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My E-mail to HSL...
Apr 21, 2008 by rhinoskater30

To whom this may concern:

Hi. I have recently come back into contact with Soap Shoes again. I remember them way back from around 1999 to around 2002. Now that I have been reminded of these shoes I was wondering if HSL would begin producing them again. So, are you? I know a couple of people that would and have enjoyed Soap Shoes before. We have tried the Heelys with grindplate recently and have found a couple of problems, some of which are: Our feet are too big, and the soles hurt our feet. We didn't have these problems with Soap Shoes and we found that the grind plate in Soap Shoes seemed to work better than those of the Heelys models of shoes.

I have also found a website that is devoted to Soap Shoes. If anyone at HSL has been there and knows what site it is, I'm sure they would know that there are hurtful and rude comments made against others and Heelys. From what I have found, the comments aren't made solely for the buyers of Heelys, but are mainly made because HSL has reduced production quantaties of Soap Shoes, and limited the production to one model, the "Express." Members of this website have claimed the "Express" to be good in quality, but have complained that this is the only shoe that is available. The members of the website and I, personally, have wanted to see a re-birth of Soap Shoes from when the Soap Shoes Company first began. I'm sure this would help settle arguements there (in the website) and satisfy many eager customers, not only on the website I'm speaking of, but also in many parts of America and other countries.

I have also found out that the financial status of HSL and Heelys is not very well either. Many people, and I believe a mass production of Soap Shoes would help boost the prices of stock and help HSL rake in a lot more money. Plus, with more money from Soap Shoes means more money to produce more Heelys that are good in quality. Thus, Soap Shoes and Heelys would do equally as well, as long as Soap Shoes would still be produced in many different styles and in good quality. If Soap Shoes were made separate from Heelys and Heelys had no grindplate, consumers would have to buy both Soap Shoes and Heelys.

These are only thoughts and a couple facts from one person, of course my information came from many different, un-named sources. I truely believe production of Soap Shoes could help HSL and turn it into a true empire. I think Heelys has already dominated the "wheel in the heel" department, and has done well. Maybe Soap Shoes could turn your company, even though it already seems to be a monopoly, into a huge monopoly that could dominate not only the grind shoe and roller shoe industry, but the skate industry in whole.

Please take this into consideration, as Soap Shoes were a good product and were enjoyed by many.

[Some information may not be true but whatever.]

Apr 21, 2008rhinoskater30

Thank you for your email. Our business is driven by the retailers. The retailers business is driven by the consumer. There are no retailers who ask for Soap shoes except for 2 and they are online retailers. These 2 retailers don't order and sell mass quantities of Soaps. I would imagine if all the "sports" type retailers came to HSL with demands of needing thousands of Soap shoes something would change. The people that enjoy or love Soaps are not really a large population in the scheme of things. I know that Soapers believe they are, but selling less than 1000 pairs of shoes in the last fiscal year in the whole world is not really showing a demand for product.

I know the website you are speaking of. Yes, in the past and maybe even now they have had very rude and crude comments not only about HSL but also about the people who work here. Most of the time, if someone here reads them, they are ignored due to the age group on that forum.

HSL is a public company therefore our financials are public information. If you check any of the financial sites you will see that HSL is a debt free company.

We appreciate you taking the time to write a well thought out email to us. Please know that your opinions/concerns are important and will be noted.

Apr 21, 2008AnthoFlex

Dude, i havent read any of what you just wrote. But didn't we all agree not to send ANYTHING to HSL?

Steve gave us specific orders for everyone who soaps not to even talk about HSL

Apr 21, 2008AnthoFlex

But you know what, if what that response says is to be believed (i sure don't) head out to your local skate shops, journeys, and Pacsuns to ask about soaps.

didn't we talk about this already? remember? me offering to travel the U.S to do free demos? Or did you guys already forget THAT too?

Apr 21, 2008rhinoskater30

just read what i wrote anyways...

Apr 21, 2008AnthoFlex

i read it already dude

Apr 21, 2008AnthoFlex

i still think thats an ignorant response. Who wrote it?

Apr 22, 2008blakeashake

who did you email because soapshoes is an automatic response that says thanks for your interest in soaps.

Apr 22, 2008Kain

I get part of what you're saying, but....

separating the wheel and grind plate is like trying to get a cat to declaw itself. ppl would be extremely pissed off if they didn't have plates on their heelys. Yeah, it would make them have to buy heelys AND soaps (making HSL more money), but it would piss them off to the point of not buying either and keeping what they have.

Apr 22, 2008AnthoFlex

Better recognize that soaps came first, Kain

But rhino, who was the one that responded to this email? It sounds discouraging and ignorant.

