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Guitar Hero
Feb 16, 2008 by Kain

Does anyone have Guitar Hero III for the Wii?

I need someone to pwn online lol

Feb 17, 2008AnthoFlex

And what the hell does this have to do with soaping?

Jesus fucking christ man

Feb 17, 2008xJeremiahx

You HAD my respect until now.....tisk

Feb 17, 2008Kain


Well if you guys had an "off topic" section on these forums, I would've posted it there :P

Other ppl post things that have nothing to do with soaping.

Feb 17, 2008xJeremiahx

It's not that.....it's guitar hero.....ew!

Feb 17, 2008Soapdreamer

Why don't people go to the other forum with all the fancy sections and doo dads and mods that will keep track of stuff.

Feb 17, 2008AnthoFlex

No offense, but theres a job at hand. If you're gonna talk about Guitar Hero, take that shit back to Heelychat


Feb 17, 2008Page645

jeremiah wats so bad about GH?

Feb 17, 2008Kain

*agrees with Page*

Are you guys all gh haters? :P

Feb 17, 2008DarkVermillion

EVERYONE plays it.
Like EVERYONE Heelys.
And EVERYONE likes Hannah Montana.
That fat hoe. D:

Feb 17, 2008Kain


Feb 17, 2008xJeremiahx

I just think that your time and effort is better off spent playing real guitar. That is fine if you play the game I hear it is fun. But when you get to the point when you want to "pwn" someone online. It's just to much.

Guitar hero is to guitar as tony hawk pro skater is to skating. Next thing you know little kids are asking if you can do a 900 when you go out to skate.

Feb 17, 2008xJeremiahx

Next thing you know kids will be asking you what's wrong with your xbox controler because it has all these weird string things.

Feb 17, 2008Kain


Well, I do play guitar, but I can't play stuff like Through The Fire and Flames on it yet :P

Same thing with skating games........well....heeling games I guess.....although there are none O_o

You get my point lol

Feb 17, 2008AnthoFlex

Can we let this topic sink?

Guitar hero is:

-Retarded (used to be fun)

-Not related to soaping at all

Feb 17, 2008Kain

Feb 17, 2008Bayonetwork

AnthoFlex layin down the law.

Feb 19, 2008James

This forum doesnt JUST have to be about Soaping...Does it?

I have GH3 for the 360...But you should buy Rock Band, in my opinion its way better.

Feb 19, 2008Spano565

Hey James whats up man do you still soap.

Feb 19, 2008RamenRadio

Yo James how are your broadsides doing?

What grinds can you do?

Feb 19, 2008sam

Haha, pwn? I havent played in a long time, because of how boring it gets but get 500k on ttfaf on expert then talk to me. ;)

Feb 19, 2008moojuiceman

i have it, i dont think its that bad, well mine isnt but there was this thing where EVERY copy only had mono sound, which is pretty pointless in a music game, so rock band would be better. by the way i tried going onto that heelychat thing to say this, but it kinda, wasnt there...

Feb 20, 2008rhinoskater30

Just play the REAL fucking guitar man... that's what I do.

Feb 20, 2008Megashadow77


Holy shit, people!

Feb 20, 2008rhinoskater30

Ya I know I have Rock Band, but everyone's all

"I just beat (song) on expert." That's how the song should be played on the real guitar and the real guitar has six strings with about 25 frets, give or take. There's hundreds of combinations that can be played. Not just like...9

I hate hearing that cuz I'm just ya I can do that too. It would be better if everyone learned just so we could all be playing music and stuff.

Feb 20, 2008Megashadow77

what's wrong with saying you beat a song on expert. It's no different than "I beat Halo 3 on Legendary"

Feb 20, 2008rhinoskater30

Ya, but Halo isn't an impersonation of anything. Halo came from... HALO. GH came from... THE REAL GUITAR!

