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Mar 12, 2008 by matrix8967

so, I've been meaning to post this for a while, but it's something i thought you guys might get a grin out of.

(i'm not sure how links work on here anymore?)



Mar 12, 2008Hattmac02

is ps3 fun

Mar 12, 2008matrix8967

and just to note: it's a home-brew. built him myself.

Mar 12, 2008matrix8967

and yes. ps3 is fun. very fun. (not to get too far off topic) i really enjoy mine, because it does so much other stuff than other consoles. and if you're worried about the 40 gig harddrive size, you can upgrade the harddrives yourself.

i've been thinking of putting stickers on my ps2/ps3 but, i don't think i will because you can lay them different ways, and if you lay it different that when it was when i had the sticker on it, it'd look bad. (i.e. i have mine on the sides, but if i where to lay it flat, the sticker would be facing a funny angle...)

Mar 17, 2008SiriusLock

it's really smart to perch your ps3 on top of your tv

Mar 17, 2008Megashadow77

Don't talk to Alex like that, he's bitchin'.

Mar 18, 2008wyattpeterson

ps3 is the best out their now !! im playing cod4 now but Grand theft auto 4 is going to be amazing

Mar 18, 2008matrix8967

thanks shadow.

and i agree wyatt. i've been looking forward to gta IV since i first heard about it like a year or more ago.

Mar 18, 2008wyattpeterson

yea lol the wait has been ridiculous

Mar 18, 2008Megashadow77

I've looked forward to GTA IV since.....






"San Andreas Stories?"

"NO! IV!"


Mar 18, 2008wyattpeterson

haha hell yea its gunna be dope ..what are your guys' psn's

Mar 18, 2008wyattpeterson

mine is yak24

Mar 18, 2008Megashadow77

Does that mean Playstation Screen Name?

If so, I apologize, as I am going to have to get it for XBox 360.

Why? Cuz I am poor.

Mar 18, 2008wyattpeterson

oh yea sry i just assumed cause of the ps3 in the pic.

Mar 18, 2008Megashadow77

It's all good.

Mar 18, 2008Page645

hmmmmm personally i dont like the ps3 for 2 reasons
1: the system is way too much

2: there are no good games out for it besides Cod4 and GTA(near future)

that and im more of an Xbox guy i hate microsoft for its computers but MAN THEY MAKE SOME FUCKING SICK GAMES!!!!!! lolz

Mar 18, 2008matrix8967

i would say that this is morbidly off topic. but i think it falls under the "soapers getting to know each other." category.

my psn is matrix8967 (i think...i haven't used any of the online features other than remote connection)

I've been playing GTA since GTA I. I'm old school.

I hope GTA IV comes to PC as well...i just re-bought my gta III - San andreas because i have them on PC for hacking purposes, but my computer uncovers all the bad graphics. like, my monitor is so good, it exposes all the bad graphics in gta games...so i bought them for ps2.

if you're not sure what i mean by hacking, we'll take this example:

exhibit A: CJ from GTA: San Andreas -


exhibit B: Claude Speed from GTA II and III


now, exhibit C:


Claude Speed in the place of CJ. I didn't make the model. make note of that. but i know how to use the tools to put the model in the game. and GTA games are easy easy easy at being simple to dick around with (hence the Hot Coffee mod. which leads to speculations on whether or not GTA IV will be on pc.)

ps3 is pretty boss though. it's the console i've been waiting to buy. i don't buy consoles until the next one comes out. i got my 1st ps2 in june 07. and it sucks bad trying to play catch up on 7 years of games @_@

Mar 18, 2008matrix8967


--for the final link. sorry for double post.

Mar 19, 2008Kain

......*never played GTA*......

Mar 20, 2008matrix8967

that's sad Kain...

but seeing as how you're named after the greatest Vampire since dracula, i'm assuming you've played Legacy of Kain?

I started those with Blood Omen 1 :D
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