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Auto-Waxing Shoes...
Apr 8, 2008 by sam

Ok, I got this stupid idea for a way to automatically wax a ledge/rail as you grind it. Being the kind of person i am i go to work trying to make it work. The result was a pretty good success for a prototype. I attached some straw onto a tube so when you grind wax will countinuosly flow out, but it wont come out just walking around. I am way too tired right now but here are some pics of the prototypes.



Apr 8, 2008sam

and dont worry about it hitting the break bar

Apr 8, 2008mets603412

don't look that stupid, looks pretty sick

Apr 8, 2008Kain

looks ok.....if it works. I'd be worried about the wax getting on the surface. Wax is supposed to be rubbed on, but if it just falls out of the straw, will it stay on the rail?

Apr 8, 2008Joshua3109

I would imagine it depends on the wax used and the conditions associated with the rail. If the wax were to fall out of the straw infront of the shoe then i cvould imagine it would be grinded over almost instantly becasue the size of the straw is so small

Apr 8, 2008sam

yeah, theres a tube connected to the straw, and it only pushes a little bit out, allowing for it to stick to the rail easily. Once again these are prototypes and i will be working on them alllllooot more.

Apr 8, 2008Kain

here's another idea.....

somehow attach a piece of wax to the outer edges of your plates, so it rubs off as you grind

Apr 8, 2008Joshua3109

Wouldent that mess with your tweaking though? And even if you put on an amount small enough to not do any major impact on the grinding wouldent it still wear off quickly?

Apr 8, 2008Kain

yeah, I guess......
difficult concept

Apr 8, 2008rhinoskater30

you'd have to grind to find out
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