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Topic on Waxin'
May 5, 2008 by Kingyo

I was wondering, many of you guys use the stuff to wax rail but have you guys ever tried waxing the grind plates of SOAPs? If so, does it work just as well?

I'd love to get your thoughts on that. =)

May 5, 2008sam

Nah, waxing your grindplates just builds up residue on them, plus it wont last as long. Its much better to just wax the surface your grinding.

May 5, 2008Franticfred

ya sam is right... and i just use candle wax at a local drugstore...works great and i can get 5 candles to $2.00

May 5, 2008xJeremiahx

Putting wax on the grinding surface is much better.

If you put wax on your grind plate the wax will wear off within the first couple feet of grinding.

May 5, 2008Sakkage

I'm new at soaping. I picked up some gulf wax the other day- I've been grinding on this peice of finished wood from a loft bed, and various ledges around town until my PR comes in (expected tomorrow!). The wood started getting pretty torn up, so i waxed that, and its a much smoother grind now.

May 5, 2008AnthoFlex

Wax usually works a lot better on ledges. In my own experience, waxing up rails usually leads to a build up that slows you down

May 6, 2008Kingyo

Ok so wax is mainly used on rough textured ledges... let's say for example... stairs made out of concrete? So it's not really necessary on smooth rails and if too much wax is being put, it just slows down the grinding?

Interesting to know. As for wax residue build ups, don't you get some even if you grind on a waxed rail or ledge?

May 6, 2008Spano565

Very little, if that none.(The wax resiidue i mean.) It's because you would be directly waxing the grindplate.It's different if you wax the surface test it out for yourself if your still curious.

May 6, 2008AnthoFlex

my bad, after reading spano and kingyo's comment, i have no idea whats being asked. Whats the question?

May 6, 2008AnthoFlex

Rails don't usually need to be waxed, err, not too much at least.

As for waxing ledges, i'm going to see if i can gather up some pics to make a new thread on how to wax a ledge

or maybe......i'll make a "how-to" page on the shop...werd

May 6, 2008Spano565

Yeah that'd be cool, for guys that are new and are like WTF why do i need a candle and have to rub it on shit lol.The obvious to us is completley mistifying to noobs.

May 6, 2008sam

The only rails you really need to wax are fat ones, or aluminum. That is because aluminum is very hard to slide on. ex: bike racks.

May 6, 2008Spano565

It depends on allumiom actually cuz the bike racks at my school slid fine without wax when used to grind them.But mine were painted.

May 6, 2008Spano565

*aluminum *I

May 6, 2008Kingyo

Spano: I understand the waxing concept, to make your grinding smoother/faster. Although, I was just wondering if people ever thought of rubbing a little wax on their grind plates instead.

Sam: Thanks Sammy for your response!

Antho: It would be nice to have a Waxing Tutorial, covering the Pros and Cons of wax, when to really use it and such. =)

I know, I am a newbie but like most good beginners, I ask alot of questions because I want to actually learn. Reading all of your responses makes me gain knowledge that I will tend to keep for years to come.

May 6, 2008liljiggy

Well i experienced that only a little wax is needed on rails when you have some rusty crap over the rail...

On boxes on sk8parks more wax is needed if it's not waxed often..

Another fact is, more sunny it is, more effective the Wax will be but if it's colder, it will tempt to be solid and slow you down instead of giving you less friction..

But i never needed any Wax on a painted rail or a rail that is smaller than my grind plate

For info i use: Heely's Five-0 with Graffiti Wheels (Im soapin' more with them than im' rollin' lmao)

May 6, 2008blakeashake

grindin not soapin =P

May 6, 2008liljiggy

well... u know what i meant!! :P

May 7, 2008Kingyo

Wow, thanks for all the responses, I'm learning alot and feel less like a newbie. Now I only need to actually grind... once I get my pair of Express. XD
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