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The Game Of Grind on September 20th, 2003
Jul 2, 2003 by Jordan_Thompson

In September, in Abrams, Wisconsin (which is about 16 minutes North of Green Bay and about 2 - 3 hours from the U.P.), I will be hosting a "The Game Of Grind". It will be a contest, best trick contest, and long grind contest. Contests start at 1 and last till 3 unless more time is needed. a Hands-on demo is happening beforehand and afterhand, $5 for 30 minutes, $2 for every 15 minutes after that. Bring your own soaps and you don't have to pay. Contest entrance fee is $5, winner takes whatever the purse amount is. Best trick winner gets a prize package, everyone gets a small prize package for entering. Soap is everything but confirmed as a sponsore, I am still awaiting confirmation from Klarbrunn waters, Dickies, and Fox. It will also be sponsored by some local people. I will be releasing a video by the end of this year with The Game Of Grind #1 for about $10.00 (but it has bonus footage of a "trip"). The whole day consists from 9 am - 6 pm. Soap shoes will be available for purchase at the event, stickers and banners will also be available. Any questions, please post under this topic and I will clarify your concerns. Thanks!

Jul 3, 2003mike

Someone buy me a shirt and I'll pay your back.

Jul 3, 2003mike

you* and i mean a soap shirt

Jul 3, 2003Smokey

I just wanna watch you stand there alone all day, because nobody will go to the demo. I will laugh. Stupid idea.

Jul 3, 2003GreenBeret

hahaha good one tanner.

Jul 3, 2003Jordan_Thompson

I could hook you up with a shirt than... e-mail me at jthomthom@yahoo.com and we can get in touch with shipping. It will not be until later tho, I have not gotten my boxes yet.

Jul 3, 2003Jordan_Thompson

You don't got to worry. I already have 9 confirmed for the contest, excluding I and Tanner. But, there are a lot of people intersted about FSW comming to this demo. I think it will be a big success. We'll just have to wait and see.

OH, I will be releaseing a video of "The Game Of Grind #1" with a bonus 15 minute "trip" video in the beginning. So all you people not able to attend, you can see how the contest went down and some of the local Wisconsin FSWers are like. I will be selling this tape around $5 - $8 come November-ish.

Jul 3, 2003Tanner

Even though I hate this idea, I'm going to come and win.

Jul 3, 2003Jordan_Thompson

9am - 12 pm: Hands on demo
12:01pm - 1pm: Practice runs, Sign up times
1:01pm - 3:00pm: Contests
1st Contest: Park (go wherever, do grabs, grinds, manuals (if heely shoes)) - Purse goes out
2nd Contest: Best Trick (on a flatbar) - Everyone gets small prizes for entering, and a pair of Soap Shoes for winning? Or maybe a bigger package.
3rd Contest: Long Grind (PVC pipes conected) - Just for Fun
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Demo's, Pictures, Signings, Sales whatever
6:01 pm - 6:30 - cleanup

Jul 3, 2003Jordan_Thompson


Money for food
Money for t-shirts and shit
Money for entrance ($5 entrance fee for contest)
Money for if you want to buy new shoes

Jul 4, 2003Mart

Where else are you advertising this? If Tanner could hook me up with a copy of the video, a bunch of stickers and a t-shirt, I will love him long time...

Jul 4, 2003Tanner

Fine, you pay me back in US currency

Jul 5, 2003Mart

What, you mean 'the weak currency', Tanner?

Jul 5, 2003Smokey

aaron lets see some goddamn video?

Jul 5, 2003aaron

maybe... i dont really soap anymore, the only time i ever soap is usually at the end of skate sessions where we're all just hanging out at a spot, and its not something we bother getting on video because its just soap shoes... to me it's all about the rollerblading... but maybe next time i session i'll tell them to videotape me soaping

Jul 5, 2003aaron

i should see if i can take it further... i've been doing 450 grinds to close to a year now, i should try starting to 630 or something, doubt it though, i cant even 720 stable

Jul 5, 2003Tanner

Yeah, what the hell is a flatbar? If its a practice rail, wow, you're retarded

Jul 5, 2003aaron

haha oh dear, if you guys give me and greg transportation there, and find us an actual handrail (tricks on a flatbar... thats only good for tech rollerblading people, keep the soaps to handrails) we'll go and clean house, us canadians know how to kick ass... 450 switch royales, 450 unitys, 540 alley-oop mizsuos, 270 hardspin royales to 360 royales.... yah, i think we'd clean house on a handrail....
oh, and if you let paul roche (a rollerblade from PEI) he'll show everyone up... his first 5 minutes of soapshoes and he was doing 720 grinds on a knee high ledge, give him half hour to practice and he'd be kicking scrotum

Jul 5, 2003Jordan_Thompson

I don't believe all that 450 onto handrails or whatever. Fuck that, I could see a 270. Maybe a 450 on skates, but not Soaps. 720 onto a ledge... pfff... Fuck you Aaron. The best trick is done on flatbar, but the park is all around (w/ handrails).

Jul 5, 2003Smokey

I can't even jump and do more than a 360... It's hard to picture someone doing it on shoes and into a grind... But please, do prove me wrong.

