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Roll Call
Nov 20, 2008 by Revengasaur

Hey everybody who is still lurking this board, Lets get a roll call up in here.

I have some questions:
Who runs this site these days, and have they abandoned it? Do they need moderators? How can we get some pictures put up?

Nov 20, 2008ordnanceflint91

i have been gone for about a year and i come back to see Soap is no longer around. this sux.

Nov 20, 2008AnthoFlex

I come on here to delete the spam comments, but thats all i do

Nov 20, 2008Revengasaur

Word... everyone who sees me soaping is like "where do you get those shoes?" and it's like well, try sssoapshop, but good luck getting them in your size.

How have you been Antho? I haven't seen much of you recently.

Nov 20, 2008Altman

Still lurking...

Nov 21, 2008Wesker

Always a lurker.

Nov 21, 2008Revengasaur

You guys all still soapin?

Nov 21, 2008Altman

For the most part.

Nov 21, 2008AnthoFlex


Nov 22, 2008matrix8967

long-time lurker reporting in.

Nov 22, 2008Wesker

Yes, not so much in the colder weather (That much has not changed).

Nov 22, 2008daltonwells

im new

Nov 22, 2008Altman

I'm pretty much in the same boat as Dario. Soaping in the cold is bollocks.

Nov 22, 2008Revengasaur

I soap more in the cold + rain, because I can't skate.

Nov 24, 2008xJeremiahx

I come by here every now and then to see if there is anything new going on. I still soap every once and a while. I've been mostly skateboarding though.

Nov 24, 2008matrix8967

My sister actually asked me to soap for a photography project because she needs action shots. I soap while I'm out. If I see something that looks good. and promote if anyone asks me what I'm doing.

Nov 24, 2008Pluh

I check this site from time to time.

I need to soap though, I still have a brand new pair of BBK's o.0

Nov 24, 2008moojuiceman

i always come here to see if anything new has happened, alas, nothing to date

Nov 25, 2008Bayonetwork


Nov 26, 2008Revengasaur

I've been skateboarding a lot more lately.

Nov 28, 2008sam

I still soap 110%, but i need new soaps like extremely badly.

Nov 29, 2008Spano565

"I come by here every now and then to see if there is anything new going on. I still soap every once and a while. I've been mostly skateboarding though."
Same here with me man, i wish some good news would pop up on here though, right now this site is going to shit i still lurk though even though not much happens here anymore.
It's good to see some familiar faces on here again though......

Nov 29, 2008Spano565

*Take away the last though i typed

Nov 30, 2008Slider388

I haven't been here for a while, I love soaps, but I'm out of them now. If heelys made a half decent design that grinded well and didn't have a fucking wheel, sure, I'd get it. Unfortunatly they're too busy trying to get revenge from back when soap rejected the dumbass wheel in heel idea.

Dec 1, 2008Altman

Just try and swallow the anger, like I do. You're going to get people who love Heelys and IM you because they want to talk to a real OG. If that happens, just roll with the punches and show you ain't going to roll over. Just don't be a dick about it either.

Dec 5, 2008cherryman696966

i come by every few months to see if anything new is going on, i jstu tried to get to the sonic and pals shop but the site where it says the store got changed do it closed or something.

Dec 6, 2008AnthoFlex

if you type in SSsoapshop.com, it'll still redirect you to the shop site. We had to move it because the monthly service thing was too much $$$

Dec 6, 2008dunk

First visit for a long long time, just deleted about 50 spam threads all posted today.

Dec 9, 2008Altman

Just had a bit of an issue regarding some spa, but mah boy cleared that shit up.

Dec 12, 2008Hattmac02

i stopped lurking like a month ago this forum needs a reboot

Dec 13, 2008wyattpeterson

i lurk some!!! renny u gotta pull through w/ that footage up of us at the demo bro that shit will look sick
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