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Selling thread
May 5, 2008 by SpiderSoaper

Guy's i'm selling my soaps, so any size 9's out there, here is wat i got:

Ord Flints
2 pair of bbk plates
1 pair of uhf plates
1 pair of maxwells
and 1 pair of slor bros


For any bladers out there i got a pair of skates i'm selling:

Xsjado Dustin latimer 2

e-mail jefferson789@msn.com if u are interested

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

sorry messed up the email


May 5, 2008Spano565

Lol the jesus sandals.

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

jesus sandals?

May 5, 2008Spano565

Yeah that's what a lot of bladers said back in the day.Ask any older agrressive skater What the dustin latimers look like and 9/10 they'll say Jesus sandals.I guess at the time that's what a lot of people thought they looked like.lol

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

oh well i haent heard it, anyway, no one out there want shoes?

May 5, 2008Spano565

Give it some time like 2 days tops, then jack the price up and put it on ebay simple as that.

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

i cant put it on ebay, i need a Credit card

May 5, 2008anaholaboys

can i see some pics?

May 5, 2008SapAuthor

Wish u put up the Dustin Latimer's earlier, i bought my xsjado basics about a month ago.

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

i'm in skool now, i'll send pics later, and Sap sorry, i got mine a month ago as well. Imma sell the boots for $160

May 5, 2008SapAuthor

you have any good frames other than the xsjado frames? the mook just isn't working for me :- /

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

no, only stock Razor frames and Stock Trs frames (i have the newer TRS frames that come with the DT4 skates, they are better than the old TRS frames, but then again they are stock)i use able frames, and i only have 1 pair

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

like i said the mooks arent great, big ass space to grind, but not that great

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

oh, and sorry i forget to mention this, the ords are colored with black sharpie, but seriously it isnt that big of a deal, they are soaps, and will eventually look like crap if ur a good soaper, in all the shoes are in good condition, like new, just with sharpie

May 5, 2008AnthoFlex

soaps look awesome when they're fucked up

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

it shows how much u pwn at soapin

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

hold on a moment i'm uploading the pics, imma also throw in extra screws and also the key

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

sorry i messed up the first thing

May 5, 2008AnthoFlex

what about the blades?

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

u interested? the pics will be up in an hour

May 5, 2008AnthoFlex

im interested in the blades if they're my size

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

wat size r u

May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

but im just selling the boots, no frames or wheels

May 5, 2008AnthoFlex


May 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

i got stock frames and some wheels i'll add to them if u want

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

....No one interested?

May 6, 2008Spano565

Wait one more day like i said, you'll be better off knowing a SG member bought your stuff then some dude on ebay who might stick it in his closet for 10 years lol.I guess as long as it gets sold....

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper


May 6, 2008sam

I already said im interested in the blue bbks.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

i'm just being impatient, usually people go crazy looking for old models

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

yea dude hold on, i heard u, but i wanna see who would buy it all at once

May 6, 2008Spano565

Hmmm...Ya know what i think i know someone who might wanna buy your odr package.If i can get him on the phone or aim i'll tell him right now about em' he'd like em' as his firt soaps.(Ya know that kid Aughey456, that's who i'm thinkin would buy your ords.Give me a sec'.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

ight thanks for the help

May 6, 2008anaholaboys

by looking at your plates i can tell that the plates touch the ground :0

May 6, 2008Spano565

Unfortunatley, that's what happens to used ords so...It's not a huge problem it's just one flaw in the midsole.And Aughey ays he'll comment either tonight or tommorrow morning i just woke him out of a dead sleep lol.He was like wtf, who is this!

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

.... is that bad? express dont do that, and i hate the crunching of the pebbles i step on, but hey thats the old models

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

thanks spano

May 6, 2008anaholaboys

well if your friend doesnt buy them
im might wanna buy them for my cousin
who is pretty good but only has one pair

May 6, 2008Spano565

No the express dunt do that.As far as i know ords ae the only model that do that.And even tho your ords do that it's ok, not a big problem just minor.And if i had the cash i would buy em' before anyone else, but also like i've told you i have the "DAD problem" lol.Any i'm hear to help and learn so, no problem dude.

May 6, 2008Spano565

Cool anahola, but could ya wait a day, for me cuz my friend will go fcking ape shit.Thanks man, - Joe

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

thanks u two, Spano it's okay dude. As long as it goes to a soaper who will use it, then it's okay, cause i dont deserve em anymore

May 6, 2008Spano565

If you wanna sell the ords go right ahead.But if i find out you sell your last pair of soaps (Your express.) i will walk over to Newark, go to your house and shove my soon to be "new express down your throught and then i'll royale your intestines.lol jk man.But seriously please don't sell the express for hell's sake.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

no, not those, i wont sell those. It's spelled throat,lol.

