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Anyone out there?
Nov 13, 2009 by Revengasaur

Somebody must still lurk?

Nov 16, 2009blakeashake

im still checking in periodically

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

Yeah, I'm still here. I forgot my old account so I made a new one.

Soap Shoes are not doing well in the recession unfortunately. Who's still soaping nowadays?

Nov 16, 2009jackswhack

im still here soaps look kool

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

hey revengsuar, blakeaskake whats up guys?
i check in occasionally i dont have soaps anymore but i skate now. wheres renny and trey these days?

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

I used to talk and chill with Renny a lot with Altman, but he disappeared again. Nothing compared to Derek (who pretty much just decides to disregard soaps).

Trey has been working I guess. I can't vouch for him so much as Renny.

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

oh wow shit i guess rennys been busy huh.
hes like the last guy i could imagine to not post or lurk on this site haha and yea soaps arent doing very well but rite now im on ebay and if i can find my wallet i think im gonna snipe some used mr. wilsons or some size 11 new express.
Is this trevor?ramenradio?
we gotta talk man heres my cell ...

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

ramenradio email is moviemantrav(at)yahoo(dot)com

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

wait who is this?your real name not sn

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

my last account was ramenradio, and the name is travis not trevor. Trevor is SapAuthor

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

oh ok i remember you.
what have you been up too?
do yoi still soap?

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

I try to once a month, no intense sessioning though. AJ and I are the only soapers left in EI, and he hasn't done much at all since the demo. Renny tries to soap, but work gets in the way most of the time.

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

thats cool man good to hear.
what soaps do you have?

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

haha this reminds me of the old days when people posted like every 30 minutes it was great.

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

sylons are my favorite so a few pairs of that haha

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

yea rite very nostalgic hah if we can get some e mails of ppl from way back when.
we could maybe have solidgrind close to what it used to be and someone should really buy sg off of broox. and fix it up and shit theres like 50 pages worth of spam we never got hit hard this bad with spam.
hopefully i can get some express or mr. wilsons soon.
btw how are the mr's performance wise?

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

they're good, just be careful when locking in on a rail with the sole plate. They are a little more narrow then the broadsides.

Plus don't grind ledges or curbs, the plastic I think is a little softer and you want the grind plates to last.

As for the emails, almost all the emails are in the guestbook. It needs to be dug out under all the spam, but it's there nonetheless.

Nov 16, 2009Spano565

ok thanks for the info.
its been to long since ive soaped man.
and sounds good im up for the challenge with the emails and i gtg but i should be on later tonight if not then like 3 00 tomorrow pce bro

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

yeah good talking bro, peace

Nov 16, 2009jackswhack

does any1 have soap shoes they can sell in size 9

Nov 17, 2009sylonbroadsides

I know a few, just keep posting here and stay updated on Anthoflex.com for the latest updates with soap shoes.

There will be a new forum soon, hopefully. There's a lot of kool stuff to show though.

Nov 17, 2009Kooksoaper13

Oh sweet anthos finnaly got his site up eh ima go there right now

Nov 18, 2009sylonbroadsides

yeah it's been up for about half a year now.

There's still so much to be put up though, it's going to be awesome.

p.s. Greetings Kooksoaper! I haven't talked to you yet haha

Nov 18, 2009Kooksoaper13

Yeah Ive only been on solidgrind for the dark ages of soaping, wich were last year to now so thats probably why

Nov 18, 2009Kooksoaper13

and by Anthos site i meant the forum but sadly that is still not up

Nov 18, 2009sylonbroadsides


I dunno, it was supposed to be done a while ago. He's a hard guy to get in touch with lately, I don't understand.

Nov 19, 2009Kooksoaper13

Gah I wear a 13 so I wount bother with no size 11 grooves, but grooves are sweet nonetheless, and I guess anthos just busy right now give him time I mean its not like theres a whole lot of extremely useful information to discuss on a new forum anyways

Nov 23, 2009jackswhack

any1 in colorodo

Nov 24, 2009Brad

I'm here. I'm new, but I'm here. =)

Once it stops raining here I'll be sure to put in some pics, assuming there's anyone here to approve them.

Nov 24, 2009sylonbroadsides

It's raining a little bit here, I used to soap in the rain all the time though. Oddly soothing.

Nov 25, 2009blakeashake

i need some new soaps i destroyed my old ones it sucks

Nov 25, 2009sylonbroadsides

what size are you dude.

Nov 25, 2009sylonbroadsides

what size are you dude.

Nov 25, 2009matrix8967

Long time Lurker, checking in.

Nov 25, 2009sylonbroadsides

Alex! Long time no talk dude!

Nov 25, 2009jackswhack

it seems lik there is still sum activity

Nov 26, 2009Brad

lmao, this is weird. I waited like a month after joining to post something and now a hand full of people are active. It'd be rad to get this site into full-swing again.

Nov 26, 2009sylonbroadsides

yeah I know, I never should have left the forum I should have kept posting stuff.

Nov 26, 2009Brad

Mhm, at this rate it should be crazy in a few months :P I fell sorta left out since I never got to experience posts every other minute.

Nov 26, 2009soapy1

ur not alone lol

Nov 26, 2009sylonbroadsides

Yeah I know how you feel Brad, I started soaping when the soap scene was dead too. But it came back, it always does

Nov 26, 2009sylonbroadsides

I'm going to watch some soap vids and head out dudes, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

Nov 26, 2009Brad


Nov 26, 2009soapy1

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Aaron Taraboletti hittin a Frontside at WIU
Baker hittin a Frontside
Aaron Stunkard hittin a Long Handrail
A kid sliding on the Soap Van
Ian Chandler hittin a frontside