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Aug 17, 2008 by scuzzydontask

I know this is a soap website, but i'm pretty sure that some of u aggressive skate. I was looking to maybe buy some new skates. It will only be my second pair of aggressives so i dont really know whats good. Any suggestions???

Aug 17, 2008sam

What skates do you have? and do you like them?

Aug 17, 2008xJeremiahx

Can't help you there. Since I started soaping I've wanted to try blading. I just don't have the time or money.

Aug 18, 2008scuzzydontask

Right now i have razors cult 6. I got 'em like a year ago when i started skating. Theres nothing wrong with 'em, i just wanna try something new...if my rents let me.

Aug 18, 2008sam

i would try some remz, or deshis. If youre used to the cults alot i would recommend NIMH's though.

Aug 18, 2008wyattpeterson

get REMZ ! and represent !

Aug 18, 2008scuzzydontask

Remz do look cool. Ever try xsjados???

Aug 18, 2008sam

yeah, there ok if your looking for something new to try, plus they have big souls.

Aug 18, 2008SpiderSoaper

i got some remz, if you wear baggy pants. remz look cooler. i heard NIHMs are like the old razor shimas and the cults, not really a suprise coming from Shima himself.

Matter of fact anyone got another pair of remz for sell, other than the 0701?? i have those, i want another pair. i can trade some messed up TRS DT4 (the frame receptor came off, but if someone can fix it, then it's all good)

Aug 19, 2008scuzzydontask

So prob either Remz or possibley xsjados...big souls would be nice...

Aug 20, 2008vault

i hav the remz os. they are v cut, have one piece souls, and is great at negative grinds. i luv them

Aug 20, 2008SpiderSoaper

yea i need those one piece souls, the stock ones make the negative plate small

Aug 21, 2008iwantsoapshoes

I kind of got lost after "negative grinds". Are you people even speaking english anymore?

Aug 22, 2008SpiderSoaper

do u inline? it's when you do grinds on the oppisite soul plate. The outer soul plates of the skates are the normal soul area, but the negative is the inner soul area. did i explain it correctly??

Aug 22, 2008vault

yeah thats seems about rite spider. i soap then i transferred to inline i need to get new soaps. um this might hav been posted ages ago but, are the broadsides going to b realeased again. like is there a chance?

Aug 23, 2008sam

As of right now it seems doubtfull. Keep soaping and maybe they will though...

And IMO the os'es really arent that great.

Aug 24, 2008vault

man no broadsides ='(

yeah i know there not that great compared to other skates but they do what there supposed to. yays =)

Sep 1, 2008scuzzydontask

What brands of ramps r good? i was thinking of buying 1...

Sep 10, 2008scuzzydontask

Yay! I my parents let me order my skates today! Im getting Xsjados-Farmers. =D

Sep 10, 2008vault

nice pick. hmm the only ramp i have is a 1080 kicker ramp. but if u dont have a practice rail i sugest getting that first

Sep 10, 2008scuzzydontask

I guess a rail would prob be better, cuz i cant really grind on my skates that well + i can use the rail 4 soaping. But since i just ordered expensive sk8s i doubt i will be able to get ne thing 4 a while. Even though im using my money.
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