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Where to buy SOAPs these days?
Dec 13, 2009 by Timuukun

Hey all,

I think that it's worth asking the question: where to buy SOAP shoes these days? Is there any extant functioning online retailer that anyone knows about? And more importantly, do they ship to the US?

...I don't know about anyone else, but I'd really like to get my hands on a pair in size 9, and this seemed like a good place to ask.

Dec 13, 2009sylonbroadsides


rawk UK dealer

There's also another one that Dave posted somewhere, I need to look it up.

Also, there's a pair of size 10 express on ebay, I recommend you buy them.

As for that site about the grooves, I'll try to contact them soon ok?

Dec 13, 2009Timuukun

o_O Those actually look like they're in decent condition! Bidding ends in 4 hours, though...I'd BETTER have enough money to buy them!

And the site with the grooves...yeah, it's dead. I sent them an email and got back a short 1-liner saying "sorry, they're closed." So a bust on that one.

BTW...sssoapshop confuses me a bit too...they say that they've still got Expresses in size 9 left when I look on the shoe page, but the order form says that there's nothing larger than a 7 left. Which is right, I wonder? The "contact us" form is broken, so I may never know...

Dec 14, 2009sylonbroadsides

if you want their contact info, send me an email and I'll give it to you. They got mad when I posted it on the forum.

And yeah I think everyone bought everything when word got out that express were discontinued.

As for the site with the grooves, buy the flows from the other link instead.

Dec 14, 2009Timuukun

Ok, can do. I'll drop you a line. I would like to know just what their remaining inventory is. But, I'm the high bidder on those eBay Expresses right now, and there's less than 2 hours of bidding time left. I hope nobody pulls the rug out from under my feet...*sweats*

And I'd love the flows, but they only have size 12 ;(. I'd trip over my own two feet in 12's. They'd be better for Brad.

Dec 14, 2009Timuukun

YESSS!!! I won the Expresses off Ebay! Now I'll really be able to call myself a soaper!

Thanks for telling me about those pups, sylon! Is there any way I could repay you?

Dec 14, 2009Brad

Lmao, grats. Btw, you you do find out if that site does have grooves I'd love to know.

Dec 14, 2009Timuukun

That one site is defunct, I'm afraid. I sent them an email and got back a rude little one liner saying that they were closed. So...yeah, best lead down the drain. These shoes are ridiculously hard to find in North America, and none of the UK sites do international shipping! It annoys me!

Still...I got lucky. :)

Dec 14, 2009Brad

That's gaaay. HSL should just start making SOAPs again.

Dec 14, 2009Timuukun

Amen, bruddah. But then we hit the age old question again: how to convince them?

Dec 15, 2009Tedd

Uhhh.. Petition? It's a start, right?

Dec 15, 2009Tedd

Wanna leave this before I go to bed and forget it.

Here's an idea if the question/issue of money and/or marketing ever arises or something.. Have them make it for sizes 8 and up or something. Making size 3-7 seems kinda unnecessary because nobody is buying those, they only want the 8+. If they are to make the 3-7, then make those more limited stock, and make more of the 8+. Those are what really sell.

Dec 15, 2009Timuukun

Right...I need to sign that petition.

But your marketing strategy makes sense. I just hope it happens soon.

Dec 15, 2009Brad

Somebody should really e-mail HSL and see what they have to say about it.I might get around to doing it eventually.

Dec 15, 2009Timuukun

I just signed the petition...but I don't think that tactic is gonna work. The tone is all wrong: it doesn't seem (to me) that we're gonna get through to HSL by telling them how they ripped off SOAPs to create Heelys.

I think a better strategy might be to send HSL a more realistic communiqué, stating that there still exists a small-yet-dedicated customer base who have longed for another batch of SOAPs for years, and who would absolutely make it worth HSL's while if they made a limited production run of a high-level (and high-profit) shoe like the Broadsides or Scorchers in only size 8+, to be sold at only a select few online retailers, or even by HSL directly. What would really drive this home, though, would be to gather 50+ people to flood HSL's inbox with concurrence emails about a day later (once I got a response), to prove the point.

That would be my thought. Do you think we could coordinate that many people to send emails?

Dec 15, 2009Kooksoaper13

I'd do it

Dec 15, 2009Timuukun

Cool. I'll keep track of who wants this, and when we have 20 or so, I'll send the email. Tell everyone you can think of, in the mean time.

