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problem with soap shop forum.
Jan 6, 2008 by iwantsoapshoes

you see whenever i finish filling out the application form and click join, the page just resets and doesnt tell me if i did something wrong or not. i tried a further 3 times, to no avail. Help would be appreciated

Jan 6, 2008RamenRadio

Email Trevor.

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

You are such a flamer.

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

Posting about a forum where people like you can't get an account is flaming?

You don't even know what flaming means, so shut up

This is why you should go to the supersonicsoapers forum

To avoid people like soapitup

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

Than go my friend, go in peace.

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

I'm taking that as you admiting you two are the same people.

That's it, Renny and I are emailing derek about you. We're sick of you hacking everyone's accounts, and hating.
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