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Starting over again.
Apr 24, 2008 by Spano565

Well i haven't soaped in actually 4- 4.5 months so it's like i'm starting over again as far as grinding goes.(It'll be fun re- learning tricks i guess but i'll be starting on hip height rails.I remember when i would rip up nice smooth chest high handrails at my school,ahh... the memories lol.)Well back to sqaure 1.

Apr 24, 2008blakeashake

hmm didnt you say 2 months on the other thread?

Apr 24, 2008Spano565

It's been longer then 2 months.So i put 4-4.5 because i marked the day i stopped soaping on my calander because then i was always busy with school,chores,friend,ect.After i posted the 2 months thing i looked back at my calander and was suprised it's been that long.

Apr 24, 2008Spano565

Anyway i'm back.
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Jim Devereux hitting a frontside during the recent UKFSW trip to Ipswich, England.
Alexei Tajzler hittin a Sidewalk
Hugo deLeon hittin a Frontside on the back porch
Handicapped Soaping at the Post Office
Amy Gerein hittin a Fastslide (see, chicks can soap too)