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Soapshoes Nintendo Wii
May 22, 2008 by AnthoFlex

Probably the only system i will ever mod out, the nintendo wii was one i just couldn't resist. Since i didnt have too much time on my hands (work, soapshop, soapshoes stuff) i was able to get this mod completed little by little over the last few months. It's finally complete and i thought it was dope enough to show the people of SolidGrind.

I present, the Soapshoes Wii:


I promote soapshoes on anything and everything, haha.

What will i do next? Find out soon...

May 22, 2008Joshua3109


May 22, 2008Joshua3109

thats nice lookin, good job Antho. How did you go about making that?

May 22, 2008AnthoFlex

You know that saying, "You wanna get this done fast? Or get it done right?" ?

For once, i actually wanted to do it right. So i made a list of shit to buy, list of shit to make, my budget, made measurements, i did a whole bunch of shit.

The hardest part was that soap O. I thought for sure it would fuck up. Believe it or not, thats not a sticker, thats actually part of the stand. In fact, when i buy new LEDS (stronger ones) you'll see blue light piercing through the O (My tribute to both soap and something zelda-like)

Other than what you can see are other stuff. When you pull the wii-mote out, theres a blue/aqua light on the base that shoots up (kinda like the bat-signal, but i'm still working on it to shoot up a soap O on the ceiling. Theres a battery charger with smart LED (so i know when the battery is fully charged), and all of that is hooked up to the Wii istelf, and not another outlet.

Any questions?

May 22, 2008Joshua3109

You my friend are a god. how didyou make the soap o part of the stand?

May 22, 2008AnthoFlex

X acto blade, super thin foam brushes, bright lighting, patience...lots of patience...lots of "damn, i gotta pee again" patience, and kicking brother out of the room to keep from annoying me

May 22, 2008Joshua3109

wow that wii looks so hardcore, how much ddi it cost to make?

May 22, 2008AnthoFlex

total? besides the wii (i didnt buy the wii JUST for this project)

Umm... roughly $90. A lil more, but less than $110

May 22, 2008Joshua3109

thats not bad

May 22, 2008SapAuthor

rofl dude, that looks awesome Renster. Good job ;)

May 23, 2008iwantsoapshoes

thats fuckin AWESOME!

May 23, 2008JeiHeirumaru

That is pure ownage. You sir,are awesome. Dude! You have got to give me that Wii,or just grace me with a Brawl match,with that bad-ass

May 23, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Its the Wii Elite!

May 24, 2008MiTcH1337

Howd you get the black color on it?

May 25, 2008iwantsoapshoes


May 25, 2008iwantsoapshoes

This is Rennys formula...

1.Wii, Airbrush and stuff.

May 25, 2008Altman

No, you automatically phail. But it doesn't matter because....(see link)


May 25, 2008AnthoFlex

Nope, no airbrushing at all. What you are looking at is an actual black wii. hold on......

.............*two minutes later*.........

Here, this should prove it:


The reason i took these pics is because it shows the black buttons with the white print. If anyone has a wii, they know that it has white buttons with black print.

Also, i don't plan on making any profit off of this. This is my own personal creation.

Later on tonight i'll post up the soap O "bat signal" light pictures.

May 25, 2008Hattmac02

yea the wii now comes in black but how did you get it i thought they were only in japan

May 25, 2008Hattmac02

nvm that was dumb my bad

did u buy the black case that u can get online

May 25, 2008iwantsoapshoes

*To Altman* Ah, the wonders of Dramatica.*To Renny* I dont mean any actual profit, its a 4chan meme. I think. Ask Altman.

May 25, 2008sam

i actually decided not to make a complete new case for my wii. Btw, this is no where close to finished. Also, it looks a ton better in person/ with a better camera.


May 25, 2008sam

Just copy and paste that link

May 26, 2008AnthoFlex

The black wii isnt available in Japan.

It was a mod case that i purchased

May 26, 2008Hattmac02

i realized that after i said that and forgot about mod cases im thinking about getting the yellow

May 26, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Sam's Zelda Wii is good to.


May 26, 2008AnthoFlex

This was really hard to make...Sloppily cut, but it still works great, and fits. Theres an acrylic plate as backing so that the light can be equally transfered and emitted through the 4 points of the soap O.

There's really no way to get a picture of even video of the projected soap O on my ceiling. You'll just have to come over and play me in Mario Kart or Brawl and see if for yourself.

May 26, 2008AnthoFlex

hmm... my last comment was cut off....by a lot. grr, letme re-type that WHOLE thing

May 26, 2008AnthoFlex

Last night i tried to take pictures of the "bat-signal" soap O from my wii stand. Like i mentioned before, you can only see it at night when the room is completely dark. Therefore, no amount of flash/macro, or any kind of special effects with the current cameras i have will do the trick.

So, i've decided to take pictures instead to show how the "bat-signal" soap O works:

-Wii, stand, and controller in holder-
--Nothing special, just showing you to get an idea of what you're looking at.

-Stand, Wiimote holder without controller-
--Here you can see the LED that i modified and soldered in there to project light for when the wiimote is in use. I'm still waiting for my stronger LEDs to replace this one. See that soap O to the left?

-Projection filter-
--This was really hard to make...Sloppily cut, but it still works great, and fits. (phew :]) Theres an acrylic plate as backing so that the light can be equally transfered and emitted through the 4 points of the soap O.

There's really no way to get a picture or even video of the projected soap O on my ceiling. You'll just have to come over and play me in Mario Kart or Brawl and see if for yourself.

May 26, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Well maybe when they invent Inter-Continental-Teloportation i'll come see it.

May 26, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yay Chuck is on tonight.

May 26, 2008Hattmac02

where did you get the controller mod cases

May 26, 2008Altman

Lulz, another fail from iwant. Just because a pic is used on E.D. doesn't mean that's where I got it.

May 27, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I never meant the pic, i meant the:
1.Renny's equipment.

May 27, 2008Altman

No u.

Jun 3, 2008AnthoFlex

I made a video and posted it up on my youtube account about this Wii.

If it gets even half as much viewa as my Dark Super Sonic video, soap could be looking at some serious ups.

Go check it out:


Jun 9, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Yay, Chuck is on tonight. I wish Sarah Connor Chronicles wasnt finished, though.

Jun 9, 2008anaholaboys

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