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SSsoapshop Forum and Pictures section down
Feb 13, 2008 by AnthoFlex

Here's the deal guys: Trev is switching to yet another server. Things have been hectic with the current one, so he's switching out to another one.

The SSsoapshop itself is not affected. The reason the forum and the pictures section are down is because those 2 pages are directly linked from sonicandpals.

...Come to think of it, i THINK that means the chatroom may be down too...but noone uses it anyways, we have yet to make schedules for that thing to meet up and talk in real time.

But anywayz, just sit tight for a day or two, i'm going to talk to Trevor about whats going on. Hopefully he can speed things up. I have more pictures i wanna add.

In brighter news, i'll be releasing some long awaited info on February 18th. If you guys think its JUST the long-awaited size 13's, well....lets just say theres more....LOTS more.

Catcha guys back here on the 18th. I gotta get back to preparing for the demo.

Feb 13, 2008AnthoFlex

Now would be a good time to sign up for the SS Newsletter for those who haven't done so already.


Feb 13, 2008Kain

what comes in the SS newsletter?

Feb 13, 2008AnthoFlex

Whenever something big happens, or whenever theres an event, or something new that we're selling at the shop, an automatic email goes out to those who signed up for it

Feb 13, 2008Kain

*signs up*

Feb 13, 2008xJeremiahx

Cool man. Hey would it help if I where to upload my pics onto photobucket instead of uploading them in the sss shop?

Also, I have some pics in my team profile that link to one of your pictures. Is anyone working to fix that?

Feb 13, 2008AnthoFlex

The SSsoapshop pictures section has a URL upload option...you didnt see it Jeremiah?

You just put in the URL in the upload section under "URL Upload", and it'll take care of the rest for you

Feb 13, 2008xJeremiahx

Yeah I saw that. I was just asking if you guys preferred that we used the url option.

Would it be easier on the server's bandwidth if we used the url option?

Feb 13, 2008AnthoFlex


Feb 13, 2008xJeremiahx

10-4 I will do that from now on.

Feb 14, 2008Revengasaur

"LOTS MORE." Something awesome this way comes.
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