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Rust red scorchers... DO WANT!
Apr 29, 2009 by gabman

OK, Im a little late into the game but Im just getting into soaps (for all the the wrong reasons, I'm a die hard sonic adventure 2 fan ect) and desperately want a pair. Worst moment of my life was 2 weeks ago when I was told there were no more size 10 boltar rust reds, despite the fact the site said there was and I even ordered a pair.

I have tried Rawk, Kates skates, and fly walk UK with no luck. Can any point me to any supplier I may have missed, Ill even import from the US however I get the impression there even harder to get over there...

Apr 30, 2009JeiHeirumaru

Ebay. This is the only place where you can find any soaps. You haveta keep watch, or you'll miss out

Apr 30, 2009gabman

Aye, I figured that would be it, but I've found a compromise. I've now ordered a pair of smoke scabs (the plainest soaps still sold by fly walk in a size 11) and intend to painstakingly recolour the pleather and sole. I know it will rub off the minute I start to use them but damn it it'll be worth it to have , even for a short time, a pair of sonic shoe themed soaps.
Thanks for the advise though dude, I might still keep an eye on it =]

Apr 30, 2009gabman

If only I was like size five. I could totally get a pair of black nitro's... meh a well scabs'll have to do...

Apr 30, 2009Stephen

lol dude I like wanna get some soaps just because Im a sonic fan too, I order some on fly walk a week ago but I havent got them yet T_T

May 3, 2009gabman

Dude I'd really phone them up and make them check with there supplier, my order with them would have just hung in limbo for a couple of weeks if I hadn't. Sometimes what they say they have of the site isn@t what there supplier has. e.g. one pair rust red boltars size 10.
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