Feb 20, 2008rhinoskater30

Feb 20, 2008SpiderSoaper

oh please play Contra 4 on hard mode.....matter of fact play it on easy, IT WILL STILL PWN YOU ON EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ lol i jus wanted to say that to add to the game conversation

Feb 20, 2008Megashadow77

Guitar Hero is not an impersonation of the real guitar, as it is not trying to replace it.

Besides, Guitar Hero has inspired many people to take up the real guitar.

Feb 20, 2008Kain

Well.....Halo 3 had to come from something. Just like all the other shooting games. It came from ppl seeing shooting in real life, and thinking it'd be fun to be able to do that in a video game. Games like Call of Duty aren't out to replace real warfare, so gh isn't out to replace guitars.

Why do you think I play gh AND a real guitar?

Feb 20, 2008Revengasaur

I'll stick to Pokemon thanks... (Just got all four of my wisdom teeth out, so it's about all I can do.)

Feb 20, 2008AnthoFlex

I play smash bros.

Waiting for brawl to come out

Feb 20, 2008Kain

didn't it already come out?

Feb 20, 2008Revengasaur

Smash bros tight.

Feb 20, 2008xJeremiahx

I guess I just feel out of it cause the last gaming console I owned was a sega genesis.

The only games I really like are the super NES and genesis games.

EarthWorm Jim will always be my all time favorite game.

Feb 20, 2008AnthoFlex

Brawl came out in Japan already

It comes out in the US March 10th.

I feel bad for the europeans, they JUST got their release date for brawl.......June 6th

Feb 20, 2008heelyhailey

aha, i buy games from japan when i rly want em
i bought taiko no tatsujin
but thats not planned to ever be released in US, so i guess thats diff

Feb 20, 2008AnthoFlex

taiko what the fuck?

Whats it about?

Feb 20, 2008sam

Feb 20, 2008Revengasaur

I agree with Jeremiah, NES, SNES And Genesis are always gonna be the best systems in my eyes. I just can't get into the new stuff...

Feb 20, 2008Altman

Taiko? You mean that drumming game on the PS2? That came out about two or three years ago in America. And how could you not be into newer games? It sounds like you've never played No More Heroes.

Feb 20, 2008Revengasaur

Nope, but I've heard good things... I dunno to me WII=GIMMICK... I'd hate to get one and watch it get pushed to the back of the "Kook closet" with my powerglove.

Feb 20, 2008Kain

well the Wii is AMAZING!!!!!!

And it's doing better right now than the PS3 AND Xbox 360.

Feb 20, 2008xJeremiahx

If I where to get any new console it would be a Wii for the fact that I could play older Nintendo games on it. But it would be a waste of money because my emulators do the same thing on my PC.

Feb 21, 2008heelyhailey

altman, i got it for DS tho :D

Feb 21, 2008Page645

how the fuck? a drumming game for the DS?????

Feb 21, 2008Kain

I'm assuming you use those finger things to tap on the screen and play virtual drums lol

Feb 21, 2008heelyhailey

aha, yeah, its actually pretty fun :P

Feb 21, 2008Revengasaur

Yeah, I've played twilight princess for the Wii. It was awesome, but it was a gamecube game... one of three or four I was interested in playing. The golden era of videogames is over.
Xbox 360... *shrug* and the PS3? What were they thinking? $600 for an ugly doorstop.

Feb 21, 2008Kain


The Xbox 360 rocks. I'm played them before. But the Wii still pwns any other gaming system created by mankind =D

The golden era of video games has just begun ^.^

Feb 21, 2008RamenRadio

Yeah, I agree with Jeremiah about this. I enjoy playing the guitar a lot more than the stupid game.

As for skating games, I don't like any skate games unless it's skate for the 360. It's not like how skateboarding was for me, but it's a little funny (getting hit by cars). i can't exactly do that when I was skateboarding.

Playing the guitar is a lot more fun than guitar hero. I'm doing the real thing, and I don't have my songs provided to me like in guitar hero. I hate that. I'm glad I got to return that shit.

