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Soap Prices...
Feb 11, 2008 by teamheelz

I have a question bout soaps. How come if ur buying them, the price goes up as the size does. Like I wanna buy some and im a 10/11. If i get a 10 its $55! When a size 3 is $34...why? lol

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

You'd much rather pay the suggested retail of $79.99 for ALL sizes 3-13?

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

and if you're making fun of the prices, i advise that you do not. Be happy that we offer Soaps at such a reasonable price

Feb 11, 2008teamheelz

no im not making fun of em...i was just a lil confused at them. sry if im causing any argument...i dont wanna

Feb 11, 2008Kain


....I've never seen them that much anywhere.....lol...

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

Its no problem. I just get lots of spammy emails and bunches of retards who like to make fun of the prices.

They think the shoes are shitty, low quality, and don't last long.

Rather than explaining in detail why the shoes are top notch and High quality, i think i'll take a different approach:

Common sense....The shoes are fuckin MADE to be jumped in, ran in, GRINDED in (on both the plate, and the actual shoe if you're skilled enough), and made for hard landings off of very high places. They're basically made to go through hell, they're top notch quality

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

And to smart-ass Kain, you've never seen them that much anywhere because they dont sell em in stores anymore. Best believe they'd be $80 if they sold em in stores.

And all the other models go beyond that. All soaps are like normal priced shoes. $70-$110

Feb 11, 2008Kain

wow.....kind of like heelys.....

So why does sssoapshop sell them for $30? O_o

Feb 11, 2008rhinoskater30

at least i don't spend like $80+ on a crappy pair of shoes with wheels

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

rhino...calm it down. Ur freaking out

Look at the size vs. prices dude.

Its Sizes 3-5: $30.75, Sizes 6-9 $50.75, and Sizes 10-13 $55.75

If you still cant figure it out, stop trying, you'll hurt yourself

Feb 11, 2008Kain

at least I dont' spend $90+ on........


CRAP! I can't say crappy grind shoes b/c soaps rule........:(

Feb 11, 2008rhinoskater30

they are good prices, it is true though
if they were in stores theyd be around eighty

heelys (with grind plates) would probably be 100 bucks, but I don't check prices so i dont know

Feb 11, 2008rhinoskater30

you could say 90 on clothes, but i don't buy expensive clothes so, idk

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

I also happen to know that a lot of things HSL does with Heelys they got straight from soap in the artemis/in-stride days

These include:

Molded Heel Cups (soap started that)
No half sizes
PU midsoles
plate sizes (3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, etc.)
Grindplates (quite obvious)

and there are a bunch others, but i cant remember them right now. Fact is, if god forbid soap never existed, Heelys would be made from low-quality, shitty materials, and the shoes wouldnt last as long

Soaps built their shoes like fucking tanks. Made them to last with a perfected system

Feb 11, 2008Altman

Also, Torches used to cost about 90 to 100 bucks. Nowadays, due to the deep decline in sale, Torches can be bought for about 30 or 40 bucks.

Feb 11, 2008Kain

you mean HSL's wave comfort heel bracket came from soap?

Feb 11, 2008Kain

true, b/c ppl aren't buying them. The ones that would get the most out of torches are teens/adults who have bigger feet. That's why the occasional rare size 10-12 goes between $100-$200 on ebay.

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

Its called a Molded Heel Cup. A lot of shoe companies use cardboard in the heel.

Soap didnt, and chances are Heelys would've used cardboard if soap didnt exist.

You'd be surprised at the things HSL took from the soap days...

In fact...Heelys have been around since 00 right? The soapshoes with the wheel in them were out back in 98, perhaps even before it

Feb 11, 2008Altman

It's true. The Heel Cup was featured on pretty much every single Soap model, even before the idea for a rolling Soap was mentioned.

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

Every last soapshoe, even the Spin and Trounce (which featured NO grindplate) had the molded heelcup

Feb 11, 2008Kain

wasn't that "rolling soap" thing in the holiday demo vid?

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex


Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

The holiday video was released in 1998. The holiday video also featured LOTS of recycled clips from oNe

....know that that means? If i'm not mistaken, the oNe video was released in late 97 early 98. Or perhaps mid 98...that seems more accurate

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

So if Heelys was out in 2000 and the Soap with the wheel in it was out in 97/98....

you get my picture here bro?

Feb 11, 2008Kain

Y'know......this guy from Germany, or somewhere in europe came up with this "skate shoe", and the wheels looked just like mack heelys. He thought he came up with something totally new lol

Feb 11, 2008Kain

So do you think HSL made their heelys thinking they had a completely new idea, or they stole it from HSL?

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

that made no sense

"HSL stole their idea from HSL?"

you wanna rewrite that?

Feb 11, 2008Kain

oh sorry lol, typo

I mean do you think HSL stole the idea of a shoe with a wheel in the heel from SOAP?

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

That i'm not too sure of

Feb 11, 2008Kain

Me either.

But I really hope they didn't....if they did, then heelys shouldn't exist, and soaps would still be on top.

Feb 11, 2008Soapdreamer

I heard that the Heelys founder kept in close touch with the soap founder or something. Before
The heelys company.

