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Times sure have changed
Jan 27, 2009 by rhinoskater30 Soap is practically a memory now. But I remember when I first tried Soaps at the SoapMobile haha. Damn. I wish things were how they used to be. *sigh*. This site seems so unlively (is that a word?) now. I sure miss things :\ What about ya'll?? Replies
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Jan 27, 2009Revengasaur
I broke my toe skating so I haven't been able to soap either.
It sucks because I don't want to destroy the soaps that I have for fear of not getting more.
Jan 27, 2009Kooksoaper13
Jan 27, 2009Spano565
All i have to do now is get laces for my express and then i need some wax after those two small problems i'll be set on soaping this small town of mine as long as i can and you know what i learned with my whole experience with soaping is that you do it cuz you love to and if you happen to see some handicap rail on your way home from school well then you slide the thing an from there you can do whatever you want.What i love about soaping is that if i hav my soaps on and maybe a small bar of wax and i'm set......virtually anywhere i go i can find somewhere to soap if i have 3 things my soaps,wax, snd a pair of balls lol.
But seriously if we really love to soap we can find somehow to make our own soaps if things truly are that bad or what some people have done is take a high arch running shoe, and Renny...... don't you know how to make plates?? Get the idea.....
Jan 27, 2009Spano565
Jan 28, 2009Altman
Jan 28, 2009AnthoFlex
Most people are unaware that soaping started underground, and always will remain underground.
Heelys just gave it a turn for the worst
Jan 28, 2009Wesker
Gotta realize this shit's been goin' on since '97. You can't stop it.
Jan 28, 2009azerate218
Jan 28, 2009Revengasaur
Jan 28, 2009jackswhack
Jan 28, 2009Kooksoaper13
Jan 28, 2009AnthoFlex
But everyone who used to post here alot (myself included) still takes a look often.
Theres just really nothing to say
Also, Dario brought up another good point.
Its been around since 1997 and its still going strong. It doesnt seem that way with the way HSL is running shit. But its the consumer, the fans, and the users that count.
Without us, there is no Soap
Jan 28, 2009Kooksoaper13
Jan 30, 2009xJeremiahx
It does seem to be dead around here and in the soap world. Unfortunately HSL is also feeling the hurt of our crappy economy so I don't blame them to much for stopping production. I can only cross my fingers and hope for the best.
I check here just about every other day unfortunately there isn't much to talk about these days.
Feb 3, 2009matrix8967
Feb 9, 2009Joshua3109
Feb 12, 2009Revengasaur
Feb 15, 2009DG
Feb 15, 2009NagoyaFox
Feb 15, 2009AnthoFlex
Feb 16, 2009NagoyaFox