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Apr 27, 2008 by anaholaboys

im thinking about selling my scabs
i have a pair of new navy scabs
new in box with tags and key
again these are mens size 11

here are some pics:

any offers?

Apr 27, 2008misterterse94

ahahah.. they left the box in the second link.
lol where do u live, so i know about Shippin and stuff

Apr 27, 2008anaholaboys

yeah i took them out to show their condition if that makes sense. haha
i live in Hawaii
and could probably get them to ship in a flat rate box because thats how it was shipped to me.

Apr 27, 2008anaholaboys

note: i must sell these because i already have another pair of these and i am fine with just one.

Apr 27, 2008misterterse94

hmm i dunno. lets wait 4 some more ppl to come

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

I wanna buy them off you anaholboys just tell me the price you want for then and how much is shipping.Then just leave your e-mail and we can work it out from there ok.Oh and i think about $50.00 is fair.What do you think?

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

Do you except a check?

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

I need soaps badly.

Apr 27, 2008misterterse94

u should keep it then. when u wear out the ones u got now, u can jus put on the new ones

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

Well, we'll see what he says.

Apr 27, 2008anaholaboys

i actually have seven pairs of soaps right now
so im not really worried about them wearing out.

sorry i can't accept checks.
but i can accept money orders or paypal

heres my email starmut123@yahoo(dot)com

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

Ok thanks man but i live in New Jersey on the east coast and it's 10:32 p.m. i got to get some sleep because i have school in the morning so can i get back to you on it tomorrow or in a couple days, which ever you prefer thanks a lot man i really needed something like this.Oh and i'll be sending in a money order.

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

Oh and if you have any other new soaps up for sale just let me know here's my e-mail - jspan_1013@yahoo.com thanks again.lol i'm hyped.

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

Apr 27, 2008anaholaboys

thats odd,
school on a sunday?
well anyways just send me an email when you get a chance

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

I'm cathlic, so every sunday i have to go to a religion class called CCD to learn about god, lol it's torture.I'll probably send the money order sometime this week (Well as of Sunday.) if thats ok with you.I'll e-mail you tomorrow morning.Thanks again (I have to stop always saying that lol seeya.) - Joe

Apr 27, 2008anaholaboys

oh ok i understand now

Apr 27, 2008Spano565

Ga' night i'll e-mail you details tomorrow as i've stated above.

Apr 29, 2008Spano565

Hey anahola i can't buy your shoes i don't have paypal unless there's another waay i could pay you.

May 1, 2008Revengasaur

Dude I was down to buy these like three months ago, now I don't have the money.

May 5, 2008Hattmac02

gah i wish i had some money that i can spend but im saving up for a pair of jordan v's

Sep 6, 2008anaholaboys

im still selling them

Sep 6, 2008Pluh

How much?

Sep 6, 2008Pluh

nvm I know haha

Sep 25, 2008Franticfred

hey gino i know i messaged you on myspace about this but i also forgot to ask if you have any other shoes that youd be willing to sell me if you already sold the scabs cause i'm in dire need!!!! haha lemme kno dude
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