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Sorry i've been gone
Jan 8, 2008 by SapAuthor

Hey all, just wanted to let you know i'm not dead :P

Sorry i've been gone so much, life has gotten beyond hectic, and it's only now starting to slow down, but probably will speed up again.

I've been building 3 websites, managing my comic, part-time at office max (although requested lots of hours, like 20-30 a week), the christmas season was hectic, little sleep, etc. Just been drained lately.

I did get a chance to put up the soaper locators and new pics/vids for the team, i'm sorry it took so long (some as long as a month). Winter just kind of is draining. Soon we'll have size 11-13 in stock, and once that hits we should see another increase, and getting ready for the upcoming huge DEMO of 08' I'll be there, so will renny, and steve, plus some other members that are taking the flight out.

Jan 8, 2008xJeremiahx

I'm glad you are back. I definitely know how you feel.

Hey, for some reason the pics in my section all go to a picture of AnthoFlex.

Jan 8, 2008DarkVermillion

Good to see you back. :] I know how you feel also, I haven't got a single bit of my vid done yet. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get it. :]

Jan 8, 2008AnthoFlex

If anyone is willing to make the trip, i mean by all means, go for it.

Jan 8, 2008xJeremiahx

I would love to but I can't afford it. We will see when if things are different around demo time though.

Jan 9, 2008AnthoFlex

Just letting everyone know right now that for the week that the demo is being held, Jetblue airlines has a ridiculously low special for round-trip flying to Buffalo. It's like the soaping god is smiling down on us.


Jan 9, 2008blakeashake

dont plan on doing anything else in buffalo besides the demop cuz buffalo is mad boring guys.
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Sonic the Hedgehog sliding a vine with his scorchers
Ian Walsh hittin a Stylin Frontside
Jordan Muck hittin a Backslide at Canton
Louis Selby, knocking out another frontside for the bystanders during the UKFSW Fleet trip.
Trevor G hittin a Front Side