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Ummm, huh?
Apr 4, 2009 by rhinoskater30

What happened to SOAP?? I'm confused.
Some bastard put like billions of threads saying SOAP is dead. Is it? What's happening to Heelys?

Apr 4, 2009AnthoFlex

still working on the forum dudes....

....server, needs to be fixed

Apr 6, 2009Revengasaur

Soap ain't dead.

I don't know what spamkid thinks he's gonna accomplish. That dude needs to go outside, or read a book or something.

Apr 6, 2009AnthoFlex

the spam kid is a fat soap hater

Server was fixed this morning. So imma spend the whole day today (and night) working on the new forum

Apr 6, 2009NagoyaFox

I think what the Fat Soap hater doesnt understand is that as long as people still Soap and still enjoy it, Soaps will never be dead. And by him/her or it getting on as soap site trying to pick fights it only proves Soaps are very much alive.

Apr 8, 2009Joshua3109

kids a fagget

Apr 17, 2009dankhies

Soap will never die. I still soap like every day and once in a while see a heely kid and they are all like mine has wheelss!!!!!

Apr 17, 2009RazorandBlade

Its good to see people still keeping it alive. I haven't soaped in a while cause my shoes are mad fucked up but Im working on fixing them up.

Apr 17, 2009Stephen

How is it dead? I know they dont make them any more but I am going to buy some soaps from a website and try and get my friends into it. If it works there start making them again woot!

Apr 17, 2009Stephen

some of you may be suprised to know I only herd about soap this month lolz. I cant wait to get my soap scabs
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