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Jet Grind Radio
Mar 20, 2009 by Kooksoaper13

The most sick awesomest rollerblading game is now in the game vault http://www.gametrailers.com/player/46952.html

Mar 20, 2009SpiderSoaper

haha, saw that vid when i came from school, and then i see this post, cool.

I got this bitchass game, never get tired of it's simple addicting play.

kook are u a G1?

Mar 21, 2009Kooksoaper13

Yeah I think I am. My username is the same as on here. I mainly look at Gametrailers for Screwattack, that shit is hilarious, especially for serious retro gamers like myself.

Mar 21, 2009SpiderSoaper

lol, me too.
the Reviews
and Retrospectives

i wanna see the nerd review the jaguar

Mar 21, 2009Kooksoaper13

Part 2 will be extremely funny

Mar 21, 2009AnthoFlex

The nerd's review on the jaguar part 1 was retarded.....He made the fans wait mad long, for a super short, super lame review.

Hopefully part 2 makes up for it

Mar 22, 2009Kooksoaper13

Its only because it took a month to fully renew his contract with gametrailers, and fill out all the paperwork. In the meantime though there are a lot of movie reviews, and other shit at cinemassacre.com

Mar 22, 2009AnthoFlex

eh, the AVGN is what i go there for

Mar 22, 2009Kooksoaper13

Yeah I know, it is the funniest thing

Mar 22, 2009SpiderSoaper

i like anything that screwattack puts on GT, but the site is not bad. I would love to go to the SGC.

i really wanna see part 2, and i'm pretty sure that 2 will make up for it Antho, anytime he does "part" vids, the first one is usually lame.

Mar 22, 2009AnthoFlex

this one was like really lame though. It felt like he was just trying to bide his time to have something "out there" to make up for the contract being renewed

Mar 22, 2009SpiderSoaper

Well true, i agree somewhat.
I mean when i first saw the vid i did not even see the time of the vid, then a while later i was like shit it's almost over.

Lets play some JAAAAAAG!!!!

Mar 22, 2009sam

AVGN's dont seem nearly as funny as they used to be. Profanity has been less frequent, and it seems like he's just trying to find any little thing he can knit-pick at, even if its not a horrible game.

Mar 23, 2009AnthoFlex

sup sam

Mar 23, 2009SpiderSoaper

tru sam i noticed that to.

Having the super mega death christ thingy, was probly too much. He destroyed a SNES!!!!

Matter fact what are your guys favorite AVGN episodes?

Mar 23, 2009sam

Not much bro, you?

Favorite AVGN would probably be friday the 13th, cause it was one of the first ones i saw and still makes me laugh to this day.

Mar 23, 2009Kooksoaper13

I liked the Indiana Jones one, cause its of my favorite movies

Mar 24, 2009SpiderSoaper

i like the Double vision ones and the mario 3 one
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