Jul 5, 2003aaron

money from the motherland is worth more

Jul 5, 2003aaron

... and by motherland i mean england

Jul 5, 2003Jordan_Thompson

Mart - The movie will not be out until a November/Decemberish 2003 time. I can ship it to you (you live in the UK, right?). Tanner - Are you going to be in the extra 15 - 20 minute soap trip that I am adding? I want to finish the movies filming by September, so we'll have to meet up. Wisconsin FSW scene... booyah! :)

Jul 5, 2003Tanner

Yeah, I'll plan on it. And also, you can do 720s on soaps..and aaron knows what he's talking about. He's been around as long as I have

Jul 6, 2003Mart

Aaah Aaron, I'm glad you know where your roots are. Sterling fo' life. And I have enough fun 270 out of a grind, I can't imagine 540 into grinds... Heely should have looked to Canada for the Soap team

Jul 6, 2003aaron

haha, us Crazy Canucks are good soapshoers because of the long lumberjack days during the fall.. builds the muscles and manliness right up

Jul 6, 2003GreenBeret

jordan ur pretty dumb if u dont think 450 can be done to a grind. 540's as well its all been done.

Jul 6, 2003Smokey

yes but in shoes... in skates it's easier because you don't need to have any forward motion in your jump to be able to grind. With soaps you have to make your jump have forward and upward motion to jump. And that forward motion takes a lot away from the upward...

Jul 6, 2003Smokey

to grind* meh you know what I mean more than I do.

Jul 6, 2003aaron

the slope of a handrail provides all the momentum... its true, doing a spinning jump on shoes will take away a lot of forward momentum, but just focus on landing on the rail, and let the magic of gravity take care of the rest

Jul 6, 2003aaron

oh, and just an update for all you kiddos... there is a VERY STRONG possibility that greg will be going to this demo deely... he wants to pretty much dropkick everyone in the face, so just a heads up so you can start practicing your cheesegraters and UFOs and all your other "cool" tricks now

Jul 6, 2003aaron

some british skater did a 720 soul on a rail in a skatepark before... just letting ya know that the spins to grinds are getting pretty nuts... rumours also have it that haffey almost has the 630s and 720s onto handrails down

Jul 6, 2003aaron

haha, you don't think a 450 into a grind is possible? i've been doing them for about a year now... that dylan character from texas has also been doing 450 royales for a while now... greg has been working on big spin tricks and last time i had talked to him about he almost had 540 mizsuos down... and as for paul, he 450 royales on skates, and can just about 900 on shoes in jump form, and 720 to grind on a knee-high ledge was not difficult for him

Jul 6, 2003Jordan_Thompson

I don't believe a 540 on soap shoes to grind is possible, as of now. And fuck your little "canucks" language... We are all the same. As for Cheesegrater and UFO's, I am done with tricks like that. I am currently doing Pudslides on 7 stiars, Fastlide to Backslide on a 10 set (I will be videoing and taking a pic, pic on my site, video in the TGOG video), Frontside a long double kink (I sent Derek a pic of it, so expect it on the site sooner or laer), and I am doing AO Sidewalks onto handrails now. The only way possible a 540 to grind would be a handup, and I think handups take out ALL the style.

Jul 6, 2003Jordan_Thompson

http://www.freewebs.com/frontsideezine/ check out that site to see my grinds and I will keep adding pictures more and more.

Jul 7, 2003Mart

Jordan, do you wanna quit your whining? Aaron knows more than you ever will about both skating and soaping. What makes you think 540s are impossible? Like Aaron said, all you do is jump up on the rail, nevermind the forward motion, and slide. Bladers can do it, and they've got fuckloads more weight on their feet. And Aaron... why is Greg gonna bother if it's just a pansy flatbar?

Jul 7, 2003Jordan_Thompson

Whatever. I also notice on RESU, Greg is soaping flatbar on many pics.

Jul 7, 2003aaron

greg's plans are to win prize money, cause anarchy, kick some ass, and make everybody shut up about shit they shouldn't be talking about once and for all...

Jul 8, 2003Mart

I guess it's the principal, Tanner... and Jordan, there's no skill in grinding a flatbar. I bust full torques on mine that rival Gregs, but because it's a practice rail, they're gay. You don't see inline competitions going down on flatbars, because it's gay. A soap competition on a flatbar is, you guessed it, gay

Jul 8, 2003Mart

Also, the VAST MAJORITY of Greg's pics are on handrails. So your comment on his flatbar pics is pretty much as gay as your competition

Jul 8, 2003Tanner

Hell Mart, a SOAPing competition is gay. Unless its like IMYTA and you bust some crazzzzzzzzzy shit

Jul 8, 2003aaron

message from greg (his account be deleted) :

resu is an abreviation for retardedsunshine asshole, do you really want to type that out each time? Also, go to this picture everyone, its a got a visual message for you. http://resu.fswer.com/Pictures/greg100.jpg

Jul 8, 2003Tanner

Aaron, call me crazy, but I don't think Greg will show up and pay $5 for entry, then food and gas money, to do 3 grinds on a fucking practice rail. But if he does, I'll finally be able to soap with him. Shibby.

Jul 9, 2003Jordan_Thompson

Fine, fuck it. The Game Of Grind is cancelled. You heard it here first.

Jul 9, 2003Wesker

Ehh..., How can you just cancel when Soap shoes has allready sent you a bunch of stuff?

Jul 10, 2003fordy

a lot more tension over here than in recent times. 270 is the most i can manage. can do 360 cheesegraters...but thats gay aparently

Jul 10, 2003Mart

Yeah, but the 360 makes it a little more stylish

Heh, I like the way Jordan bowed to pressure from people who aren't even gonna be there... way to conform, ass. Just goes to show you weren't the right person to organise a demo

Jul 10, 2003aaron

haha "remote intimidation"

Jul 10, 2003Tanner

Damn! Now I can't win!

Jul 10, 2003GreenBeret


Jul 16, 2003alexei

aaron, you haven't changed...running the same old tired lines over and over and all you have to fall back on is your FootSurfer video...take a hint.

Jul 24, 2003Dj_AH

plus, jordan, havn't u seen Words, Chris farmer does a 540 kind grind, really impossible huh.

Oct 16, 2003derek

so it's october now.... how did the demo/game go?
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