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Jan 9, 2008 by RamenRadio

Ok guys, since moderators have obviously not been logging into solidgrind, there hasn't been a lot of pictures or anything uploaded.

So, post pictures/video urls of you soaping in this thread.

They are also located in the SSSoapshop, many pictures of people soaping that is.

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

You didnt leave a thread asshole. And its not like you cant just stay here and talk on this forum. I dont plan on buuging you forever. Just quit being a litte poon tang.

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

Wow, what a waste of a life.

Jan 9, 2008RamenRadio

Anyway, Jeremiah already has some media posted. Check it out in the other thread I bumped up.

Jan 9, 2008soapitup

How am I a waste of life? No one is a waste of life. Even you are not a waste of life. Your just wasting your life by being a flamer.

Jan 9, 2008xJeremiahx

If the weather is good Bo and I are going to get some more footage this weekend. We are going to get some more footage from the rail at the end of this video:


Jan 9, 2008AnthoFlex

soapitup, just dont argue with Ramenradio, otherwise this madness will never end.

Ramenradio, stop arguing with soapitup, you're just giving him more reason to give you shit

Jan 9, 2008SpiderSoaper

exactly Antho, no one else is taking it seriously

Jan 10, 2008RamenRadio

Renny, I stopped over twelve hours ago. Why do you have to even say it?

Jan 10, 2008AnthoFlex

last time i checked it says:

Ramenradio Jan 9, 2008


Ramenradio Jan 9, 2008 12 hours ago

Jan 10, 2008RamenRadio

So solidgrind doesn't list times is what you're saying.

Whatever, I don't care.

Jan 10, 2008SpiderSoaper

haha, played em lmaol *seriously*

Jan 10, 2008RamenRadio


Jan 12, 2008Megashadow77

I come bearing video!


First falling, then success! =D

Jan 12, 2008xJeremiahx

Nice one!! I wish I could jump that high.

Jan 12, 2008SpiderSoaper

cool *sings*"white anger tiger power, white ranger tiger power" lmao

Jan 12, 2008dunk

added some new pics today.

Jan 12, 2008RamenRadio

Thanks dunk, you're the man.

Jan 12, 2008RamenRadio

Michael, you are STILL never online.

Jan 12, 2008RamenRadio

Michael, you are STILL never online.

Jan 12, 2008Megashadow77

No, I'm online during the day, you're online at night. I've been goin' to sleep at like 8:00 recently, cuz of school.

Feb 7, 2008Nathanael

Hey! did anybody of you ever see this Citroën ad featuring an über-cool soapin' transformer?


it's on the 15th second aprox.

Feb 7, 2008xJeremiahx

I think it was posted here a long time ago. I think that people in general like the idea of being able to slide with their shoes. I see it all the time in adds like this and games like ratchet and clank(grind boots).

Feb 7, 2008Kain

speaking of which.....

How did Tidus grind that cable in FFX? They looked like regular boots

Feb 7, 2008Soapdreamer

They are rofl. That image is in the image section here already.
So he apperently ground down that cable with rubber boots... with sparks... at a fast speed.
Makes no sense at all if you look at it.

Feb 8, 2008Kain

grinding barefoot......

sounds fun lol

Feb 8, 2008Soapdreamer

Lol yeah its pretty weird.
They didn't even bother to make that grind make sense.
I mean fishing boots are supposed to have grip on slippery things and another guys is using sandals.

Feb 8, 2008Soapdreamer

also rubber sliding across metal = sparks !?

Feb 8, 2008AnthoFlex

Theres no need to get so in depth, its just a game, haha

What about Sonic being able to do Sweatstances, KindGrinds, and Mizuos in SA2 with his "Scorchers"

Feb 8, 2008Soapdreamer

Yeah but it wasn't obvious. SA2 sonic kept the " non existant sole plate" error discreet because for a while many of you guys thought he was doing a royale in his crouch instead of one using the sole plate.

In these cinamatics the feet are in easy view and you can see the bare feet and the sandals grinding. It even shows a close up of the rubber boots grinding.

In SA2 its more like "lets put him in a cool pose while grinding. wait there is no grind spot on that part of shoe.Oh well its barely noticable." But FFX is more like

"lets defy logic to make this scene an make it obvious because they are badass enough to grind impossibly"

So SA2 minor error. FFX Defy logic yeaaaaaarg!

It's not worth getting into detail about but i did anyway lol.

Feb 8, 2008Kain


The only sonic game I have, the grinds he does are frontsides and rail flip farfs. He has this new design of soap shoe that looks a lot more detailed and the grindplate stands out more.

Feb 8, 2008AnthoFlex

Again with this "railflip"...its called a switch, not a "railflip"

Feb 8, 2008Kain

Well I'm a heeler, and we call it a rail flip :P

Just like you guys call tweaking your front foot like a royale and not your back foot a "powerslide", but we don't

Feb 8, 2008Altman

Regardless, rail flip sounds so weak and childish. As far as the powerslide goes, nobody takes that trick seriously. When you start doing actual tricks, you'll regard the powerslide as just a frontside.

Feb 8, 2008AnthoFlex

Actually Kain, we threw that concept out the window LONG ago. You havent been here long enough, so you havent seen that thread.

I think the concept was brought to a close with this picture:


That would be considered a power glide to you heelers or us soapers (in the past), but its cleary a very stylish UFO

Feb 9, 2008xJeremiahx

Railflip=switch... that's fucking stupid. It's like if vert skaters where to start calling kickflips "flipidy doos". Don't make up different names for trics that allready have names.

