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Groove in my Expresse plate?
Apr 27, 2008 by Joshua3109

I was soaping the other day with my old Expresses and upon taking them off noticed that a sort of groove was forming on one of my plates, what benefits does this have?

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

Better lock-in, more control

Apr 27, 2008Joshua3109


Apr 27, 2008Kain

meh....I like my express plates with less grooves...they have more speed.

Apr 27, 2008anaholaboys

if you want "speed" try sam's HAIL wax

Apr 27, 2008AnthoFlex

Translation to what Kain really meant:

"meh, i dont like grooves in my plates because i want them to look as fresh and clean as possible"

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

LOL Kain probably showers his heelys.

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

damn, ive been back only a few days ago, but y is everyone bashing Kain?

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Cuz he tries to be all smart and sarcy and he bangs on about heels and shit nobody cares about.

Apr 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

i cant really tell if someones being sarcastic from wat they type, but if u guys can, then oh well he should just stop

Apr 28, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yeah, he should, but that's venturing into shit nobody cares about. lol gotta stop goin on ED im addicted lol jailbait lol wat sick shit.

Apr 28, 2008Joshua3109

I hate it when people say lol, just thought i'd say that

Apr 28, 2008JeiHeirumaru


Apr 28, 2008Kain


just b/c I make a comment about express plates, you assume I'm talking about heelys.



Apr 29, 2008Hattmac02

no body said you said anything about heelys he just said you probably like your plates to be scratchless

Apr 29, 2008AnthoFlex

I saw a picture of Kain, he looks to be about 16,17. But he acts like hes 8.

He gets mad off of the stupidest thing, and he swears everyone is against him. He thinks any little comment, suggestion, or anything said in general in response to one of his comments is flaming

Apr 29, 2008anaholaboys

i remember when i first started soaping
i never wanted to mess up my plates
and was strictly for rail use
but after while i got better and realized my expresses last through some brutal grinds

Apr 29, 2008Kain

well, sorry about that. Call me emo if you want, idc.
and "LOL Kain probably showers his heelys" seems like flaming to me

I only use express for rails too.....I never use them for curbs, only BBKs

Apr 29, 2008AnthoFlex

Thats not really flaming, but it is offensive......... but funny. Probably true too.

But hey, i sleep with a stuffed animal kirby, so w.e

Apr 29, 2008Spano565

We're all different.

Apr 29, 2008anaholaboys

expresses are great on ledges also

Apr 29, 2008AnthoFlex

Yea, i used to use my black Express on almost nothing but ledges. They worked awesome

Apr 29, 2008AnthoFlex

Then i got these master grooves in them, and then they were my best friend for handrails, plus the brake bar on the side, whoot. That's how i finally landed backslides

Apr 29, 2008Hattmac02

nobody called you emo kain and kirby kicks ass

Apr 30, 2008Kain

I know, I'm only saying you won't be wrong if you do....

and kirby doesn't kick ass
he's just cute lol

Apr 30, 2008Hattmac02

u just say dumb shit dude no offense but i wouldnt bring it up that ur emo cause that doesnt help your case. theres two tings i hate in this world emos and heelys

Apr 30, 2008Kain

why do you hate emos?

Apr 30, 2008sam

1. They are gay
2. They listen to shitty music, ex: my chemical romance, green day, red jumpsuit appartus, etc.
3. They just want attention.

Apr 30, 2008Kain

1. I'm not gay
2. it's not shitty, it's just what I like
3. I don't want fucking attention, if I did, I'd talk to my friends (who happen to be ok with emos)

Apr 30, 2008sam

Im not going to start on SG, but the last thing im going to say is that you will one day have to realize that all those bands suck, and dont know how to play their instruments. Go listen to sum death/black/regular metal.

Apr 30, 2008Spano565

It's all personal preference.But i still have to with sam (In my opinion they're all fags who want a lot of attention by writing poetry,cutting themselves,and talking about dieing.) And i'm a death,black,and heavy metal guy, i also listen to a lot of classic rockl like Black Sabbath,Aerosmith,Rolling Stones, and ACDC shit like that.And lets just stop getting off topic by ending the conversaion.

Apr 30, 2008Kain

I do listen to all of that.....

but Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Green Day, Evanescence, and Nightwish are just as good

Apr 30, 2008Kain

why does everyone hate emo?

Apr 30, 2008sam

Name 2 good black metal bands.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Because they're all sad fucks and we've all had enough of there rants on youtube about punk rockers fucking there shit up.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And its just sad. Period.

Apr 30, 2008JeiHeirumaru

I don't hate 'em,onnea my best friends is emo...most of th' time

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And i dont like them.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And my own opinion is all that matters.

Apr 30, 2008Kain

Metallica and Slayer

stop assuming things about emos. We're not all the same. I don't slit my wrists and dress in all black.....have you even seen me in vids?

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And im a self-centered prick.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Wht would i want to watch heely vidz?

