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Heely's grind' video
Oct 8, 2008 by liljiggy

Okay it's a first video, more content will be added!!!


Oct 8, 2008Altman

Lady, are you serious? This isn't a time for Heelys to be coming into Soap territory.

Oct 8, 2008Altman

As for as an actual critique of the video goes, there are a lot of awkward camera angles and it seems to have video phone quality. The grinds are very mediocre and the variety of things grinded are little to none.

Oct 8, 2008liljiggy

MORE CONTENT WILL BE ADDED... u can't read dude? Oh and... im' not coming to any territoty it doesn't say only soap...

Oct 8, 2008anaholaboys

heely's suck balls

Oct 8, 2008liljiggy

nice childish comment ;)

Oct 8, 2008Pluh


heely's suck balls

Oct 9, 2008JoeS

"heely's suck balls"
"heely's suck balls"

2x the QFT right there.

Oct 9, 2008liljiggy

Oh by the way... im even supposed to buy some soap shoes later on... At the price got dem heely's (Free) why not havin fun with it? Jeez... y'all so fucking childish... it's umbelievable

Oct 9, 2008anaholaboys

i like how call me childish when your the one with heely's

Oct 9, 2008liljiggy

Besides the wheels what's the big difference between soaps? Same shit... stupid kiddo

Oct 9, 2008anaholaboys

uh no. heely's are for kids.
soaps are for teens and adults.

i dont feel the need to waste my time explaining to some loser heely kid

Oct 9, 2008liljiggy

lol kid? Im' older than you idiot....

Oct 9, 2008mets603412

not bad add a few more tricks such as cheesegrater or royale

Oct 9, 2008liljiggy

I will mets...the town where i went to do it has no big skateparks... only small crap like that, think ima buy my own rail lol

Oct 9, 2008sam

quality=bad, tricks=bad, heelys=bad.

Sorry dude, but if you werent expecting honest critique, then dont post the video. Ill say right now that was pretty shitty, along with most other heely/hybrid videos. I know all you heelers do is give each other 5* ratings so you make each other look good, but whenever a soaper/skater sees them theyll give you the honest truth.

Oct 9, 2008azerate218

got to say... sam is right.
I got a pair of heelys my self but that video sucks for now. post the finnishd v and ad a new song. that one is só crapy! i think a better song and some more rad stunts would do just fine.

Oct 10, 2008AnthoFlex

All in favor of an admin deleting this post?

I'm sorry, it's just in soap's current state, we really don't need any heelys shit going on here

Oct 10, 2008sam

deletion ftw.

Oct 12, 2008liljiggy

AnthoFlex you are probably the worst stuck-up guy i've ever seen... of course i know that things aren't going so weel with soap... But the admins even show up the Heelys... anyways, ima simply say FUCK THIS SITE... there's too many immature kids and idiots who think any people that gets something else than soap sucks... Well, fuck this site, fuck the users that are thinking the same way you pricks think...

Oh and by the way... if Heelys sucks, why soap is dying and not heelys? Think about that...

Oct 12, 2008AnthoFlex

Noone is talking to the Heeler in the corner. Raise your hand if you want to speak child. Otherwise, sit down and stfu before you get owned

Oct 12, 2008AnthoFlex

Heelys isn't dying as well? Of course not, not with the kids, but as an "Extreme sport" like they try to portray it, uhhh yea it is.

; )

But its ok, at least soap didn't try to get themselves in the olympics, haha

Oct 15, 2008Bayonetwork

Court is adjourned.
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