired of hearing about you whining you stupid emo fag.

is like a return, then kill, then dismember the body-type attack.

Just cool it

Dec 7, 2007RamenRadio

That's easy for you to say, he didn't hit a hot spot on you. Just drop it.

Dec 7, 2007AnthoFlex


Dec 7, 2007iwantsoapshoes

What do you mean, "you stupid emo fag". How many fucking times will i have to tell your fucking dumb self, that that emo thing was a joke? And how fucking retarded do you think i am? Of course i know that soaps are cheaper than heelys, but you cant exactly walk into a shop and buy them now, can you? Thats the whole fucking reason i asked, because i cant be buying all this shit online now, can i, for fucks sake?

Dec 8, 2007Page645

uh iwant i still dont understand if u have enough money for grindplated heelys y can't u buy soaps online its cheaper, REALLY CHEAPER!

p.s. dude they dropped it so let it go

Dec 8, 2007iwantsoapshoes

Do you have a mum? of course you do. And there is your answer: my mother.
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Aaron Taraboletti hittin a stickin a backslide
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