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Mar 18, 2008 by Joshua3109

Hey, if I send the Soap Shop 15 $$$ will I be able to get 3X the stickers and cards? Thatd be sweet! =D

Mar 18, 2008AnthoFlex

yea, you would

Apr 18, 2008anaholaboys

hey antho, do you still sell stickers?

Apr 18, 2008MiTcH1337

Aprox. How many stickers would I get for $5? I plan on going soaping into town, etc. And would like to mark up my grinds =]

Apr 18, 2008AnthoFlex

i've only gotten one payment since i put the FAQs page up. If no one wants any stickers, i may take that part of the FAQs down.

Just letting people know, i got some new sticker styles in just the other day.

Apr 18, 2008MiTcH1337

I do want some stickers.

I was going to buy some before but was a little short on cash. Ill be buying some within the week though.

Apr 19, 2008Tank

where's the FAQ page at?

Apr 19, 2008AnthoFlex


Apr 27, 2008misterterse94

ill probably buy some tomorrow about how many stickers do u get for 5 dollars?

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

I'll be buying some sometime this week or next when i order my order my expresses.

Apr 27, 2008misterterse94

they take forevr to get to ur house. god i live in manhattan like RITE across the bridge, and my item is in jersey city like a 30 minute drive, yet... its been three days and its still not coming (4 business days) those item report things are a piece of crap! i think american postal is doing this to piss me off
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