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Idea of a baked man!!
May 9, 2008 by liljiggy

Man, i just had an idea after the wake-and-bake blunt...

They should make a game like Tony Hawk but only with soaps etc... Would be friggin awesome and good lookin on xbox 360, and would be a nice game to play with the Wii tho! :P

May 9, 2008Sakkage

Yeah, agreed that a game featuring soaps would be awesome... but would it be possible to lay off of the drug references? This site seems to have quite a few young followers & all of us are trying to promote soaping. The last thing we need is their parents throwing a fit and banning them...

May 9, 2008Kain

meh.....soaping is fun, but a soaping videogame? It'd be kind of boring just walking around in your soaps when you're not grinding......

May 9, 2008AnthoFlex

I would agree with Kain, but then you have to remember that no one would make a soaping game where you just walk when not grinding.

It would be a Parkour type game with soaps if anything

May 9, 2008xJeremiahx

Agreeing with Antho, It would have to be a separate game featuring grinding with soaps.

Agreeing with Sakkage, please no drug references.

May 9, 2008aughey456

Yeah, that'd be pretty fuckin sick to see a dude vault over wall and then grind a rail.Slidey's vids were cool.

May 10, 2008Kain

hmm.....yeah....there would be a huge urban environment, with all kinds of walls/rails. It'd use similar controls to EA Skate to freerun around the levels, and you can grind on ledges/handrails.....even do crazy combos from one to the other. It'd be a parkour AND a soaping game combined into one.

May 10, 2008AnthoFlex

Pretty much. Although i doubt they'd make an actual game ABOUT soaping. The soaping would just be an add on

May 10, 2008liljiggy

Well, they sould at least put anything u can do in a game

I see something like:

Be able to use Soap, Heelys, Skateboards, blades and BMX on the SAME game... Each has their own *Parcours* and their own combos, i think we should massively ask a videogame company via e-mail to introduce this in a game, im' sure that more people send requests more they will be tempted to test it out!

May 10, 2008Altman

This idea was discussed at least 100 years ago Last Thursday. I always pictured it would be more like THUG with a control scheme that would take a little bit from Sonic Adventure 2 and the majority of the Neversoft TH engine, with different buttons executing different grinds on the rail. There would be globetrotting adventures that would haveyou sessioning with Soapers from all walks of life including DEOS, UKFSW, and even a member or two from Relate. It would be heesy and outlandish, just like Soaps were way back when(Example: In Shag This, in the Star Wars style opening the Soap guys got into the wrong line for the Hollywood Casting Couch and ended up in an STD testing room. They all were negative). Most likely would have a Teen rating and feature songs from the Soap vids of old and maybe some jams as selected by the Soap stars of today. Can you say killer ap?

May 10, 2008Kain

and maybe.....it could include famous ppl from each skating style.

H2 and David-Heelys
Tony Hawk (of course)-Skateboards
Renny and Broox-Soaps

something like that. (I'd list more ppl for more things if I knew of them)

May 10, 2008Altman

Fuck that. If there's a Soap game it'll be for Soapers only, we don't need other "sports" in the game.

May 10, 2008Altman

Famous people in Soap, however is something I'm down with. But apparently Kain doesn't give props to Relate, AKA the team which held the Four Fathers of Soap. Of course our very own Hero of Grind would be in there as well.

May 11, 2008Kain

Altman, I don't know many famous ppl in ANY sport.

May 11, 2008iwantsoapshoes

well, lyk he sed, it ws discussed 100 yrs ago last thrsday.

May 11, 2008iwantsoapshoes


May 11, 2008liljiggy

if ur not happy u still can just press the little red x on the up right corner of your screen!

May 13, 2008Louis

I agree with altman:

"There would be globetrotting adventures that would haveyou sessioning with Soapers from all walks of life including DEOS, UKFSW, and even a member or two from Relate."

I'd love to see a game featuring UKFSW ;)

May 13, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Jiggy, i cant press the lil' red x coz' i have to push the little blue house button.
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