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Soap Shoes latest News
Nov 16, 2009 by sylonbroadsides

Ok guys, I thought I would update you all as to what has been going on in the world of soap:

Soap Shoes Express was discontinued, that is not new however.

What is new is that HSL has almost completely discontinued the grind shoe models of heelys.

So unless you go on ebay, you won't find a pair of grind shoes in a big enough size. Most of them are made small because heelys will only specialize in kids nowadays.

Where to buy your soap shoes:



Right now these are your only two hopes of getting a pair of soap shoes.

Please try a little bit people, a lot of guys worked hard in trying to let this dying sport/fun live on.

So please, help us out!!

Thank you.

Nov 16, 2009jackswhack

oh thanx some asshole snipped me out of a pair of crowbars and now i have no soaps ill soap if i get a pair thou

Nov 16, 2009sylonbroadsides

thanx dude, tell your friends and stuff.

Nov 17, 2009sylonbroadsides

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