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Cleans vs Expresses
Apr 7, 2008 by Joshua3109

Whats better cleans or Expresses?

Apr 7, 2008Kain

I'd take express b/c of the cemented plate and the cooler looks

Apr 7, 2008mets603412


the plate on the clean uhf original is not a good plate it got my friend in some trouble

Apr 8, 2008mets603412

i used to lik cleans but i been usin my friends express lately

Apr 8, 2008rhinoskater30

well, hmmmm. I like express and cleans. I can't really chose cuz they're kinda different. I guess they're both good in different ways.

Apr 8, 2008wyattpeterson

expresses because the plate has better lock

Apr 8, 2008RamenRadio

my final piece of advice is to say to just get express.

and that's probably all we will ever have.

Apr 8, 2008RamenRadio

and you won't be able to find replacement plates for cleans, and UHF plates never last.

Especially not with me, whenever I grind on a curb or a ledge BAM, there's a groove.

Apr 8, 2008wyattpeterson

expresses is all you need..... if i can do back unity down a big handrail their good

Apr 9, 2008SapAuthor

Cleans have a rock hard sole, they hurt my feet to the point i couldn't wear em. I have sensative feet though, but if you have sensative feet, cleans will kill them (u'll need a good foot insole with gel or something to make comfertable)

Apr 9, 2008Joshua3109

Hmmmm because I was thinking of buying the size 11 blue cleans off of Ebay today if I win the auction that is haha. Im a size 10 in my Expresses so one size wouldent make a big difference would it?

Apr 9, 2008mets603412

yeah, and the express is a small shoe compared to regular size shoes about a half size smaller

Apr 9, 2008mets603412

nd ur gonna hear this from renny that replaceable grind shoes are heavy

Apr 9, 2008Joshua3109

Oh man my mom isnt gonna be home for a while, looks like no cleans for me

Apr 10, 2008Soapdreamer

wrong,wrong,probably not,never,better than you at least,most of us already do,Well yeah if it was like a pvc pipe on the ground standing on one foot and sliding her foot 2 inches on the pipe,the basic stuff yeah but it progresses to more impressive with skill(kinda like skateboarding,bmx,blading),Most soapers are pretty cool people.
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