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Super Smash Bros Soap
May 1, 2008 by AnthoFlex Anyone here got Brawl on Wi-fi? If enough people are interested, i wanna do a tournament or something online to win something soap related....Like stickers or a poster. If not, i always enjoy a good brawl fight Anywayz, my brawl friend code is: 0473-7467-3552 Replies
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May 1, 2008sam
May 2, 2008Kain
*will look it up*
May 2, 2008Joshua3109
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008Hattmac02
i broke
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008SapAuthor
May 2, 2008iwantsoapshoes
And, anyway, renny, you moan about how my thread has nuthin to do with soap, then go make one yurself? Can i get a "Hypocrite"?
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
Can i get a "retard, that doesnt read shit, that swears hes so smart, but isn't, now got owned up by badman AnthoFlex himself, and is really deep-down pissed inside that he doesn't have brawl, so he moans about how he can't win nothing from this little contest AnthoFlex is throwing" ?
Reminding you about your little pointless thread about "Sonic Unleashed" That i didn't bash because you indeed mentioned that he could grind.
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
Otherwise i'd have total "moaning" rights :p
May 2, 2008iwantsoapshoes
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008iwantsoapshoes
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008Kain
A-A-A with Ike?.......
is that some kind of code for Great Aether? XD
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
pressing A 3 times with Ike over and over and over again is considered a cheesy maneuver
May 2, 2008Kain
I'm gonna post my code sometime today and add everyone else.
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008Kain
I'm on now
May 2, 2008Kain
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008sam
May 2, 2008Kain
I got disconnected in the middle of a fight
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
Antho- like 5 or 6
Kain- 0
May 2, 2008sam
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008Kain
lol. I'm not on right now, and I have to leave soon for a guitar lesson.
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008Kain
my friend suggested those ones.
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 2, 2008Kain
I'm getting on now
May 2, 2008Kain
I actually beat antho
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
The first 5 matches we played was you just going off on a spiel of A-A-A's and forward attacks. This dude actually had strategy. Or maybe it was the level.
But anywayz, Good game, i look forward to future matches
May 2, 2008Kain
and once you play someone long enough, you learn their fighting style and how to counter it :)
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
And people, the more people interested, the faster i could set up a contest
May 2, 2008Kain
May 2, 2008AnthoFlex
May 3, 2008Page645
May 4, 2008Joshua3109
May 4, 2008Joshua3109
May 6, 2008Kain
May 6, 2008AuraGrind
I'll add you guys as soon as I can.
May 6, 2008AnthoFlex
May 6, 2008AuraGrind
May 6, 2008AnthoFlex
AuraGrind, you have my respect. I hope to do battle again. I want you to become a great soaper as well
Those were some good matches
May 6, 2008AuraGrind
Also, I didn't mean for my sayings to be so rash. Those are from my brother. He's a little cocky, but he's as good as I am. If you fight my bro, watch out for metanight.
Anyway, we gotta do this again.
May 6, 2008AnthoFlex
I'm a scary Link? haha, how?
May 6, 2008Kingyo
May 6, 2008Kingyo
Agh, well... I wish my brother had kept his Wii instead of exchanging it for a PS3. =(
May 6, 2008Kain
May 6, 2008Kingyo
Oh well... I'll have to try and get my hands on it along with SSBB. =(
May 6, 2008iwantsoapshoes
May 7, 2008Wesker
Get at me.
May 7, 2008Wesker
May 7, 2008sam
May 8, 2008AnthoFlex
May 8, 2008SamusMeleeMaste
5026 4827 5811
hope to play good players.
May 8, 2008SamusMeleeMaste
need to know...
May 21, 2008iwantsoapshoes
Sep 19, 2008iwantsoapshoes
Sep 19, 2008AnthoFlex
Sep 21, 2008iwantsoapshoes
Sep 22, 2008AnthoFlex
If im free, i'll happily brawl you
Sep 22, 2008iwantsoapshoes