Apr 30, 2008Kain

they're not all about heelys, geez..........I mean, not all of you guys soap 24/7

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

The only good thing about emos is you can diss them to tears and they wont do shit.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And im really pissed of cos' there's no guitar in Jay-Z's version of Umbrella.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And the riffs in that song are sick.

Apr 30, 2008Kain

ppl don't diss me to tears......they diss me till I slit their throats.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Now im gonna go jack off to that nude pic of miley cyrus.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Sure. You slit there throats. Suuurree.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes


Apr 30, 2008sam

HAHAHAHAHHAA! Metallica and slayer are not black metal.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I really believe you Kain.

Apr 30, 2008wyattpeterson


Apr 30, 2008Kain

what exactly is "black" metal then?

Apr 30, 2008Kain

yeah....they're awesome

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

*cums over printed picture of nude miley*

Apr 30, 2008Kain

.....that's just gross.....

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Anywayz Kain you slit any1's throat yet?

Apr 30, 2008sam

Mayhem, Emperor, inslaved, immortal, venom, anything from norway...

Apr 30, 2008Kain

never heard of any of them

you don't even want to know

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

What dont emo's Know how to jack off?

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Sure i want to know.

Apr 30, 2008Kain

no...seriously....you don't

everyone knows how to jack off, but.....MILEY CYRUS?!

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I bet you prob killed your brother to get out of going to the prom with that ugly girl in your class.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

What's wrong with that? its not pedo or anything, she's older than me.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And anyways her pre-pubescent chest seems to have finally recieved some estrogen.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

KAIN! R U DERE!*Echoes*

Apr 30, 2008Kain

she's older than you?

well.....that explains a lot.......anyways....

you have no clue what you're talking about...I've never been to the prom, and I'm an only child

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Oh, well your 16, i naturally assumed you'd been to some sort of juinor prom.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Lets sing because renny isn't here to fuck me over!

Refugee, what an enemy, of your beliefs
dont hate me, because i disagree.
*incoherent screaming*.

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

In this farewell
there's no blood,
no alibi,
'Cause i've drawn regret
from the truth of a thousand lies,

so let mercy come
and wash away,
What i've done
ill face myself
to cross out what i've become
erase myself,
let go of
What i've done.

Apr 30, 2008Hattmac02

emos are just really annoying and i dont want to hear about ur feelings i only have one exception for emos and thats mindless self indulgecne

Apr 30, 2008Hattmac02

Apr 30, 2008Joshua3109

Iwant that mily Cyrus chick is fit, wered you find a nude pic of her? O, i dont really mind emos, I dont see wh youd diss them to tears

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

She aint completely nude, she has a velvet cover, over her, all you can see is most of her back and the back of her head.

Apr 30, 2008AnthoFlex

what would i fuck you over with iwant?

And to Kain:

I DO soap 24/7 ; )

Apr 30, 2008iwantsoapshoes

me spammin this page with my ridiculous convos

May 1, 2008blakeashake

mindless self indulgence ain't emo!

May 1, 2008Joshua3109

they're just retarded, and way to go off topic guys. haha

May 1, 2008Kain

well that's you

besides....if you soap 24/7, where do you fit in skateboarding?

May 1, 2008Spano565


May 1, 2008Kain

why do I get called that every time I ask a question?

May 1, 2008Spano565

Obviously it's not physically nor logiclly possible for someone to soap 24 hours every day for the seven days of the week. I mean c'mon kain read your post over - "where do you fit in skateboarding? Please think before you post that's like the golden rule or something.

May 1, 2008Kain

well of course I knew he didn't literally soap that long, he meant soaping takes up a lot of his time. So I'm asking to find out how he fits in other stuff like blading and skateboarding.

May 1, 2008Spano565

Sorry but you've done something like this once before soo.. (Nevermind forget it happened.) Oh and The Super Seceret to Renny's time saving ways is his Magical Black Magic sand that he keeps under his pellow every night and a little fairy sprinkles the powder over him while he sleeps.And that's how Renny is the "Master Of Time" kain. jk

May 1, 2008iwantsoapshoes

And i suppose Renny wears a green tunic and hat and plays an ocarina.

May 1, 2008AnthoFlex

Hes right, i do wear a green tunic, hat, and play an ocarina.

I go back in time to skate and soap ; )

May 1, 2008Sakkage

Hahahahaa.... nice zelda reference, iwant.

May 1, 2008AnthoFlex

And its Hero Of Time, spano

May 1, 2008iwantsoapshoes

someine plz photoshop rennys face onto a OOT pic.

May 1, 2008iwantsoapshoes


May 1, 2008Sakkage

That'd be hilarious.
OOT is my all.time.favorite.game! Wow, back in the days of N64...I still rock that system every now and again. Twilight Princess wasn't bad, though.

May 1, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yeah, mine too. Im playin' again, at the desert collosus.
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