Feb 21, 2008moojuiceman

JUNE 6TH!!! This is why i need to buy a japanese or american console, more games, earlier release dates. everything good and i can still use it with my english tv

Feb 21, 2008moojuiceman

oh well, mario kart wii on 11 april, before america gets it, hahaha

Feb 21, 2008Kain

wow....what a thriller O_O

well, yeah...playing guitar is more fun than guitar hero, but.....playing Through the Fire and Flames, etc. is a lot easier on gh =D

And I can play online, against other ppl

Feb 21, 2008xJeremiahx

Yeah but if your time is spent learning how to beat "Through the fire and flames" on guitar hero at the end of the day all you did was beat a level on a game.

If you spent the same time learning to play guitar the possibilities are endless.

Feb 21, 2008sam

Heh through the fire and flames is way easier on guitar than it is in guitar hero. It is for me at least. I can play the bridge and all of hermans solos just fine, while i can barely beat ttfaf on expert. Please stop worrying about other peoples lives.

Feb 21, 2008Altman

Anybody ever play Ouendan on the DS? That game's pretty fun.

Feb 21, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Does anyone here still play Sonic Next Gen? Definitely my most favourite game of 2K6.

Feb 21, 2008Altman

Dude I'm going to say this right now as a serious Sonic fan. Sonic 06 was the biggest dissapointment in the series since Shadow the Hedgehog.

Feb 21, 2008Altman

I'm sticking with SA2.

Feb 21, 2008RamenRadio

I hate that song so god damn much. It's so fucking annoying. Same fast shit over and over and over and over and over again....


That's the only god damn lyrics I can hear on that stupid song. Dragonforce isn't music. That's worse than any other kind of metal

Feb 21, 2008iwantsoapshoes

It isnt, its just not your style. people like different things you know, it doesnt all revolve around you.

Feb 21, 2008sam

No, actually hair and glam fag metal are worse.

Feb 21, 2008RamenRadio

iwant, it's not music. It's just a bunch of hammer ons.

Feb 21, 2008Soapdreamer

Wow thats pretty overgeneralized Ramenradio.
I agree with iwantsoapshoes.

Ramen I better hope you don't say Rap is a fine form of music because its not.
Most rap is just talking to a soundtrack composed by someone else.

Feb 21, 2008xJeremiahx

I actually respect almost all types of music. However I do chose not to listen to some types.

A lot of rap is made up of samples and that does require some work but it's just not a creative as making it from scratch.

I just recently started making my own hip-hop beats. It's pretty fun and there is a lot you can do with it. I stay away from the sampling though.

Feb 21, 2008Kain

well.....you don't have to "learn" to play gh (or at least I didn't), it's just pressing buttons on a plastic guitar. I do it for fun. when I actually want to learn something that I can play whenever I want and perform for ppl, I use a real guitar.

I wouldn't know about ttfaf, but I know My Name is Jonas is WAY easier on a real guitar.

take a chill pill

Soapdreamer, Jerimiah, and iwant,
I agree with all of you. No kind of music is stupid or pointless, b/c they all have their differences and different ppl that like them.

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

shadow the hedgehog was not a dissapointment altman, i liked, and not everyone hated it

Feb 21, 2008Megashadow77

Well, let me just pitch in my 2 cents.

Sonic 06= Good idea gone bad.

Guitar Hero= Fun



Travis= In some weird hating phase.

Rap= A lot of people like it, but I don't.


Sam, i wanna see you play TTAF on real guitar

Feb 21, 2008RamenRadio

Kurt had me rap, I listened to it for a month and then thought it sucked.

If you guys played the guitar, you'd think the same thing. Ryan Armstrong has some good taste in music, and he doesn't even play guitar.

And music can be boring once you've played it. Playing that stupid slayer song is boring too

And what does rap have to do with guitar hero? I don't get how that intertwines soapdreamer.

Feb 21, 2008Soapdreamer

I was just saying what kind of music to me doesn't feel like music. He said that TTFAF is just hammer-ons and not music.
And I thought so what if it is just hammer-ons?
Doesn't mean it can't be music and also sound good.

