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Apr 25, 2008 by Spano565

Ok guys i just saw a commercial on fuel tv for people who aren't sponsored in any extreme sport.Anyway they're looking for a talent on their new show called un-sponsored.For any soaper that wants to submit anything to them just go to www.fuel.tv.com . This could mean a huge wake up call to HSL.I really thought it was important to post this, it could mean were in the shithole state were in now or we get recognised.It's up to us, as soon as i get my expresse's,a cam,and a little practice i'm submitting a vid. on there.This is are time.Feel free to e-mail me at jspan_1013@yahoo.com if you have any Q's.

Apr 25, 2008anaholaboys

you sure its not http://www.fuel.tv ?

Apr 25, 2008AnthoFlex

im not seeing anything on that site about that

Apr 25, 2008Franticfred

this would be pretty bomb i'm in when i get my express's next week!!!!! and i have this awesome idea for my first vid haha its gonna be so rockin

Apr 25, 2008AnthoFlex

Don't send anything weak to FuelTV, its bad enough that soaping looks weak. Not like it did before

Apr 25, 2008anaholaboys

that kinda depends on who's soaping

Apr 25, 2008wyattpeterson

yea...guys show us before u send somthing in...and never film practice rails

Apr 25, 2008Kain

how do you submit vids to them?

Apr 25, 2008wyattpeterson

dude i wouldnt try kain

Apr 25, 2008mets603412

pft no joke dude

Apr 25, 2008blakeashake

where do you see anything about it?

Apr 25, 2008rhinoskater30

You can't do SOAPs to Fuel TV. It's not really even an official sport. Plus, there would have to be just grind shoes in general not specifically SOAPs because that would be the only sponsor.

Sorry, the only thing close to SOAPs that you could submit would be inlines.

Apr 25, 2008Kain

wyatt and mets,
I didn't say they would be soaping vids.......or even vids of me.

Apr 25, 2008AnthoFlex

You should send in heelys videos

Apr 25, 2008AnthoFlex

And soaps have been on fuelTV twice

They played oNe back last year, and recently there was a clip in flipMode (i think) of someone wearing Brown MB tanks doing a cheesegrater

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Oh and Scarred once.But it's deffinatley worth submitting soaping on fuel tv (What do we really have to lose if we have someone who is good soaping.) Anyway i came up with an idea when we can submit the vid on fuel tv's site.Here it goes - Post a vid of you with your best tricks and post it in the media thread (Not here.),the max time for each vid should be 2.00-2.30 mins. long depending if it's (The vid.) worth it.Now remember don't have any pr rails in the vid, and maybe some ledges if they're good,(No CURBS.) and sick rails, also try to have style.That's it and make it look good.(As far as editing goes depending on if you need it.) The whole community on here should decide who sbmits this one vid. or maybe broox because he'd have far better judgement.Anyway that just about covers it... good luck with the vid's. guys.Be sure to be creative and have some fun with it. - Joe

Apr 26, 2008sam

Woah, soaps were on scarred? Thats awesome! Do you know what episode or when?

Apr 26, 2008Kain

I've seen an X-Games cover of freeline skates. Do you think they'd accept clips of freelines?

Apr 26, 2008wyattpeterson

naa man i doubt it

Apr 26, 2008AnthoFlex

Not to burst anyones bubble, but Wyatt and I were talking about this one last night for hours on AIM. We've decided that him and I should be the ones to make the edit.

In my honest opinion, i would like to add clips from:

AJ and Sam

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

@Sam- I'm not sure i saw the episode in like January one day with a dude in black cleans and for a minute i was like holy shit the dude decked on this little rail lol,(At first i thought they were blades but then looked closer and saw some Uhf's in the shoe and the soap symbol and new they were cleans.As for the episode i'm not sure.)@Renny- What do you mean you and wyatt do the edit,(I'm not mad or anything ut don't fully understand what you mean.) do you mean the vid if so i still like my idea talk to Ryan J or if you can broox because i think they would be better suited for it if they are willing to participate.Plus everyone should get a chance to shine if ya know what i mean.Hell even me, i was at the same level/style wyatt is at now in soaps before my friend stole my shit.Anyway hopefully this isn't a difficult decision. - Joe

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Also i've never saw any media from Sam or AJ (Not that i'm saying you guys suck it's just i think everyone desreves to see what could be sent in to fuel.I'll keep you posted on the sit. if i hear/see any thing about it.

Apr 26, 2008sam

Haha, i know you didnt just say your as good as wyatt is now...

Apr 26, 2008sam

Well, both me and aj have soaped with renny so he knows how good we are. I can jump mad high, and aj has a nice wide trick variety with his broadsides+ sick royales.