Apr 22, 2008AnthoFlex

These 2 retailers don't order and sell mass quantities of Soaps. I would imagine if all the "sports" type retailers came to HSL with demands of needing thousands of Soap shoes something would change.

Hmm, and how in the hell is that possible when we sell out, they don't restock us? Does that not mean anything?

I say the response is bogus, and it pisses me off

Apr 22, 2008mets603412

kain r u crazy no one likes the grind this plat not even u or seth liks it nd u guys complain bout th fats wheels all the time

Apr 22, 2008Crazyiom

well if the thing about having no retailers wanting to sell them that is must likely because not many people know about soaps besides people who see us soaping

Apr 22, 2008afrogunso

If we all really want soaps to come back we are going to need to advertise it ourselves. Sadly I have yet to be able to find time to go to stores and promote them. I suggest starting at places that sell Heelys already as they will already have a connection to HSL making it all the easier. Hopefully sometime this week I will be able to go talk to some of the local skate shops around where I live.

Apr 22, 2008afrogunso

Also: Perhaps we should make a petition to some large companies to begin selling soaps, it of course would take more than our community to pull it off so it would take work on each of our parts to go locally and find interested people to sign as well.

Apr 22, 2008iwantsoapshoes

OMG soz but where the fuck are they coming from with that age group thing? Just cuz your shitty Heel-fags are for retarded little kids, it doesnt mean soaps are.

Honestly, HSL please read this next line

Go. Fuck. Yourselves.

Apr 22, 2008AnthoFlex

Yo stupid, you wanna get us in more trouble? Wtf was that thread before?

Do you really like being such a little asshole? Shut the fuck up, and keep all the HSL flaming to yourself. Remember who's in control here, they are. They don't have to listen to us if they dont want to, and you're not fucking making the situation ANY better.

So just cool it the fuck down with the flaming

Apr 22, 2008afrogunso

^ this is pretty much what I replied to the other thread lol.

Seriously listen to antho, he is the voice of reason.

We have nothing to protect ourselves from HSL, they hold all the cards. If we want to make a difference its going to have to be through peaceful negotiations.

All your comments are doing is giving us a even worse view in HSLs eyes.

Apr 22, 2008AnthoFlex

Honestly if i was HSL, i woulda pulled the plug on soap and personally send an email to every single soaper on SG saying "You did this, happy now?"

Apr 22, 2008Kain

it doesn't matter what came first.

If H-blocks were made separately from blades, how would bladers react if you took the H-blocks away?

Apr 22, 2008afrogunso

I personally don't agree with a shoe that has both the wheel and a plate. It just doesnt make sense to me and seems very awkward. Anyways i'm not all anti-heely, ppl can do what they want i'm not going to try and stop them. In fact anything that brings money to HSL makes me happy at the moment. Then they may put some of it towards soap. They are so different of things (grinding and... heeling?) that heelys shouldn't interfere with soap anyways, I guarantee if someone tried soaps even after using the heely grind plate, they would choose soaps. They are tailored for grinding and don't need to waste space, weight, balance etc. on a wheel.

Apr 22, 2008Kain

I kind of agree with you about the soap shoes plates.

But still, heeling would lose so many tricks if they didn't have grind plates.....heeling with plates was what really made it get recognized.

Apr 22, 2008Joshua3109

I actually think this was a very well written message to HSL and really got the message of what we wanted across while complimenting the company's major product. I agree with Antho 100% and have realized before that HSL does periodically read these boards and if they find people saying shit about them they will be that much less willing to help us out by releasing SOAP shoes or restocking the supply.
All in all if I was the receiver of that message I would be thoroughly impressed after reading these boards and would consider supporting SOAP some degree more.

Apr 22, 2008Kain

yup. That's what they listen to. Well thought out and intelligent responses.

Apr 23, 2008AnthoFlex

Kain, wtf are you talking about? What did i say come first? Stop starting shit with me

Apr 23, 2008Kain

you just said soaps came before heelys.....

Apr 23, 2008rhinoskater30

I don't like giving names but because you're you

Apr 23, 2008rhinoskater30

wtf...ok I typed in a lot of stuff and a short thing appeared

~Janice Bynum from Customer Service...she seems nice, like a school counselor...

Thanks Josh, I wanted to give a good e-mail of what was on our minds or at least my mind without being a total douche, I am only 15.

Sometimes even I amaze myself

Apr 23, 2008Kain

idk...that happens to me sometimes too. Maybe there's a glitch.

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

kain noone cares about heels.

Apr 28, 2008AnthoFlex

Soaps did come before Heelys, get over it

Apr 28, 2008Kain

I have gotten over it O_o

you're the one that brought it up

Apr 28, 2008AnthoFlex

actually, i didnt, now stfu
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