Anahola u live in Hawaii right? cause the shipping might be more

May 6, 2008Spano565

Lol, yeah as you can tell i'm a state champ spelling bee winner. What can i say i'm You-neek.lol

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper


May 6, 2008anaholaboys

im wondering how much you want for whatever your selling???

May 6, 2008Spano565

Damn i'm geeky lol.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper


May 6, 2008anaholaboys

im not sure if my cousin is worth it

May 6, 2008Spano565

800.00 american dollars please.Plus shipping, (Not included in $800.00.)It'll be most likely a little more from Jersey to Hawaii.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

i had no complaints with that price

May 6, 2008Spano565

Fuck.I added an extra 0.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

Spano explain, i dont get it

May 6, 2008Spano565

Ok so it will be.(now pay up.)

May 6, 2008Spano565

Instead of $80.00 i put $800.00 lol nm.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

oh u added an extra 0,lol, but seriously spano didnt think too much of the price nor did someone else on here, but it was other reasons, not the money

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

wat my last comment means is that they both didnt think the price was bad, there were other reasons for not buying

May 6, 2008anaholaboys

im gonna have to pass on this one
sorry guys

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

okay, but wat would pay?

May 6, 2008Spano565

Oh all i said was the midsole problem, it aint much.

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

better than paying that guy on ebay $90 for new goas, i got plates, than just the stock plates that com with the shoes, along with a key and extra screws

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper

better than paying that guy on ebay $90 for new goas, i got plates, than just the stock plates that com with the shoes, along with a key and extra screws

May 6, 2008SpiderSoaper


May 7, 2008SpiderSoaper

i got pics of the blades

May 7, 2008SpiderSoaper

shit, hold on

May 7, 2008liljiggy

i would never pay 160 for used shoes...

May 7, 2008SpiderSoaper

not $160 for the shoes, thats for the blades

May 7, 2008SpiderSoaper

okay, i guess this aint working out, anyone have an ebay account that i can sell these things on?

May 9, 2008SpiderSoaper

Hey Joe, so is your friend interested?

May 9, 2008Spano565

He's going with the express, he loved your ords and the price was cool with him it's just that his mom flipped at the shrapie on the shoe and the fact that they were used.Sorry, but idk what the fuck is wrong with people.And my express are on the way they'll be here on Sunday.And my Dad loosened up on the idea off the sharpie and used shoes thing."So now he's like i'll give you the money just make sure it's what YOU want."And now that i already sent out my order two days ago he's gonna be like why do you want the same thing.(He dosen't see the difference between the different models like say the difference between the Crowbars, and scorchers.) If i get him to change his mind i'll let you know but that might take a month or so.I'm giving you to opinions either 1) You could wait till i convince my dad (Which could take a bit.) , or if you despratley need someone to buy them and don't have an ebay account have a garage sale, or post flyers around your neighborhood stating the price and pic of the shoes with your phone # and i almost guarentee you will have someone willing to buy them. You don't know how long i've been waiting for a deal like this to come along.Please don't feel sorry for me or anything if it sounds like i want somebody to feel sorry for me i'm not. These are my thoughts on this either wait for me to buy these (I would do that if i was in your position, that's all im sayin.) , or sell em to somebody else if your desperate and need to get them sold real quick.And were still cool if you sell em' to me or not after all they're shoes.
Well that's all i have to say on this, sorry for the huge loooooong ass post when i post i get the message across to people real clear. Later Jay, - Joe

May 9, 2008Spano565

Yo, Jay i'll show my Dad tomorrow and see if he budges any.

May 9, 2008SpiderSoaper

it's all good then dude, i still cant sell crap on ebay though. Well if ur dad still wont budge, then i'll stop with this every thread every now and then, somebody is bound to buy it later on hopefully

May 9, 2008Spano565

Yeah, that'd be cool.Btw,where did you get your Ords?Was it from the shop when they used to sell them,Steve, or someone on here.

May 9, 2008SpiderSoaper

from steve

May 13, 2008aughey456

yo sorry i couldnt get them i would kill for that deal to i ende up buyin my ords off ebay their comin wednesday

May 13, 2008Spano565

Yo Jay once i get my ords from Steve (Sorry my dad wouldn't let me get your used ords.) and i want to know how much you'll sell your slo bro's and maxwells for.I'll need them for grinding/school purposes if you get what i mean.Thanks man

May 13, 2008Spano565

Oh and 1 pair f uhf's.

