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Soap Influenced song
Jul 29, 2008 by sam

Theres a band called state of error, that just came out with a song called DEOS in rememberance of the guitarists favorite old soap team, DEOS.

Jul 29, 2008xJeremiahx

do they have a myspace or anything where I can hear this song?

Jul 29, 2008mets603412

dope but I cant find anything about them

Jul 29, 2008xJeremiahx

decent band but because of the live sound quality I couldn't understand half the lyrics.

Jul 29, 2008mets603412

yeah seriously if anyone knows the lyrics to the song post it here

Jul 29, 2008mets603412

hah they have a song about a soap team but they aren't wearing soap shoes. kinda funny

Jul 29, 2008sam

yeah, they have 2 days in the recording studio, and are changing some of the verses and should have lyrics up soon.


All coincidence... Probably just stands for something else. Wheres the proof of it being related to Soap?

Aug 23, 2008sam

The fact that you fail at life, the fact that i know the guitarist, the fact that he used to hang around here..., the fact that he soaps, that fact that he told me he named the song after his favorite soap team, the fact that you didnt read my original statement.

Aug 23, 2008iwantsoapshoes

PROTIP: Read original comment before posting something retarded.

Aug 23, 2008Pluh


Aug 24, 2008vault

lolz i get to say this:
ok im good =)


btw, you just lost the game and you have just been trolled.


So I Herd you Liek mudkips?

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...Crap, didn't work.




... So sam I herd u liek the failed post mudkips?

Aug 28, 2008Pluh

g'damn kid

what a waste of a mudkip

Aug 28, 2008Altman

Epic fail. Now GTFO.

Aug 28, 2008sam

I liek teh mudkips.

i liek n00bz failing to epic proportions even more though.


:[ *angryface*, I'm going to bleed on you because of you not nowing about an old thread. Grrrr, I'm off to flame random people now. Grrrr'



You will never believe what happened to me this morning! I was waking up and doing my morning routine, eat breakfast, take a shower, brush my teeth, that sort of thing. When I was about to get changed, I saw something in my window that looked a little strange. I went to look and there he was, a man was staring through my window on a ladder!

Just as soon as he knew I saw him he started climbing down the ladder and I ran for the door outside. On my way out I grabbed the bat I keep under my bed. When I got outside I saw him running down my block and I began chasing after him. We ran for nearly 10 minutes and reached some woods. Then from there we ran another 15 until I lost sight of him.

Lost, in the middle of the woods, chasing a peeping Tom. I knew something like this could only happen to me.

The search seemed over when a bit deeper in the woods I heard the man scream. I ran out there and saw him sitting on the ground a good distance away from me. As I got closer I could see he had gotten his foot stuck in a bear trap! Actually I'm not so sure it was a bear trap because it was a bit smaller but you get the point. I walked up to him with my bat and said the sweetest one liner I could think up on the spot.

"Game over fucker" and I hit him in the face with my bat. He began to sob a bit as he held his bleeding nose, but to my surprise he began to laugh. This startled me so I hit him again and said "what's funny faggot!" and he said, "read the first word of all the last paragraphs."


Yeah the other post was a glitch... fuck.


lawl, Sam calling me a noob. Technically I've been on here longer so yeah, but I guess a day makes all the fuck of a difference. But seriously, why are we like, '!!! you didn't read the thread before, therefore I'ma bleed on you!!!'

Aug 29, 2008sam

alright asshole, im sick of your smartshit so just get the fuck otta here.

And for the fucking record ive been on here since 2005.

Aug 29, 2008matrix8967


i hate it when /b/ and SG meet.

Aug 29, 2008Altman

That's mainly because people tend to fail for great justice when they get a boner due to memes.


'When /b/ and SG meet' - 'Divide by zero'.

Sep 2, 2008iwantsoapshoes

Ok, clean up this shit. No more /b/rawling, no moar mudkipz(u liek?) and no more moar newfaggotry. If you wanna quote memes to each other take it over to /b/.

Sep 2, 2008scuzzydontask

Whats /b/ and SG?

Sep 3, 2008iwantsoapshoes

/b/ + SG= Cloverfield.

Sep 5, 2008Surfaced

ZOMGSCORCHERS, gb2 /b/. Seriously, quit flaunting those old, overused, stale, cancerous memes. Clearly you're underage b& but also probably one of those kids who tries to combo slowpoke and other such newfaggotry.

In b4 "rules 1 and 2" because the rules were made by gaiafags and only a retard would take them seriously.
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