Feb 9, 2008AnthoFlex

i remember when i used to call my Christ Makios "Sole Christs", haha

Feb 9, 2008Kain

Well.....all the heelers call it rail flip. idk why. I like switch better, but.....it's in the heeling tricktionary

Feb 9, 2008xJeremiahx

It's cool. If I didn't know better I would be calling it "body varial" because in skateboarding that is what it would be.

P.S. "sole Christ" sounds much cooler.

Feb 9, 2008Kain

nah...Makio sounds the coolest

Feb 27, 2008xJeremiahx

Bump up. Guys, post your youtube videos here!!

Apr 9, 2008xJeremiahx

I bring you the "Laguna rails".


Also adding "The SOAPer Hunter" in this thread.


And A late Night Session.


Apr 9, 2008RamenRadio

That rail is sick Jeremiah.

I didn't say this before, but the soaper hunter was pretty funny. Especially the wax ritual you said haha.

Apr 9, 2008blakeashake

Yea man i wish i had a rail lie that.
Buffalo does have some good spots to soap but nothing isolated like that.

Apr 9, 2008wyattpeterson

dunk u need to post the pics i sumbitted their ill :(

Apr 9, 2008wyattpeterson

dunk u need to post the pics i sumbitted their ill :(

Apr 9, 2008wyattpeterson

great shit everybody !!!!!! im making my next soap edit when my shin gets better i took a bad spill :p

Apr 9, 2008sam

Blake, man you serious? We gotta go soapin some time so i can show you some dope spots.

Apr 9, 2008blakeashake

dude i know there are sick spots but dude i get pinched by the cops everytime i start. its kinda pathetic.

Apr 9, 2008xJeremiahx

I got the entire rail(before the gap) but the camera battery died just as I jumped onto the rail.

I will not be out there this weekend but hopefully next weekend I will get more footage and get the entire rail on tape. Bo got the entire tail a few times(he has some crazy balance)

Apr 17, 2008wyattpeterson


Apr 17, 2008wyattpeterson

click the above links to see my new trick filmed

Apr 18, 2008wyattpeterson


Apr 22, 2008MiTcH1337

My newest trick i learned fooling around, FrontSide to CheeseGrater =]


Apr 24, 2008wyattpeterson

nice man good progress keep it up!

Apr 24, 2008AnthoFlex

Dude, Mitch. If i can be honest. Its good that you progress a lot more and more everyday, but making videos AND putting them on youtube for all to see makes it no difference than what the heelers do.

Honestly, i turn off the videos because they remind me of what Heelys put out on youtube.




Kinda the same concept.

Dont get me wrong, keep making videos, so you can watch and learn from them. But posting up videos of grinds that you JUST learned how to do makes you look no different than one of the heelers on heelychat

Apr 25, 2008sam

Yeah, you dont want to keep vids like that up, because once the flamers find it, your a sitting duck.

Apr 25, 2008wyattpeterson

in the four fathers soaping video what kind of shoes does Danny have at 5:20????????

Apr 25, 2008AnthoFlex


Apr 25, 2008anaholaboys

that girl in the first heely vid is pretty hot
id bone her :]

Apr 25, 2008anaholaboys

id like to grind on her if ya know what i mean

Apr 25, 2008Sakkage


Apr 25, 2008wyattpeterson

lol i think shes to young though ...dude she steps on a lot and cant jump

Apr 30, 2008Franticfred

Here ya go jeremy haha i'm not being a jerk i just wanted to keep the thread alive, it was gettin down the lis haha


Apr 30, 2008Franticfred


Apr 30, 2008xJeremiahx

Hey Franticfred, thanks for pasting your vid up on here. There are so many "useless" threads posted here that many videos go virtually unnoticed. At least here people will see your stuff for more than 5 seconds.

Apr 30, 2008Sakkage

Wyatt- those were some impressive vids.

Apr 30, 2008Franticfred

nice wyatt

Apr 30, 2008AnthoFlex

Yo Wyatt, you have a higher-res photo of that? Why not submit it to SG?

Apr 30, 2008wyattpeterson

i have submitted photos like 4 times and theyt never get posted :(

Apr 30, 2008wyattpeterson

ok renny i submited like 10 photos

Apr 30, 2008wyattpeterson

lol their are muh shoes

May 8, 2008Franticfred


i am uploading it onto youtube as i type this ill post that link as well tomorow.. id love to get some feed back as well thanks!

May 8, 2008Franticfred

grr ok it was up and then it was somehow deleted i'm not sure how or why but itll be on youtube soon sorry for the confusion.....frickin technology and its technicalities...

May 8, 2008wyattpeterson

hit me up on aim= lambchop24xyz

May 8, 2008Franticfred


ok there it is haha lemme know what yall think!

May 8, 2008xJeremiahx

Not bad man. I still can't get up onto rails that high.

It's funny how your dog is in this one too.

May 8, 2008Franticfred

hahah ya but i'm moving out of my backyard haha maybe i'll bring her along as my trademark haha

May 8, 2008Sakkage

Lookin' good, guys!

May 17, 2008Franticfred

Hey everyone I put Soap Video#3 on youtube!!!


Hope yall enjoy it

May 17, 2008SapAuthor

Nice height, keep it up man ;)

Hope your cam gets better soon :- /

May 17, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Honestly, that video was good, but stop neglecting your dog!

May 17, 2008Franticfred

hahahaha shes fiiiiiiiine

May 18, 2008SapAuthor

lol nice to all, keep up the good work.

Hey anaholaboys, are you and your group going to make a video sometime? I think ya should ;)

May 18, 2008anaholaboys

actually yeah, we are going to make another video soon.
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