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I found a sic rail
Mar 31, 2008 by xJeremiahx

Video to come soon. It was very windy so I couldn't get very good footage. I will be going back next weekend with Bo and a tripod. We should get much better footage then.

The rail was in the middle of nowhere and other than the fact that is was a wide rail it was perfect for soaps. I could see no other purpose for it.


and embeded test.


Mar 31, 2008anaholaboys

thats friggen sweet

Mar 31, 2008Kain

maybe another soaper put it there. lol

Mar 31, 2008Megashadow77

Was that the rail you were talking about on AIM?

It looks crazy sick, man!

Mar 31, 2008xJeremiahx

Yep, that is the rail I was talking about.

It was super fun. The rail was very wide though so I had no lock-on with the plates.

Hopefully next weekend it will not be as windy and I will try more tricks than just frontsides. I also hope to do the entire rail as well.

Mar 31, 2008Joshua3109

that is amazing

Apr 1, 2008xJeremiahx

I can't wait till next weekend. Both so I can hit up that rail again and to post some video for you guys.

Apr 1, 2008AnthoFlex

Dude, try and hit that whole thing. That rail is some awesome stuff

Apr 1, 2008xJeremiahx

I'm gonna try. I got about 3/4 of it. I am hoping that with less wind I wil do better.

There are two gaps in the rail toward where it bends so there is no way I am making it past there. Even before the gaps it has to be a good 200+ft. I might measure it while I'm out there.

Apr 1, 2008AnthoFlex

My bad, i'm not seeing any gaps. Where are they? And what bends? you mean when it turns?

Apr 1, 2008xJeremiahx

Yeah, right before it turns there is a 1ft gap then another 10ft of rail then another 1ft gap then the rest of the rail.

Apr 1, 2008xJeremiahx

Who knows, if I have good enough ballance that day then I may try to jump over the gaps. lol

Apr 1, 2008iwantsoapshoes


Apr 1, 2008sam

Haha, i have sooo many of those kinds of rails where i live.

Apr 1, 2008Megashadow77

Haha, i have none of those kinds of rails where i live.

Apr 1, 2008AnthoFlex

Theres ONE like that around here, but it doesn't angle down a hill, and its really fat, so you don't get any lock in. Props on finding it

Apr 1, 2008sam

Yeah i have alot of the fat ones, a few ones that are the same but skinner, and one that looks exactly like the one jeremiah posted.

Apr 2, 2008xJeremiahx

Yeah, that is the only downside to this rail. It's very fat. The few times I tried to tweak a trick my foot would pop off.

There are several of these rails along this road but most are flat or have tree branches blocking them.

Apr 2, 2008xJeremiahx

It's by far the longest grind I have ever done though. In the first pic I slid from the top to almost the end of the screen.

Apr 2, 2008AnthoFlex

Fat or not, big or small, you've got yourself an insane practice spot.

Decent practice height, and its long.

Its a 3 in 1. Practice getting used to effortlessly jumping high, practice long grinds, and balance

Apr 2, 2008xJeremiahx

It's still better thany other rail I've found. Especialy since I'm a pussy and I'm afraid to jump onto higher rails. This will definately help.

P.S. Renny, I don't know if you are "back" or not but if you are...welcome back.

Apr 2, 2008blakeashake

nice rail bro and yea welcome back if you are actually back
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