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Aug 30, 2008 by AnthoFlex

Sup guys, I just updated the demo page on the SSsoapshop site regarding our next soapshoes demo in XW skate park, so go check it out:


I'm adding a section that'll have most of the media shot at the first XW demo. Most of the media has been hidden for awhile, but i did manage to get my hands on some stuff.

Since it's been a really long night, imma continue work on the section in the morning.

I'll be collecting, organizing, and uploading everything that i have from the first XW demo and putting it on the current demo page. Just bear with me for a little.

I'll be updating the rest of the demo related stuff (icons, home page, etc) in the morning as well.

I'm going to sleep. Goodnight dudes.

Aug 31, 2008AnthoFlex

I just realized another thing that i have to update (which i haven't done in awhile) is update the section on the soapshoes myspace. Which for some reason has been getting a shitload of friend requests lately...thats cool

Aug 31, 2008scuzzydontask

How do u guys become a part of the "team", or whatever u call it, of people that r part of the demo?

Aug 31, 2008AnthoFlex

Since I'm the one with the demo shoes, and I have the flexible time to do it, I was the one was able to throw it

Sep 1, 2008scuzzydontask

Okay. Well i guess i will show up will my skates and soaps and then...well i don't really know what goes on cuz i wasn't at the last one. But whatever, I'll definitley be there to watch n stuff.

Sep 1, 2008scuzzydontask

For the link bout the demo where it says "anthoflex says" u said u were taking a flight...u don't live near XW?

Sep 1, 2008AnthoFlex

Nope. But it doesnt matter though

; )

Sep 2, 2008AnthoFlex

I go where i need to, to soap

Sep 2, 2008iwantsoapshoes

WTF isnt XW in Bufallo? Why would you need to take a plane to another part of NY?

Sep 2, 2008sam

new yorks a pretty big place dude. its like a 9 hour car ride each way.

Sep 2, 2008scuzzydontask

Yeah. A plane ride just from Buffalo to NYC is over an hour.

Sep 3, 2008AnthoFlex

dude....NY is freaking huge. Driving in a STRAIGHT line from NYC to Buffalo at normal driving speed is about 7-8 hours. My last bus ride there was 9 1/2 hours.

Sep 4, 2008blakeashake

buffalo is sweet but really lame at the same time.

Sep 4, 2008AnthoFlex

blakeashake, i really hope to see you there this time

Sep 4, 2008blakeashake

oh, ill be there last time mad shit came up right before and it was mad gay. but this time it woont happen that way.

Sep 4, 2008scuzzydontask

I'll be there, but i'm pretty sure none of u know what i look like ne way.

Sep 5, 2008AnthoFlex

is that supposed to mean something?

Sep 5, 2008scuzzydontask

what? im just sayin...

Sep 5, 2008sam

well go to xtreme wheels tonight then. Im sure youll be easy to find (only girl there...) haha.

Sep 6, 2008scuzzydontask

lol...i am usually the only girl there. im not able to go today, but my mom said i can go tomorrow. U could bring billy and ryan too cuz they know what i look like.

Sep 6, 2008sam

well try to go tuesday cause its only $3

Sep 6, 2008scuzzydontask

oh it is? well i will try to go too tuesday.

Sep 6, 2008AnthoFlex

Scuzzy, did you go to the last XW soapshoes demo?

Sep 6, 2008scuzzydontask

no. i wasn't soaping yet and i guess i also didn't know the demo was that day.

Sep 6, 2008scuzzydontask

Sam: inline 1/2 off($3) at XW is actually Monday not Tuesday. So do u still wanna go Tuesday, or do u wanna go Monday when it's $3?

Sep 6, 2008sam

oh haha, then yeah mondays good.

Sep 6, 2008scuzzydontask

k. sounds good. i will prob come somewhere between...hmmm...4:30 and 5:30 if my dad doesn't take forever to drive me.

Sep 7, 2008blakeashake

this is really gay my parents wedding is the day of the demo.
How come the demos are never convenient for me?

Sep 8, 2008scuzzydontask

Sam-r u guys still going to XW today? cuz i asked Billy n Ryan n they didn't even know + couldn't go.

Sep 8, 2008sam

i may still go, depending on if i can get a ride.

Sep 8, 2008scuzzydontask

Same with me, im not totally sure. Im thinkin prob another day would be better. Maybe Friday.

Sep 11, 2008scuzzydontask

Xtreme Wheels tomorrow anyone??? Just got my new skates today so i was hoping to go tomorrow.

Sep 12, 2008sam

i second that. prolly bring my soaps though

Sep 12, 2008scuzzydontask

Im gonna bring my soaps too. I will prob be skating most of the time but im definitely gonna soap too.

Sep 12, 2008scuzzydontask

Sam: So ur going 2 xw 2day, right?

Sep 16, 2008wyattpeterson

fuckkkkkkk i wanna go im gunna try n go

Sep 16, 2008wyattpeterson

sam leave me your NUMber on my myspace i need to talk to u about this

Sep 19, 2008xJeremiahx

Have fun guys! Wish I could be there. Someone take pictures and video this time!

Sep 19, 2008AnthoFlex

We took lots of pictures and video last time. Its just some people used some of the media as ransom for stuff...

Sep 19, 2008AnthoFlex

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit. Time is a' comin soon to soap.

Wyatt, Sam, and I are gonna triforce slash the shit outta xtreme wheels skate park. And then go party afterwards....Right Wyatt? ; )
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