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XjeremiahX Presents "The SOAPer Hunter" part 1
Apr 7, 2008 by xJeremiahx

Bo and I thought it was pretty funny. It was totaly unscripted and random.


Apr 7, 2008Jard39

nice pretty funny

Apr 7, 2008spotnik

Nice one Dude

Apr 7, 2008wyattpeterson


Apr 7, 2008Joshua3109


Apr 7, 2008xJeremiahx

Thanks for the comments guys. I had fun. I put "Part 1" because I was thinking I may try additional parts in the future. Something a little more planned.

This was also the second rail that we found out there. This one was a bit higher and more downhill. We ran out of wax about 1/2 way down it. I got one solid lock-on, slid the entire waxed portion then ate crap. It was pretty funny.

I will put together some clips from this day's soaping session when I get home today.

Apr 8, 2008rhinoskater30

Only bad part... not long enought! lol

that was funny, attracting females, ha
good job

Apr 8, 2008xJeremiahx

Yeah, I'm more than likely going to do more parts. And next time I will work on my steve erwin voice more. I was doing southern accents all day and when I tried to do steve erwin it messed me up.

Apr 8, 2008xJeremiahx

I made a real quick edit of our soaping from this day. I don't know if I should upload it or not yet because it was suck a quick edit. My computer at home is a piece of crap.

Should I upload it or wait until I can do a better edit? Or upload it and replace it once I make a better edit?

Apr 8, 2008wyattpeterson

wqhatever u want i woundet mind seeing it im bored n drunk :p

Apr 8, 2008xJeremiahx

I'll put it up when I get home today around 4:40(CA time)

Apr 10, 2008AnthoFlex

Ronni, why don't you stick to making pointless threads, those get your point across much easier

Apr 10, 2008anaholaboys

who agrees that ronni blows cock
say "i"

Apr 10, 2008Megashadow77


Apr 10, 2008Jard39

I and ronni your a fag

Apr 10, 2008wyattpeterson

I ! LOL awwww ronni needs attention ..... poor pussy

Apr 10, 2008xJeremiahx

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