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Apr 23, 2008 by Joshua3109

Kinda off topic but do any of you guys Longboard?

Apr 23, 2008Kain

nope.....not portable enough for me.

If I was gonna get anything like that, it'd be a freebord.

Apr 24, 2008Joshua3109

they do look pretty sick

Apr 24, 2008Spano565

I longboard lol.It won't heart anyone to make an off topic thread so no worries untill somebody starts bitchin'.But back to longboarding, it's a lot of fun to bomb hills, carve,slide, and get that adrenaline pumpin' when you go really fast.I get the sdreniline pumpin feeling when i grind.

Apr 24, 2008AnthoFlex

Nah, its actually a coincidence though. I used a longboard for the first time the other day...its so wierd

Apr 24, 2008Joshua3109

Ya I am going top pick one up now in a few days when I get the money, cant wait

Apr 26, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Ha longboards for faggots who cant carve on a skateboard.

Apr 26, 2008Joshua3109

You're really cool you know that?

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

What makes you so cool iwant?,Stop trying to start shit, i'd like to know what the fuck you do that is so much better.

Apr 26, 2008AnthoFlex

i dont longboard, so that idiotic comment doesnt apply to me

Apr 27, 2008misterterse94

he probably "shreds" on his scooter with 5 year olds

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

i lol'd.

Apr 27, 2008Joshua3109

Thanks for the backup there guys, longboarding is sick

Apr 27, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Sure, longboarding is sick. And so is blading, scooting and bestiality.

Apr 27, 2008SpiderSoaper

iwant, r u being sarcastic?

Apr 27, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Nah, you dont say.

Apr 27, 2008SpiderSoaper

so u think blading is stupid?

Apr 27, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Nah i take that back.

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

I like all sports. I started off sk8ing, bladed because of soaps, my older brother used to be sponsored by We The People for BMXing, and my friend is sponsored by Micro, the scooter company.

So im basically exposed to all forms of sports

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

You can all think longboarding's sick or whatever i still think its gay. I rode one fur mebbe 2 mins and i was lyke"Wow, i can carve sick on this thing". But it required so little effort and was so easy, i was soon bored and wanted that 2 mins of my life back.

Apr 28, 2008Megashadow77

lawl, iwant is fucking lame.

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

i'm not a fan of all sports, but hey it's a person's passion or way of life if they wanna do skateboards, bmx, blading, or watever. and cause i like to blade, i dont make fun of skateboarders, or call them "woodpushers", i have no reason to, and hell i use to be one, but then saw that i liked blading more, and i believe that people are only tru skaters if they learn to accept other sports and not make fun of them

Apr 28, 2008AnthoFlex

Fuck it, i gladly invite anyone to call me the "Woodpushing, Fruitbootin' soaper"

Personally, i take it as a compliment

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

i do say those things to my friends, and they call me a fruitbooter right bac (my friends only skateboard) but we never mean it at all. so it's just fun, we mainly say it to mock aragont people who really mean it

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And you, Shadow, are

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper


Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

im spoiling condemned 2

Apr 28, 2008JeiHeirumaru

Ripstikin' for me

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

wtf's that? some sk8 ripoff?

Apr 28, 2008Kain

well.....all except one if you know what I mean....

anyways, I'm kinda the same way. Some of my friends skateboard/blade, and a few freeline

IMO yeah.....I mean, it's a good idea, but it's too similar to skateboarding, and not very good quality. I'd get either a streetboard or freelines....they're both better for tricks.

Apr 28, 2008AnthoFlex

nope i covered all of them. Soaping and Heeling aren't sports remember?

; )

Apr 29, 2008Megashadow77


If by Shadow, you meant me.....

that was quite possibly the most retarded thing I've read in my entire life that was addressed to me.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I put your name in their but it wasnt directed specifically at yoy, i only used yur name 'cuz u calked me lame.

May 5, 2008Louis

I don't longboard, although I have done in the past and I occasionally ride longboards at comps and with my mates, but I do ride slalom skateboards. It's one of the reasons i don't soap anymore.
Anyway, to Kain; If you fancy the idea of longboarding but portability is an issure, I'd say get a slalom skateboard (good companies are Pavel, GeckoDecks, Airflow). They're the size of a normal board but you can carve shit up, race, and theyre 100x more practical than a longboard for travelling around town.

May 5, 2008Kain

meh.....I think I'll stick to my freelines.
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