Dec 15, 2009Kooksoaper13

Probly wont work, but worth a shot nonetheless

Dec 15, 2009Timuukun

Yeah...but we got nothing to lose. Might as well try.

Dec 16, 2009Brad

I'm so down.

Dec 16, 2009Timuukun

Yeah, I figured so. Let's try to find some of those guys who signed the petition: the whole strength of this argument will lie in how many people we can get to email HSL in agreement at the same time.

If we got 50 or so, I think it might prove the point that it would be profitable for them to make a limited SOAP run again, since each of us would pay probably around $90-$100 for whatever they made, and their real production costs per unit can't be more than...$20, $25 per pair. That means, best case scenario, HSL would make close to $75 pure profit off of each of us, and we have to assume that HSL is only in it for the money at this point (at least where SOAPs are concerned).

Sorry if I sound like I'm trolling the economics of this whole thing...I'm just thinking out loud. I really want this to work!

Dec 16, 2009Tedd

I'm in. I just need to figure out where this petition is at.. I said it as an idea, but never really knew there was one already. Haha. Someone direct me to it?

Anyway, I'll do the email thing. I have a bunch of friends who might enjoy this, and a couple of them love freerunning. So with that, we may get about 1/4 of the people needed.

Dec 16, 2009Tedd

Oh, and only 50 people? Seems a bit small. Maybe if we could get a bunch of people to do it all at once. Like have a preset time (or two) in the day where everyone online who signed the petition will send an email. So we need a banner of some sort to try and rally everyone who likes Soaps and wants them back to join in the event.

Here's another idea. If we can get videos of people who want them and don't have them/want them to continue to be made, then maybe that'll grab HSL's attention a bit more. Get webcams and video footage uploaded and made onto a single DVD and sent to their HQ. If we get a reasonable length of footage, then maybe we might have them start it up again.

Another possible idea could be to hand write letters. I know that it's old-fashioned, but with email services, it's possible that the email might go down with a flood of emails or get full and they may not get them all, or maybe the email (or them) might think its spam and ignore it. So if we do both emails and handwritten letters, there's a better chance we can get to them. Besides, if they get a ton of physical envelopes, there's no way that they can't deny the fact that people want them.

That's all I got for now, so hopefully this works out. I'm just hoping that they at least notice us and don't brush us off.. I almost feel that way with the Ryan Drummond voice acting Sonic in Brawl petition and stuff with Nintendo.

Dec 16, 2009sylonbroadsides


and Ted I recommend you check out the videos thread, there are two videos with some of the best soaping you have ever seen uploaded. the videos are called oNe and tWo.

Dec 16, 2009Tedd

Okay, I'm downloading the videos now. Also, I signed the petition, leaving a comment that we were planning to get HSL's attention and linked them to this thread. Hopefully we can get more people here so we can get more ideas and stuff.

Dec 16, 2009Brad

oNe and tWo ftw.

Dec 16, 2009Timuukun

Ok, great! You've got some good ideas, Tedd. I'll get to work on the physical letter right now...I'll make sure to write it using the full power of all my AP English classes! Muahaha!

lol...sorry. Anyway...I'll volunteer to make the DVD of everyone wanting SOAPs. Just send me all your footage, and I'll make it look nice.

Dec 16, 2009Timuukun

And, BTW, the set-time synchronized emailing was always my plan. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough.

Dec 17, 2009Tedd

Ah, well that's clear now. But we'll have to set two times though. One for those in the UK and those in the US. That's like five hours difference from US East and eight from US West. Then there's the problem of the actual time. If we were to say something reasonable like 6PM in the evening for the UK, that's 1PM in the afternoon for US East, and 10AM in the morning for US West. Of course, this is all assuming that we get a good chunk of people from the Europe-ish area that want them to be continued. And what about the other people of the world? Bah, looking too deep into it. Just gotta concentrate on the more populated areas of interest. One thing's for sure: It has to be on a Saturday. If it's Sunday, there are people who go to church in the morning and US West is gonna get screwed.

Second, I'd make a video, but I-- Oh wait. I have a camera. Haha. Well, when my friends and I all get together for our anniversary of the creation of our friend group, then maybe I can have them work with me on the video. We'll upload the footage both on my Youtube and my friend's Youtube channels and plug you guys here both for the sake of the SOAP community and for SOAPs overall.

