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Guys, i wasnt trying to flame HSL...
Apr 23, 2008 by iwantsoapshoes

I was just pissed off at the shitty reply rhino got.I mean come on, doesnt it tick you off in the least that HSL thinks we are all snot-nosed little kids? Also, Renny, there's no need to cut me down like that, i was just pissed off. You do your fair share of flaming yourself, you know.

Apr 23, 2008SapAuthor

I was the one that called attention to remove the post. It does get us agrivated sometimes how HSL handles things, but blowing up for anyone (including me or renny) isn't good, and i would hope others would call us out if we do it ourselves.

Apr 23, 2008AnthoFlex

yes you were trying to flame them

Apr 23, 2008AnthoFlex

Yea, but when YOU flame HSL, guess who gets in trouble?


When any of you little fucks go on spiel of "Fuck HSL this, fuck HSL that, Fuck Heelys" guess who gets the heat?


And when do you ever see me flaming HSL now? Exactly, never, so shut up

Apr 23, 2008Crazyiom

renny, you have a good point about the flaming HSL its a company not a person lol and if its true about you getting the heat from the flaming i apologise if i have done

secondly why the hell flame a company just because theres limited Soaps

Apr 27, 2008rhinoskater30

I wasn't trying to flame either, I just wanted a response. I wanted to see if they had ANYTHING to say at all. Everyone says they get the, "We appreciate your intrest...," Or whatever, reply. I decided that I'd try to make a somewhat nice message.

Renny, I totally didn't mean for you to get into any trouble because of me. I don't mind HSL, I thinks they're a little dumb but it's really just the Heelys and stuff.

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

You didnt get me in trouble Rhino. But whenever someone else goes off on how much HSL sucks or something, i have to take the heat

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

By the way, the response you got back from them is 100% completely and totally idiotic

Apr 27, 2008rhinoskater30

I don't understand it, it sounds nice, but...

by the way, you can call me Ryan

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

Thank you for your email. Our business is driven by the retailers. The retailers business is driven by the consumer. __(1)There are no retailers who ask for Soap shoes except for 2 and they are online retailers. __(2)These 2 retailers don't order and sell mass quantities of Soaps. I would imagine if all the "sports" type retailers came to HSL with demands of needing thousands of Soap shoes something would change. __(3)The people that enjoy or love Soaps are not really a large population in the scheme of things. I know that Soapers believe they are, __(4)but selling less than 1000 pairs of shoes in the last fiscal year in the whole world is not really showing a demand for product.

I know the website you are speaking of. Yes, in the past and maybe even now they have had very rude and crude comments not only about HSL but also about the people who work here. __(5)Most of the time, if someone here reads them, they are ignored due to the age group on that forum.

HSL is a public company therefore our financials are public information. __(6)If you check any of the financial sites you will see that HSL is a debt free company.

We appreciate you taking the time to write a well thought out email to us. Please know that your opinions/concerns are important and will be noted.

1. No retailers that ask for soaps? How about the 1000's of skate shops nationwide that have contacted you but cant get soaps because YOU won't allow it?

2. Yea, especially because you don't restock us on time when we sell out within the first week, huh?

3. Haha, oh man, they have obviously never been to a soapshoes demo thrown by me or had Heelys on the news (besides the little kid who got killed by a car in the bronx wearing them when he couldnt stop) OR on MTV's "Unfiltered" *Gasps* ; )

4. But yet, Selling nearly 1000 in the last "fiscal" year (whatever a "fiscal year" is) without any of their help, no advertising whatsoever, busting our own asses with NO support from them doesn't show anything? And last time i checked, April-January is not a "year". Maybe you should think about that...

5. Wait, THIS forum? The "age group" on THIS forum? Oh shit, i totally forgot that the "age group" on THIS forum was Teen and up. I'm sorry, your right, teens shouldn't be rebellious, or have their own opinions, or say whats on their mind. Ur right, sorry

6. I'm no expert on stocks, but from what i DO know, less than $5 per share (or someshit) for the last few months isn't exactly "Debt free". Perhaps you should let the world know why you're still alive? No? Fine, i'll let them know in a later post.

And THAT people is why I think that the response that Rhino or "Ryan" (not Ryan J) got for his very well thought out and organized letter is completely and utterly ignorant.

**Emphasizing that i think his ACTUAL letter is something to be respected and noted, although shoulda been ran through us at the shop first, but still good.

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

Uh oh, looks like im already taking heat for my last giant comment, ok ok ok, letme fix a few things:

Imma explain my number __(1):

I have called up over 150 skate shops NATIONWIDE (mostly in NY, NJ, PA, CA, FL, and TX) asking if they would sell soaps, or would they sell soaps and i always get this same response or similar:

"We tried ordering, but HSL says they aren't available anymore and says we should stock Heelys instead...so we did....not as cool as the old soaps though..."

explaining my number __(2):

Does anyone remember how long it took HSL to restock the shop? Back in early November they said "We'll restock you in Mid-February...Along with the size 13 express" remember that? Thats 4 months! Remember how there was no size 13 and the shipment came LATE February? That really made it 5 months! I remember that because it didn't even come in time for the March 2nd demo.

Explaining my number __(4):

It came to my attention that we really started selling a lot of soaps starting in fall of 07. Thats when we released the brand new SSsoapshop site. So selling about 600 from FALL 07 to the end of the year isn't a lot?

Maybe not a lot compared to Heelys, but think about it when put like this...We had no commercials, no advertisements, no exposure, no help, no NOTHING from HSL. Just Steve, Renny, and Trevor at the shop...ONLY. Oh, and late shipments of shoes from HSL, but that was about it.

