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WTF Spaminashitcan
Mar 24, 2009 by Kooksoaper13

What are you trying to prove, that you think soaps are dead, I think youve made your point,and I think no one cares about your opinion, and also I'm pretty sure youre just beig a pissy little fag on a site that only about ten people go on a week. So just piss off

Mar 24, 2009azerate218

2ยบ that. just becaus you papa didn't let you by one does not mean that your can piss every one else.

Mar 24, 2009Kooksoaper13


Mar 24, 2009xJeremiahx

I am just as pissed at the moderators of this site. Is it really that hard to ban ONE user?

Mar 24, 2009Kooksoaper13

yeah, or put up a spam filter

Mar 25, 2009AnthoFlex

calm down people, just calm down. I'll get rid of it

Mar 25, 2009Kooksoaper13

Hey thanks renny this guy pissin me off

Mar 26, 2009Kooksoaper13

HOLY SHIT, this guy really has nothing more productive, or out of our face to do

Mar 28, 2009JeiHeirumaru

He's pissin' us all off. I want his ass banned...

Mar 28, 2009Kooksoaper13

I know this website has always been somethin kinda fun to do, but shit can over there had to ruin it all

Mar 28, 2009Kooksoaper13

I mean whats his deal anyways so he thinks soap shoes are deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead or whatever, and thats fine but could you keep it out of our face, and in 1 post please, and dont put it in the shoes section, cause that makes you seem like a bigger ass hole

Mar 28, 2009AnthoFlex

I'm thinking about giving up on this place.

I already contacted my host to fix a glitch on my AnthoFlex.com server. Should be fixed by tomorrow or monday.

I'm going to get started on my own forum for soaps. Don't be discouraged. I'm going to make sure that its monitored 24/7 100% by me.

Its not going to be like the shop's forum in which noone used.

But again, i cant do anything until this glitch in my server is fixed

I'll make a thread here when it's done.

Mar 28, 2009Kooksoaper13

Yeah just any place to have fun and talk about soaps would be pretty kool, so thanks man but wow on shit cans efforts to accomplish nothing

Mar 28, 2009AnthoFlex

he accomplished pissing me off. If i ever met him, i'd knock his fat ass right out of a moving train...

...perhaps he's closer than i think....who knows

Mar 28, 2009Kooksoaper13

perhaps its one of the haters of old, or a heelys retard who knows

Mar 28, 2009SpiderSoaper

Antho, i didnt know you had a site, pretty cool i took a look at it.

Wow, sounds like that travis dude was a real pain. how old is he? he cried?!?! i laughed at that part. seriously man i feel bad for you just reading that whole story. r u friends wit him now? this guys talks about soaps all the time, desperatly wants vids of soap, and yet couldnt bust out a grind. i'm sorry but what a grom he sounded like!!

Other than that cool that ur gonna be in that movie for MTV man, when is it gonna come out? it's a tv movie right? i may not soap anymore, but i'd definatley watch that. props Renny

i like your site, and i might just print out the "long soap day" and the "how it all started" stories, just to read every now andd then.

Mar 29, 2009NagoyaFox

I think as soon as Antho gets his new Soap forum up Im bailing out of here. Spam-the-12 year-old-fat-ass-in-a-can die in a fire...

Mar 29, 2009AnthoFlex

The story is meant to be just for storytelling, not ripping on someone, so try and cool it man. Travis is a cool dude, he can just get a little weird when it comes to soaping, thats all.

Mar 29, 2009SpiderSoaper

my bad, forgot to say i wasnt meaning to offend. but yea i liked reading it for some reason, and the other when you were young, i had a similar expierience when i had these reebok running shoes that for some reason had these tiny plastic plates right in the middle like soaps are.

Seriously man Whats goin on around here anyway? i remember there were atleast 15-20 dudes always messaging on here, does Trevor still sell soaps?

Mar 29, 2009AnthoFlex

the shop still has extremely limited number of soaps left. I don't know exactly how many.

Mar 29, 2009SpiderSoaper

That sucks. but r they getting more in or somthing? or has HSL discontinued?

Mar 29, 2009AnthoFlex

HSL is a dick, you can't expect much from them. But heelys is nearly breathed its last breath, so....

...currently Steve, Trev, and I are waiting on something (or someone) to see if we can get some more back in stock. It's a longshot, but hopefully we can pull through

Mar 29, 2009SpiderSoaper

Hopefully you guys get more.

True about heelys, i dont see kids riding past me on them anymore.

However i will have to use mine when i have to reanact a scene from "Employee of the month" for my performing class

So Renny how goes that vid you mentioned a year ago, King of Queens? i would love to see it man.

Mar 29, 2009AnthoFlex

I've since changed the name. I don't like the image it portrays. And sadly, i'll only get to film when it starts getting warmer

Mar 29, 2009SpiderSoaper

it's all cool.

So yea that Soaptown thing, i dont mean to bug u bout it, but whats the info on it? if you wanna keep it confidential then it's all good.

Oh yea Ren i still have those proto boltars, i still have to give them to you man.

Mar 31, 2009iwantsoapshoes

Stop crying faggots, SOAP has been dead for a while now.

Mar 31, 2009Kooksoaper13

why do you care, and why are you on this site then

Apr 21, 2009Stephen

AnthoFlex u can count me in on your form/site i dont think this place is moderated anymore

Apr 21, 2009Stephen

Antho can u give me the name of your site

Apr 21, 2009Kooksoaper13

Its AnthoFlex.com
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