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Is it illegal?
May 31, 2008 by kevinkrg6

Is going around town to soap illegal? If I soap in public places it it legal for me to do so or do I have to go to the skatepark?

May 31, 2008MiTcH1337

I would doubt its illegal. Then again, it could depend on the state/city, etc.

Im sure you wouldnt go away in cuffs for grinding a handrail, maybe youll be asked to leave, or get your skateboard confiscated (Lmao soapshoessylons).

If worst comes to worst, grind it and run, no biggy.

Jun 1, 2008AnthoFlex

Nope. Cops arent gonna bust you for sliding on stuff with your shoes. And if they do, look the judge dead in the eye and say "They're just shoes! This cop is an idiot"

Jun 1, 2008matrix8967

it depends on where it is...at my old highschool, it's illegal to skateboard, rollerblade, and "other extreme sports" because of liability. in fact, the SRO wrote a kid a ticket for skate boarding, and he spit on it, put it in his pocked (which was smart, because then he wasn't littering) and skated away. I've been told to quit my shenanigans before, but i just kinda walk off and wait for mr./ms. concerned citizen to leave and go right back to it.

point and case: be mindful of businesses/schools/etc. because they might have their own independent liability policies. but i honestly wouldn't worry about it, because that's just the school/business's way of covering it's own ass. they might tell you to leave. that'd be about all. if you stay and say "no fuck you, i'll do what i want yuppie cunts!" then you might have problems.

Jun 1, 2008AnthoFlex

I'm a true soaper at heart. I grind almost anything in sight

Jun 1, 2008SapAuthor

Yeah, businesses and schools are usualy pretty off limits, but there are tons of rails around that aren't on either.

Jun 1, 2008AnthoFlex

I never see anything thats "off-limits". Look at any sk8ing or blading video. Think any of those places are allowed to be skate-able? But they do it anyway right? Thats the way i think of it.

Plus, my years and years of hanging out with experienced sk8rs has taught me how to handle these very tight situations

And besides, you always have the "They're just shoes" save. So whatever you wanna hit, just go hit it

Jun 1, 2008MiTcH1337

And what happens when they request to see the bottoms?

Jun 1, 2008scuzzydontask

If I didn't know what soaps were and i saw the bottom of a soapshoe I'd probably think they were regular shoes. Now Heelys, on the other hand...

Jun 1, 2008xJeremiahx

On private property it not legal but more than likely they will just ask you to leave.

However in public places by the letter of the law you are a pedestrian and you rights are the same as a person going for a jog. Unless there are posted signs saying not to then they can not ask you to leave.

Jun 2, 2008AnthoFlex

If they ask to see the bottom of the shoes, i would show it to them. What are they gonna say? You're wearing soaps?

IF they do, ur guilty as charged. And since they know what they are, they probably wont bust you for it, since people who know about soaps are usually cool

Sep 2, 2008bustacurb

I really wanna know if waxing a curb is gonna get you in trouble.

Sep 3, 2008sam

no it wont, maybe a ledge but it depends.

Sep 3, 2008AnthoFlex

curbs are usually naturally smooth...

...god, i just made curbs sound like they are living things, haha
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Jordan Muck hittin a frontside at the Monmouth High School
David Plasse sliding a handrail and sportin the afro.
Derek Brooks hittin a Frontside
These guys kicked me out of the mall for soaping that day
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