Apr 26, 2008AnthoFlex

Nah its not that. As for contacting Ryan J and Broox, theres a whole other big issue at the shop that forbids me from doing so.

Plus, I've seen Wyatt's shit, i've soaped with Sam, and i've soaped with AJ. I know what i can do. And personally, i think we're best suited for the job, not to be cocky. Because all i see on youtube are PR videos in backyards, PVC pipes on floors, and curb grinds.

FuelTV will throw a tape like that aside.

Thats why you need the best of the best. I'm not saying that noone else is the best of the best, we just haven't seen it, you know?

I'm just selecting the people (from my own personal belief's) that would do a kickass job on film.

I hope noone got offended by that.

PS- I doubt any of us will even finish the FuelTV project, so yea

Apr 26, 2008AnthoFlex

If this is gonna continue, imma count myself out.

I don't do this things to become famous or be on TV, i do it for soaps revival, and to get better at what i do

Apr 26, 2008SpiderSoaper

in the past many people on here said that they will make soap vids, but dont even end up doing it, so it dosent really matter, i'll give my soaps another try, (it's been 7 months since i last soaped) tommorow i'll see if i still have it in me, i may not soap big stair rails, but i improvise ( like when i soaped a crane of a tractor, or the square rail of those towing trucks). i may record it, i'm not for sure though. but i will soap again tommorow, just to see if i have it

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Yeah i understand Renny it's cool i'm not much of a fame person either, as long as we get soaps noticed in a good way that's fine with me.But you can't expect me not to ask about Sam and AJ (Again not to offend anybody.) i've just never saw media from either, but you have better judgement then me so it's cool.Good luck guys again i'll keep ya posted if i hear anything. - Joe

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Hopefully you still have it in ya spider, just do it for fun.

Apr 26, 2008SpiderSoaper

spano thanks, and damn sam that's real good

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Ok Sam ya got me (Sick farf man.).I'm a believeerr....(Get's lighter and waves it up in the air.)lol.But your back foot isn't locked on.....got ya.But still sick nonetheless.

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Oh i forgot to metion Jay, "Do it for the fun, and then the ladies." lol.

Apr 26, 2008SpiderSoaper

yea his other foot isnt locke in, but hey it's a pic, Spano did u just call me by my nickname, how do u know it? and as for the ladies, well they seen me soap, they thought it was weak, but my inlining got to them and thought it was cool, hey i'm only good in my area cause i'm the only one who does it, all my friends skateboard, so im alone here

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

"I'm a mind reader that's how i know ok Jay Jefferson." Just kidding dude,um you told me in the meet the soapers thread a longggggggggg time ago when you just signed up and was like "Newark sucks i have nothin to grind" and some other shit.Lol i have like a photographic memory.Anyway Sam's pic isn't bad it's just his back foot isn't locked in otherwise i'd give him props, anyway i'll give em to ya anyway nice job sam.

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

Oh so sorry i ment Jason Jefferson.jk

Apr 26, 2008Kain

nice farf. Your left arm looks weird lol.

Any tips on getting up on handrails that high?

Apr 26, 2008SpiderSoaper

lol, okay Spano, as a matter of fact i remember that now, it's cool though call me whatever both, i'm good

Apr 26, 2008sam

Well, the reason my backfoot is not locked in, is because im going INTO the farf. I would like to see your media spano...

As for getting up onto high handrails, i recommend going backfoot first on really high handrails like this one: http://www.solidgrind.com/photos/soap-shoes/248/
And for ones like you see in my pic above which are just a little bit higher than hip height, still go front foot first. Trust me, taking the time to learn to jump and land on a high rail is well worth it.

Apr 26, 2008Altman

Ahem, no media do you say?




Both Travis and Renny have video of me so hopefully we'll be able to get those online.

Apr 26, 2008Altman

Oh and I'm also in the Buffalo Demo news vids.

Apr 26, 2008AnthoFlex

Imma quote Spano's comment earlier:

But you can't expect me not to ask about Sam and AJ (Again not to offend anybody.) i've just never saw media from either, but you have better judgement then me so it's cool.

Media from who? Me? or them?

Apr 26, 2008sam

He's refering to me and aj, before he failed to realize we have plenty of media floating around.

Apr 26, 2008Spano565

I would put media up if i had my expreses, but i have to buy another pair the only thing is i have to pick a day that i can to the post office.Did i say anything bad about that pic. it's just something i caught that's all.I even gave you props.Nice pics AJ.
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Ryan Armstrong hittin a Pretty Royale
Bart Johnson bustin a frontside in Tighty Whities
Kyle Lefler hittin a Cheese Grater
James Spino and Loren Dallabetta hittin a Double Frontside
Ryan Dawes hittin a Frontside on a big ol kinked rail.