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got my sweet new black and red ordances
Mar 19, 2009 by Joshua3109

they came in 2 days ago they remind me alot of the shoe things shadow wears in sonic. my only gripe though is that the white rubber above the sole has turnt yellow. i think ill paint it white.aha so ya solid grind dudes what r ya all at?

Mar 19, 2009Kooksoaper13

Right on man. I got my petrol ordnances a while ago too, and that same rubber part is peeling off. It also sucks because the screws fell out of my shoe, so ill epoxy it back in

Mar 20, 2009AnthoFlex

May these new soaps keep you on the righteous path of Soapism

Seriously, allow them to keep you to keep on going

Mar 20, 2009Kooksoaper13

Our sermon today in the church of soapism is focused on how heelys totally ruined the soap shoe brand with their crappy advertising, and not supplying enough to the demand.

Mar 20, 2009Joshua3109

Ahmen to that
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