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How did you rack your nuts?
Feb 17, 2008 by vault

Just a topic. i havnt posted in awhile.

Ok so There was this handicap rail, not to long about 9-10 feet long and i ve grinded this rail many times and it was fun. but one day i jumped from the other side of the rail n alongside it was a bench, so i hit shoe and all i thought was "oh crap"
*sounds of nuts hitting rail*
So im on the ground and my buddie mikey is laughing but the day after that i jump back on the rail and got over it.
SO post your story if u want

P.s. plz dont post specific feelings of your balls =)

Feb 17, 2008Kain

There was a handrail at the rec center skatepark, and it was square. I was too close to it when I jumped onto it, so I landed on the top instead of on the side. Front foot slipped off to the left. Back foot slipped off to the right.


Lying there in pain for about 10 minutes.....XD

Feb 17, 2008AnthoFlex

I got racked super hard on Queens College's super monster rail.

You know you've been racked bad when you're feet are still dangling and your toes dont even touch the floor when you stretch em.

That one bail mentally scarred me for so long.

Feb 17, 2008Kain

Same here lol, I haven't hit up that handrail since

Feb 17, 2008DarkVermillion

Well, it was the day I first used my soaps as a matter of fact. D:
I got cocky (No pun intended. XD) and I tried to do this white handrail in front of my school and I got on it, but my back foot slipped and well...
I layed on the ground for 30 minutes in pain while all my friends laughed. XD

Feb 17, 2008SpiderSoaper

last July i tried this cool rail downtown next to a chidren's playground, my friend was filming some grinding i was doing, but he wasnt filming wen i fell so i cant show u guys, but wen i jumped on the rail for the around the 15th time that day, as i jumped on the rail my front foot's rubber area instead of the plate landed on the rail, my back foot plate landed on the rail, this caused me to of course fall, but so painfully because half of my body was on one side of the rail and the other on the other half, so basicaly the rail was in the middle and i hit my upper right thigh on the rail, my friend was laughing and i laid on the ground for 5 minutes, and i took the bus and called it a day, and the people on the bus were just staring at me and i guess they knew i was in some sort of pain

Feb 18, 2008JeiHeirumaru

Haven't racked mines yet,so no stories yet

Feb 18, 2008SpiderSoaper

oh shit i'm retarded, lol, i told a story that had nothing to do with racking my nuts, oh well i never have

Feb 19, 2008Megashadow77

FUNNY! *point*

Feb 19, 2008matrix8967

i wrote a whole essay on this...look for it in the forums. it's called something like "english paper" or something.
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