May 13, 2008SpiderSoaper

damn, i guess i have no choice no one will buy it all at once. e-mail me about this.

May 13, 2008Spano565

After i order my ords this week i'll e-mail you ok, and it's not so bad atleast someone wants to buy from you ya know.Maybe i'll just buy ll your plates and screws, with the soap key.To help you out but the shoes they'res nothing i can do.Anyway i'm gonna e-mail you now for details ok?

May 13, 2008SpiderSoaper

alright dude thanx, atleast the shoes will be the only thing left,i'll probably sell the shoes for 40 or somthing

May 13, 2008Spano565

Read my e-mail i changed my mind, read the second e-mail and give me a price on those if it's a reasonable number i'll get some bbk's or both the bbk's like i said depending on the price.Thanks, Joe

May 13, 2008SpiderSoaper

wat email?

May 13, 2008Spano565

I just sent you an e-mail about 10 minutes ago.My e-mail has been acting screwy latley...Anyway can you give me a price on the maxwell's and slobro's?Thanks, if i think the price is cheap i'll buy a pair of uhf's and maybe one pair of bbk's depending on the price.Just post the price on here it wont matter anyway, give me the price with shipping and all ok.

May 18, 2008SpiderSoaper

if anyone is interested in the blades, imma throw in wheels and frames, here are pics:


May 19, 2008SpiderSoaper

Guys, i lowered the price of the shoes and plates that are pictured, down to $55. Any takes?

May 19, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Im not an expert, but dont skates normally have 4 wheels?

May 19, 2008AnthoFlex

i prefer mine to have 2

May 19, 2008SpiderSoaper

some people use 2, some use plastic wheels in the middle to lock on to grinds, some use all 4, and hell some people use three wheels, it all depends on wat suits them. So anyway, come one guys, for $55 u get all the plates and shoes

May 19, 2008Spano565

I'm talking to my dad RIGHT NOW about the shoes about the the plates and all.

May 19, 2008Hattmac02

i prefer anti-rockers

May 19, 2008SpiderSoaper

Allright spano u do that, and Hattmac, i roll antirocker as well, i just dont get how people who ride flat grind ledges?

May 20, 2008SpiderSoaper

So Spano, wat did ur dad say?

May 21, 2008Spano565

No.And Aughey already bought some used size 9 Ordnances on ebay for like $12.00 so i really don't know what to say anymore.Hey Jay, you know how you don't have the "feeling" that you sed to get when you soaped i've been getting that too and i just don't get that rush anymore.Now i've been getting into another hobby of mine when all i used to do was promote and soap.Now i'm getting into freerunning which i'm enjoying right now.As for blading who knows i'll probably have that on the backburner for a bit and might get back into.I don't have the money for blading right now so yeah (Man does it suck to be 13.)I've been working out a lot more and have been running for about a month now.Anyway what's up with you?(I didn't mean to get this off topic,but i meant to just state what my dad said so yeah.Good luck with selling the soaps and blades btw what wheels are those, senate wheels?

May 21, 2008Spano565

*said you get when

May 21, 2008SpiderSoaper

I'm good dude, and yea those are senate wheels, and it suks ur dad said not, but we gotta accept wat he said. hopefully someone will buy the soap and plates. C'mon $55 takes all !!!!

May 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

Hey guys, just bumpin this one again, all plates and shoes, with keys and screws. $55.

Jun 4, 2008SpiderSoaper

anyone got aggressive skates that they could trade me for all this stuff?

Jun 4, 2008Hattmac02

god i wish i wasnt broke but i had to spend all my shit on busch gardens...SMH

Jun 13, 2008Spano565

Yo Jay, i got good news.I did some searching for a bit to straghten out my priorities,things i want to do,ect. and I really do wanna soap more so for my graduation i'm gonna ask my dad to get me your whole package including plates,shoes,ect. So the graduation is next week so i'll keep intouch ok.

Jun 13, 2008SpiderSoaper

okay dude, just tell me when.

Jun 16, 2008SpiderSoaper


Jun 24, 2008SpiderSoaper


Jun 26, 2008SpiderSoaper

Spano wat did ur dad say??

Jun 26, 2008Spano565

No, Z(And then made up a lame ass reason as usual.)

