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More "Soaping" in movies
Feb 6, 2009 by Wesker

Crank 2 trailer:

Has our pal Chev sliding down a hand rail with his shoes. I think he's wearing normal shoes, but still it's pretty neat :0

(Oh ya: At 1:46 in the trailer)

Feb 7, 2009JeiHeirumaru

There was a SOAPing moment in Daredevil, when he was on the roofs.

Feb 7, 2009AnthoFlex

haha, cool

Feb 7, 2009SpiderSoaper

the movie "Brink!" had actual soaping, i think the shoes were cleans or scabs

Feb 7, 2009AnthoFlex

cleans and scabs were shown

Feb 8, 2009SpiderSoaper

oh. i was only thinking of that kid who was actually soaping, i forgot about the other characters who werent soaping but they did have soaps on.

Feb 8, 2009AnthoFlex

Yea, i spent the whole time watching the movie pointing out almost every single soap i could find.

There were some Bumblebees when one of the guys was talking to the main character in the dark room

Feb 9, 2009Joshua3109

That Crank 2 movie is going to be siiiick. Tell me more about this Brink movie? It had actual Soaping did it?

Feb 10, 2009SpiderSoaper

Brink is the inline skating movie that was made by disney channel (the good disney channel from the 90's) it's mostly about skating, but at one point goes to a different scene where they talk on some stairs or somthing, and out of no where one of the main characters comes out and grinds on a ledge with soaps, but that's about it, they dont even mention the shoes, but for a 1997 movie, there was no need to explain what soaps were,lol.

Go on youtube and type "Brink!", someone has posted the whole movie to watch.

Feb 10, 2009Joshua3109

Sick, thanks dude
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Quinn Padgett's Detention for Soaping at School
Dario Nieva hittin a Fastslide
Amy Gerein hittin a Fastslide (see, chicks can soap too)
LixF hittin a fresh track grind
David Plasse sliding a handrail and sportin the afro.