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T-Bone plates
Jun 17, 2004 by Luke

on the t-bones can you rest your grinding foot's front end on the concave of the plate, or do you have to hold your foot up as if you were heeling? also what are everyones opinions of these shoes? any info about the shoes and plates would be very helpful thanx :)

Jun 17, 2004BPsoaps

Yes you can rest your foot on the concave front end of the plate. However if you want a shoe with a vertical grind plate and dont mind waiting awhile I would recomend waiting for the a-sides however the T-bones are pretty good.

Jun 18, 2004Ryan-FST

They're good, the plate is extended back a little more making royales a little easier.

Jun 18, 2004BPsoaps

Yeah they are also good for tweaked grinds.

Jun 18, 2004Luke

great thanx for the information!

I was going to wait for the a-sides but at this rate who can tell when they're gonna come out
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