Jun 26, 2008Spano565

Besides, my express don't even fit me anymore and they're a size 10 mens it feels like they shrunk. Sorry Jay.

Jun 26, 2008SpiderSoaper

alright then............time to burn these things!!

Jun 27, 2008AnthoFlex

Dude, i really hope you don't burn your soaps. Thats really disrespectful

Jun 27, 2008SpiderSoaper

hell no,lol, i'm just foolin. even if theyre hard to find or not, i wouldnt do that.

Jun 27, 2008Spano565

I got good news for well me and you.I just bid on the size 10 Cleans on ebay which means i can soap again, and if i win the cleans on ebay and have enough cash left over i'll buy as many plates and screws from you as i can.
That's about, later - Joe

Jun 27, 2008Spano565


Jun 27, 2008Spano565

And please nobody bid on those cleans i need them, because it's a damn steal to get them at that price, Thanks - Joe

Jun 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

Well, just yesterday, someone e-mailed me for the whole package, they wanna buy all the screws and plates.

Jun 29, 2008Spano565

I didn't win the cleans so you can sell them to the dude that emailed you.I'm glad someone bought them from you.

Jun 30, 2008sam

How much for the xsjados?

Jun 30, 2008SpiderSoaper

Well thanks Joe, but he is not responding since thursday....i dont get wats up, if he really wants the or not, if he dosnt respond, i might as well try selling them again, sam for the xsjados, i was going for $110

Jun 30, 2008sam

ah, do you have any spare frames/wheels you would be willing to sell either?

Jun 30, 2008Spano565

Dude, Jay i lost on two pairs of soaps the cleans, and the scabs i lost from 1 fuckin dollar about a min. ago. i'm really pissed off right now.I checked and if your ords are a true size 9 and i test my friend's size 9 ords i will either send you a money order tomorrow or in two days all i need is your ok, and need to check out the feel of my friends ords.Ok, - Joe

Jul 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

i got some RB frames, they are from the new DT4 skates, they have little grooves,but they dont lock in great though, they are fast, but u just have to make a better groove in them, i got some senate devil wheels. sorry that's all i have to offer you, basically not that great of stuff

Jul 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

Joe, that's cool, i dont see why they shouldnt fit, i think the HSL models run small, but i wear size 9 on all shoes, and size 9 express still fit me.

Jul 1, 2008sam

alright, i just got some salomon vinny mintons and hate the frames, and the wheels on mine suck. How much would you sell the frames and wheels for?

Jul 1, 2008Spano565

Ok, 'll check with aughey about his ords and ask them how they feel.But as for my express, the first month i got em i was wearing them but never really broke them in and then for a couple of weeks i guess they just kinda stiffened up.So to fix that i'll just break em in and they should fit good.tty tomorrow man.

Jul 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

the frame and wheels, are you including the skates as well?? the frames i'll sell for $15, do you want all 8 wheels or just 4? i'll sell you all 8 for $12, and if you just want 4 wheels, i'll sell them for half,$6. The frame is a newer version of the old stock frames that Rollerblade used to make, it's made stronger and of different plastics,which make it faster. the wheels are un-even (it happens to all inline wheels) to make them even just rotate the wheels every now and then, th bearings are ued abec 7s. pretty much it though.

Joe, you do that, and this time please inform me incase you say no, u never really tend to tell me anything when u backed out on a deal.thanx

Jul 1, 2008sam

Ok, im about to e-mail you about buying at least the wheels.

Jul 1, 2008Spano565

They don't fit me (Aughey's ords.) as far as width so we have no deal unless i get the scabs (Another pair on ebay.) and buy everything except the shoes. So there you have i've kept you updated so i'll let you know when or if i win the scabs on ebay. peace

Jul 1, 2008Spano565


Jul 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

alright man, thanx for telling me

Jul 28, 2008SpiderSoaper

BUMP... anyone interested in the shoes still??

Aug 2, 2008greenfire8484

How much are the Ord's selling for?

Aug 2, 2008SpiderSoaper

i'm selling the complete set, with plates and everything though, e-mail me.

Oct 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

hey guys these things are collecting dust, does anyone want them? it's been a while since i've been on, i'll do a trade for size 9 USD aggressive skates as well for the whole set with plates and screws and keys

Oct 3, 2008Spano565

Hey man what's goin on?And about the soaps, i'm very interested and will get back to you on it tomorrow if your willing to take $50.00 check. (with shipping and handling included.)To me that sounds pretty good for the whole set.The plates,the soaps,screw/nuts,and soap key.Oh and btw if you happen to have a soap sticker lying around i wouldn't mind paying 1 or 2 dollars for it making it $51.00, or $52.00 depending on you.
Oh and one last thing if we can't do check then forget it. (I know you said you were interested in a pair of skates but i don't hve any so you can take it or leave it i guess.

