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U.K. rails
Mar 29, 2008 by moojuiceman

hey does anybody know where i can get some round grinding rails in the uk, my friend is getting boltars and we need something to practice on, no hand rails or anything where we live see.

Mar 30, 2008Crazyiom

i am the one moojuiceman is on about i tried his soaps on and lets say i wasnt good hence why we need a rail we can but on grass or something so we dont get injured when we practise

Mar 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I got some sick rails where i am,but thats all the way in south-east london.More to the point,where are you getting those boltars from?

Mar 30, 2008Crazyiom

i am getting them from rawk next day delivery so should be my tuesday and i am so far quessing we will have make some rails

Mar 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Cancel that order.Right now.Rawk is a scam artist.I should know,I've been scammed by them.

Mar 30, 2008Crazyiom

any proof? not saying i dont trust u but still

Mar 30, 2008Megashadow77

Well, you could ask anybody else on this entire website, and they'll tell you the same thing.

Mar 30, 2008Crazyiom

o ok lol anywhere else i can get some?

Mar 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

sssoapshop.com fuck the boltars they aint made anymore.

Mar 30, 2008dunk

mate, rawk.com are NOT scammers, and if you recall they even posted on here to defend their position. The fact is they don't ship to the US. I know a lot of people who buy stuff from them regularly here in the UK.

Mar 30, 2008dunk

btw moojuiceman, go to a scaffold supplier and see if they've got any lengths going spare.

Mar 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

im in the the uk and i never saw hide nor tail of my boltars

Mar 30, 2008RamenRadio

boltars don't suck

Mar 30, 2008RamenRadio

You're talking about boltars as if they are horrible shoes.

I'd take those shoes any day, my favorite shoes right now. Crazyiom, just make sure you get your shoes. iwantsoapshoes was just impatient to get his shoes and just ended up getting his money back. So he wasn't scammed.

Mar 30, 2008Megashadow77


when iwant was ripped off, you were with all of us in the "RAWK SCAMS"

Also, nobody said the boltars were bad shoes. He just said they aren't made anymore....

Mar 31, 2008RamenRadio

So were you, so don't pull that shit. I never ordered anything so I don't know. I was just like "kid didn't get shoes? hmmm what's going on".

but no, iwant was too impatient.

and I don't know what you're going to think if someone says "fuck boltars" michael.

Seriously just get over what happened.

Mar 31, 2008Megashadow77

Yeah, I know I was. I still think they scam as far as that goes.

I think he said fuck boltars cuz he's mad he didn't get em.

You chill out. I'm chilled out.

Mar 31, 2008iwantsoapshoes

When i said fuck boltars i meant fuck gettin' them, not dissin them. anywayz,cant wait for muy express!



I know I may sound crazy, but, hear me out. Rawk don't always scam. They can be complete pains in the A*@! sometimes but however they DID send me my Boltars. But the postage is not what it is cracked up to be. But don't listen to iwantsoapshoes (no offence) as they do send them to you. But I recommend calling them a day after buying to ask them if they had an idea when they would get to you, if they say; 'Sorry we need to re - stock', thats unfortuatly tipical of Rawk. BUT DON'T CANCEL!

Apr 1, 2008RamenRadio

Yeah, so shut up michael you're acting like an ass

Apr 1, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Your one to talk.

Apr 1, 2008sam

Yes, rawk are indeed complete assholes. IF you live in the UK they will send you your shoes in about a month or more, but wont tell you anything on where your shoes are being shipped. Another thing that pisses me off is the fact that they dont tell you anything about your shoes or if you can get your money back, no matter how many times you e-mail them.
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