Feb 21, 2008Kain

Sonic 06=PWNZ!!!
real guitar=better than gh
Travis=*agrees with mega*
Rap=HATE IT!!!
Sam=*wants to see a ttfaf vid*

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

kain wat do you see in sonic 06? the grafix looked beutiful, everything else was pretty bad. Shadow wasnt really wat expected, but it's still godod

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper


Feb 21, 2008AnthoFlex

Smash bros is my favorite game.

If the people at sonic would create a sonic game that didnt have the traditional pointless "running from beginning to end", then i'd be more interested.

Although SA2 held ground as its own thing....thank god they didnt fuck THAT up, otherwise soap wouldve been in worst shape, haha

Feb 21, 2008Kain


The storyline was awesome =D

And Shadow was the best out of the rest of them

Feb 21, 2008AnthoFlex

Both Shadow the hedgehog and Sonic 06 had brilliant storylines, and beautiful graphics.

But yet again Sega makes their games with retarded controls, and a bunch of glitches.

Feb 21, 2008AnthoFlex

***Shadow the hedgehog's cutscenes had beautiful graphics...the gameplay graphics were disgusting. Shadow held guns 5x bigger than him, His legs looked like rubber when grinding....only the CG cutscenes looked good.

And in my honest opinion, Shadow the hedgehog shoulda been made all CG...as a MOVIE

Feb 21, 2008Kain

what's wrong with that? Big guns are always a good thing =D

And...in my honest opinion....all this stuff, sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc....should be made into CGI movies =D

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

traditional pointless "running from beginning to end"........ well antho that's kind of wat makes a rue sonic game...........

Sonic tried racing games....
Sonic R (bad)
Sonic Riders(worse)
Zero Gravity (worse)
Sonic drift (can go to hell)

............... mario pwnd that genre with Mario cart, sonic couldnt do it.

Sonic tried a fighting games......

Sonic the fighters (boring)
Sonic Battle (Acceptable)

.......Mario pwned it with Smash Bros, sonic people kinda gave in.

Sonic tried party games.

Sonic shuffle (ass)

Mario made 10 party games, they were good

Sonic tried to beat mario by coming first to the next gen consoles......

Sonic 2006 (needs no explanation)

Maio super pwnd with Galaxy.

Mario also did Rpg's

Mario RPG legend of the 7 stars (awsome)

sonic is coming out with an RPG too

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

the creaters made good games in the past, so this may be good...............................................................

Sa2 was the last good sonic game made, no i did not like heroes, and Shadow like i said before was not bad

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

antho thats wat thought too, make Shadow into a movie, the storyline for 06 was weird. why is sonic having relationships with a human? a love relationship! i mean, wasnt amy even mad?

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

shadows gamplay grphics were assssssss, he was shorter than in Sa2, he looked better in Sa2, and even better in 06. Sa2:battle, was a dreamcast remake for GC, and Dreamcast and sega were ahead of their time with grafix and online play, the dreamcast is in the same Generation with GC, PS2, and xbox. it jus came early and died early, thats why sonic and the characters in Sa2 looked the best out of the other sonic GC games

Feb 21, 2008Kain

You're forgetting that new one, sonic and mario at the olympics =D lol

Feb 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

oh my bad......

Mario and sonic at the olympic games



Feb 22, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I have to say, olympics must be the shittest sports game ever. Sega should just hand sonic over to nintendo and blow themselves up.

Feb 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

poor sonic, once mighty and strong (and fast), now i dont even know who you are anymore. where's the angry videogame nerd when we need him

Feb 22, 2008Soapdreamer

I heard that the sonic RPG is gonna be made by this awesome company called bioware.


Feb 22, 2008AnthoFlex

Sonic has potential...Look what happened with Secret Rings, it wasnt a masterpiece, but it kinda saved the little Blue Guy.

It was different

Feb 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

it's not sonic's fault, it's the sega guys. even though these bad games of him come out, he's still lovable
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