~ Take it easy, Joe

Oct 8, 2008Spano565

Ok this goes out Jay,
I've been waiting for a reply bout and i'll give you one more week to reply otherwise deals off.After that i'll look for the first deal on ebay i can find.Talk to you soon..... ~Joe

Oct 20, 2008SpiderSoaper

My bad dude i just got back, u still dont want to do the deal?? a certain someone keeps sending me e-mails and tells me that HE wants to buy the soaps, then he just stops responding, this happend twice with him and it's annoying

Oct 20, 2008sam

still selling the latimers?

Oct 20, 2008Spano565

About 4 days ago i spent the my $50 on camping shit, i'll see if i can get the money i'll let you know just try and check solidgrind a couple times a week if not more, i do.... Anyway i'm broke as of now but i'll see if i can get some cash. (Is $50.00 the best you can do?Just curious?I know $50 bucks for soaps, plus plates, plus a soap key and nuts and screws, but i'm really tight for cash and it is hard times... but neverthe less i'll see what i can do because it'd be a damn shame for me to not buy those soaps after you having this thread up for months..... Thats bout' it... ~Joe

Oct 20, 2008Spano565

Oh,if you have the means, i'd like to see some pics of what the shoes,plates,etc look like now. *Shit i gotta read over what i type before i post it, sorry for the slight grammar errors.... ~Joe

Oct 20, 2008SpiderSoaper

well i havent used the shoes att all ever since i took those pics i linked above. and sam, sorry i sold the latimers, but i'm selling remz 0701 if ur interested

Oct 20, 2008sam

pics and how much?

Oct 21, 2008wyattpeterson

selling these skates
great condition! but i dont have any footwraps for them ...if anyone is interested contact me

Oct 24, 2008shoebbbl

Welcome to our website is: www.worldshoessell.com ,We offer grade AAA shoes here with wholesale price! Our shoes have some advantages as following:
1) Grade AAA shoes!
2) The wholesale price!
3)100% safe, the best delivery terms!
4) No mini order here!
5) The best service! msn.nikepopularshoes@hotmail.com

Nov 22, 2008daltonwells

spider soaper did you ever sell the soaps?

Dec 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

nah, i guess people are turned off by the sharpie marked all over it, i dont see why, the shoes will get f**ed up later if they know how to used them, messed up soaps look why better IMO. i havent even touched the soaps for about a year now, seriously.

Dec 1, 2008JeiHeirumaru

Still got the plates? 'Cuz I want a paira Maxwells 'n BBK's, if ya still got 'em

Dec 2, 2008SpiderSoaper

yea everything on the pic i still got

Dec 2, 2008JeiHeirumaru

Sweet deal, bro. How much for them Maxes, 'n BBKs?

Dec 4, 2008SpiderSoaper

name a price, where do you live? state i mean

Dec 5, 2008JeiHeirumaru

I live in the GA. And as for the plates, will they fit a size 11 shoe?

Dec 5, 2008SpiderSoaper

nah sorry they wont. they are size 9-10, maybe they fit an 11 if you try, Antho might know

Dec 6, 2008Spano565

Hey jay i'm selling some of my things to get some cash and wanted to know how much you'd sell them as a whole?
Oh and the sharpie dn't bother me, if it ever does i have this real strong shit that takes anything off sharpie,magic marker,permenent marker,etc so it'll be fine.
And this time i have my own cash so there's not gonna be any parent problems.
I don't have the money now but, when i do (Which should be fairly soon.) i'll let you know..... so name your price.

Dec 7, 2008JeiHeirumaru

What'cha sellin' ?

Dec 7, 2008Spano565

Not sure yet probably stuff in my garage like antique sit I'm not gonna use that old people would like. lol It should come to much over $50 once i'm done selling my stuff i guess.

Dec 7, 2008Spano565

(I figure i'll give you what i think they're worth.)And Jay, i'd give you $50.00 shipped an all for the set i'm not gonna go any higher so....
And just a request but do you think you could clean the plates first.(Well you can wait off on that until i say i have the money ok?

Dec 7, 2008Spano565

* )

Dec 7, 2008SpiderSoaper

just tell me wen you get the money and i'll do it.
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