What about Rollerwarehouse? I haven't even mentioned THEM yet. I was just talking about how much the shop sold. How about them when we ran out or larger sizes? Their numbers don't count? People ran over there and their sales shot up for all the larger sizes they still had.

Explaining my number __(6):

Like i said, i dunno shit about stocks. Maybe HSL isn't in debt (otherwise they'd be history by now) but still, going from nearly $50 per share to barely $4.50 per share in like 3 or 4 months? That doesn't really sound like great business huh...?

Look, sorry for having to RE-explain all of that, but like i said, i started to take heat, and i was told to be more "clear" with my last statement, So there ya have it.

PS- It's seriously true that the only time i've seen Heelys in the news was when that poor kid (i think he was 8) in the Bronx got struck and killed by that car all because he couldn't stop on his Heelys.

I'm going to sleep, goodnight

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex


*could and *would in explanation of number __(1)

Apr 27, 2008SpiderSoaper

wow that was awsome, everything you just said antho. Rollerwarehouse dosent really advertise soap, maybe cause it's not their priotity, but atleast in their catalogs (which i have a couple of) they have a section just for the soaps and aent treated like if they were in the clearence sections.

lol, u got them with the Soap demo bieng on the news, and the kid who died with heelys on the news (which was tradgic), heelys is just not as safe, u can accedentilly walk around and just slip on the wheel and get hurt, but on soaps you cant "accedentilly" jump on a rail and get.

Apr 27, 2008moojuiceman

lol imagine that when you're in hospital, "honestly doc, my feet just slipped out from under me and i ended up doing a backside unity on that stair rail."

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

ha, then the doctor looks at his clipboard, shakes his head slowly and says "noob..."

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

The only REAL injury i had from wearing soaps when i wasnt soaping was the time i was running down the stairs of my building with my Broadsides. The lateral plate hit the edge of one of the steps, i slipped forward and suddenly stopped. The top half of my body kept going.

This was because of how much bigger the Broadsides lateral plate is. This hasnt happened to me with any other shoe

Apr 27, 2008rhinoskater30

ok, i think that about explains it all

*walks away*

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

If ur pissed off rhino, allow me to RE-clarify that your email TO them was good, and very smart. It was the RESPONSE that they gave you in return that I and many agree is totally ignorant

Apr 27, 2008Joshua3109

Oh HSL why do you hate Soaps so much :(

Apr 27, 2008Kain

b/c they think the market isn't big enough.

Apr 27, 2008Joshua3109

I just wish they would take a chance with it though, life is about taking risks thats what makes it interesting :(

Apr 27, 2008Kain


too bad the corporate higher ups don't think so.

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

Yo kain

Apr 27, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yay im not the only online.

Apr 27, 2008SapAuthor

Apr 27, 2008sam

Yeah guys, im pretty good friends with the owner of a local skate shop and they wanted to stock soaps. When they called up they were basically told the same thing antho said.

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

man someone should just buy soaps from them and return it to it's prime, HSL probably just saw the opportunity to buy them, and just thought of the shit load of money they'd make (we seen how it worked out), so yea go on HSL, make your heelys more like blades, and see how stupid it is, because thats all your doing. And then one day you'll be dumb enough to think that youve came up with a new idea and come up with "Aggressive rollerblades" even though it's been ivented already. (sorry to go off topic) it's like wen i saw Recess(that show on toon disney) the government took away the kids recess to get better test scores, but then found out it made it worse. So they ask the kids what they wanted in order to get better scores, and the kids are all paranoid and bummed out from not having recess that they cant even speak right. So the government makes a new program for the kids to go outside and let them play and take thier mind off of things, they gave the program a long ass stupid smart worded name, then the fist letter of all the words were abbriviated and it spelled "RECESS", so that's wat they called it, but they pronounced it like "RECK-ES". so yea that was just an example.

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yeah i've seen that episode too.

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

it was on today, halarious.

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And does anyone think i should administrate CPR to my cat, i dont think he's breathing.

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Oh wait no false alarm.

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper


Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

ah forget it. everyone else fucked of?

Apr 28, 2008blakeashake

sam what skate shop Phatman?

Apr 28, 2008Soapdreamer

iwants post was so off topic its funny.

Apr 28, 2008AnthoFlex

Hey people, don't stray away from the topic at hand

Apr 28, 2008rhinoskater30

antho u didnt piss me off or anthing but you wrote A LOT, which is good because it helped A LOT. thanks, i really do understand it now.

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Guys, lets all let this post die. I got put in my place, Renny said some stuff, the end. Nuthin' left to tak about.

Apr 28, 2008AnthoFlex

hell nah bro, i want people to read my giant comments. Theres a lot of truth in them

Apr 29, 2008SapAuthor

Hey, can we get the contact info of the sk8 shop that wanted to get soaps? Steve should be able to do something about this i would think, we would love to work with them possibly, since more retailers = better chance of getting new models and sizes, which i'm allll for lol.

Apr 29, 2008AnthoFlex

Sam, call up yo boys, because it looks like Steve is about to turn into the Hulk again

Apr 29, 2008SapAuthor

lol i don't think Steve really has a hulkish side to him :P but yeah, we're going to have Steve call you up Sam to get the details, we want to make sure we have everything before we talk to HSL about this, we hate looking the fool.

Apr 30, 2008rhinoskater30

So you all are trying to get a skate shop to get soaps, or what?

May 19, 2008AnthoFlex

bump, more people need to see my giant rant
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