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Use of the SOAP logo
Jul 2, 2004 by Ryan-FST

Today I received this:

"From: "Maddalen Fuentez"
To: Blindtogrind@yahoo.com
Subject: Soap Logo Usage
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 15:45:27 -0500

This is a request that you remove all official Soap Logos off of your website, Free Style Soap. You do not own the rights to our official Soap logo. You can use the name "Soap" all over the place but to use our specific logo or emblem you are infringing on our rights. Soap is a registered trademark of HSL. Unless you are one of customers, meaning a retailer for us. Then you are not directly affiliated with us. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and understanding this legally. Thanks.


I also checked the New York City Soapers website and they had got the same email. I think they should let us use it, we're promoting the sport and getting it recognized. So anyone else who has a soap site with the logo, will probably have to do the same.

Jul 2, 2004Wesker

Here is the reason, and when you think about it. It's a good reason. I would still like to use the Soap logo/emblem, But then again it's not totaly neccessary. On my site I had just one soap O, there are none on this one.
"Rhonda, Director of Marketing/Advertising, said that it is the law and that is how it works. SO I did not argue with her on that point.She does not want to be associated with the trash that is talked on some of those chat rooms negatively concerning SOAP. Letting consumers think we are linked with that site directly. That is basically it.


Jul 3, 2004Curtinator

Screw Them

Jul 3, 2004dunk

Like every other company out there, Soap don't want poor content/media/bad comment beyond their control being associated with the brand any more than it has to be. Restricting use of a logo enables them to do this and reduces confusion between internet users who stumble on a site displaying a logo which, in not so many words, suggests it is affiliated with the advertised brand when in reality it isn't.
Unless you're a retailer or advertiser with specific permission to use the logos they'll shoot you down.

Jul 4, 2004Mart

'Soap don't want poor content/media ... beyond their control being associated with the brand'

That'll explain why Dario got it, then

Jul 4, 2004Greg

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