Feb 11, 2008SpiderSoaper

didnt the guy that invented heelys work for soap? if that is tru from what i recall then all i gotta say is heelys wouldnt exsist if not for soap. and antho to add to ur list of wat HSL took from soap would be:
-and sticker....the sticker was like a trademark symbol or somthing, that yellow sticker jus makes u think of soap, even though the soap makers and team were rebelious and down to earth with soaps ( i mean look at oNe and tWo, they curse, smoked, and a girl almost showed her tits), they still wanted to make sure people were safe, but no heelys takes that yellow sticker makes it more huge with mad stuff written on it, and make a video with hippy happy people showing u to heel.......

hell i think HSL took the name from the octane plates and named a shoe with it, Yes there is a heely named Octane, a coencidence?, maybe not.... there's already a soap named Flow, and wat does HSL do? name one of their shoes flow.

Feb 11, 2008SpiderSoaper

from sticker i maen the yellow warning sticker

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

Actually, 90 dollars for a heely model with a grind plate.

Feb 11, 2008AnthoFlex

Yea, spider couldn't have put it better. Thats exactly it

Feb 11, 2008Kain

You guys are right about most all of that.

HSL makes heelys seem TOO kid-friendly.....

Feb 11, 2008SpiderSoaper

heely even made their "H" in Heelys to make their logo, just like soap used the "O" in sOap, *hippie voice* "no HSL, using the fist letter as ur logo is uncool, be rebelious man, dont listen to the Man, use another letter, and diguise it to not look like a letter, like soap"

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

That's pro business language your speaking with something that's supposed to be anti business.


But I would change the hippie voice to something else. War pigs is the only thing popping into my head though.

Feb 11, 2008Kain


Feb 11, 2008Soapdreamer

ZZZ Time L8R.~_-

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio


damn right, I said it! UH HUUUUUUH!!!!!!!


Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

Don't turn this into a hate crime!!!!!!

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

Sorry, it's boring late at night. :D

Feb 11, 2008Kain

So go out and.....y'know....."have some fun" with ppl ;)

Feb 11, 2008SpiderSoaper

hahaha, hate crime, twas funny wen brendon was acting gay in tWo

Feb 11, 2008Soapdreamer

Wtf lol random singing.

ee potentio ramen slaten yay. esen es un sundeait hydook suundyei rikason un fantastic raza blade ahh numa numa yay
numa numa yay numa numa numa yay

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

Singing aie?

Hey lady--you've got the love I need
Maybe, more than enough.
Oh Darling Darling Darling, walk a while with me
Oh you've got so much... So much... So much...

Many times I've loved - Many times been bitten
Many times I've gazed along the open road.

Many times I've lied - Many times I've listened
Many times I've wondered how much there is to know.

Many dreams come true and some have silver linings
I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold.

Mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing
Many many men can't see the open road.

Many is a word that only leaves you guessing
Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know, ooh!
You really ought to know...
I really ought to know...

and now.... A performance from AC/DC

Well I'm ever upper-class high society
God's gift to ballroom notoriety
And I always fill my ballroom
The event is never small
The social pages say I've got
The biggest balls of all

I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all

And my balls are always bouncing
And my ballroom always full
And everybody cums and cums again
If your name is on the guest list
No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got
Great balls of fire

I've got big balls
Oh, I've got big balls
And they're such big balls
Dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all

Some balls are held for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best
My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night

Oh, we've got big balls
We've got big balls
We've got big balls
Dirty big balls
He's got big balls
She's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all

Oh, we've got big balls
We've got big balls
We've got big balls/And I'm just itching to tell you about them
Dirty big balls/Oh we had such wonderful fun
He's got big balls/Seafood cocktail
She's got big balls/Crabs
But we've got the biggest balls of them all/Crayfish

Pull 'em and Suck 'em!
Pull 'em and suck 'em!
Pull 'em and suck 'em!
Pull 'em and suck 'em!

Pull 'em and suck 'em until they turn blue bitch!

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

and I mean some acapulca gold!

Feb 11, 2008RamenRadio

You can't blame me for this, I'm in school and there is NOTHING to do here... :P

I already got chased out of the courtyard for soaping, that's always fun :D

They are so stupid, they keep thinking that I'm skateboarding ON GRASS in the courtyard.

Feb 11, 2008xJeremiahx

When I first heard of soaps I was in high school and it was back in the late nineties. I couldn't afford them because they cost so much.

But now thanks to being in a decent job and thanks to the SS soap shop I can afford to buy soaps. $55.75 is a steal! Most normal shoes cost at least that much.

Feb 11, 2008Kain


I'm.....too sexy for my shirt......too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 27, 2008soapbofo

a couple years back there was an ebay shop that sold sizes 1-12 for $40 in all colors, there's a post somewhere in athensfsw about it too

Feb 27, 2008SapAuthor

I'm not sure if it was told already, but to put it simply, smaller shoes = smaller amount of material = less costly for us to buy. Since they don't sell as much (what 5 year old is hopping up on hand rails?) we sell em for a low amount.

Larger sizes = more material = larger costs, so they cost more.

Compared to ANY shoe, they are STILL the same price, it's more reason to get them since you can either get a shoe, or a shoe + grind plate for same price. no brainer, aye?

Feb 27, 2008soapbofo

yea dude I get what ur saying and im with ya on that.
if the MRSP for scorchers was 100 and broadsides 130 how much would they cost now
im just wondering
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