Lastly, there's no way we can do synchronized letters.. But is there a way that we can have them all arrive at the same time? I was thinking just like the DVD, we send all our letters to a single place, and send it out as one package or something. That way, we show that we put time and effort into trying to get our SOAPs back and hopefully have a better chance.

Dec 17, 2009Brad

I'm down for making a movie, all I need is a cameraman and a camera that isn't a piece of shit. lmao

Dec 17, 2009Tedd

Hmmm.. That's what tripods are for. And if not, then a family member/friend/pet.

I personally would go on ebay and find a decent one for like 100 dollars. The one I have is 400 at least, and it works damn well. It saddens me that it doesn't have the eyepiece though, I loved having that.

Dec 17, 2009Timuukun

Ok...responses in order:
1) Emails: It does seem like two separate email times are in order for the US and Europe. I think the most important point here, though, is volume--just so long as large chunks hit HSL's inbox at the same time, the effect will be more impressive. Also, I think we ought to consider doing some research to find out the email of one of HSL's higher-ups, like the marketing director or some such dignitary. That way, we run less of a risk of being marked as spam and dismissed out of hand. I'll get to work on that if you think it's a good idea.

Second: the vids are a good idea...I'm just a little fuzzy on the format. Are we just gonna get up in front of a camera and ask HSL to start making SOAPs again, or if not that, then what?

Also, regarding the letters... I wouldn't mind sending them out if everyone mailed them to me. I'll give out my address later, when we're sure that we've got enough people.

Speaking of which...
How many confirmed people do we have so far? I know we've got me, Tedd, Brad, sylon...? but who else?

Dec 18, 2009Brad

Well, I'm only in if I can find a decent camera and a brother/friend that isn't a complete douche ._.

Dec 18, 2009Timuukun

What model is your camera?

Dec 19, 2009Tedd

My camera is a JVC Everio 60GB. Has direct upload to Youtube, and 40x Dynamic Zoom. It's a really good camera, but like I said.. It doesn't have the eyepiece. Just the digital screen. If you flip the screen around so it faces the other way, the screen fixes itself so it's right-side up to the viewer. Kinda neat.

Dec 19, 2009Brad

I don't even know what camera I have. Just some generic family digital camera, I'll check what it's called later. And Tedd, did you find you if that site actually had Broadsides?

Dec 19, 2009Revengasaur

HSL has already specifically asked soapers not to E-mail them. This was attempted about two years ago, and they were furious over us flooding their Questions/Comments inbox.

The video and snail-mail letters sound good though.

Dec 19, 2009Revengasaur

Also, rawk is a bunch of total assholes. I was willing to spend over 400 dollars at their store, and when I finally got in contact with somebody on the phone (NOT easy) They were like "how many times do we need to tell people NO SHIPPING TO THE U.S." and hung up on me.

Dec 19, 2009Brad

@Your first comment - I think that it's hilarious that they get so angry, let's keep it up and see what happens. :)

@ The second one - Wow, what a bunch of douches :|

Dec 20, 2009Timuukun

Revengasaur: I read your bump, and...I don't want to make any waves or imply anything by saying this, but...

If the last attempt was executed in the same pissed-off, "we came first" way as the petition...I'm not at all surprised. I've read most of the archived posts on the subject from way back in the forums and discussions...and I think a few tempers were running pretty hot. If I've read the situation right, Renny was and is a very aggressive SOAP promoter--a very good thing when it comes to swaying guys on the street, but perhaps a little too attached when dealing with impassive corporate suits. At this point in SOAP history, we can't assume that anyone is going to want to support us anymore...so this attempt is just going to be a reasonable, calm, collected communication done in as non-provocative and logical a way as possible. No more "SOAP's bttr thn u" stuff...we already know that to be true, but I'm almost certain that HSL doesn't think it owes us ANYthing. And realistically, it doesn't. They've been very successful with their Heelys, they've acquired the plates they always wanted, and they don't really need the SOAP brand for anything more. The best we can do is make a reasonable request, worded carefully, and supported by a solid customer base. I think that that's always been the purpose of this effort...correct me if I'm wrong, guys.

Oh, and now I'll never order from Rawk, even if I do find a UK contact.

Oh, oh, and I grinded..ground?...ok, soaped. I'll just say soaped. I soaped for the first time today! Scared the ever-loving shit out of me...I think I chose a really bad first rail (way the hell too steep, and I didn't have a spotter). But I made it down successfully one time, and it was awesome! I've just gotta find some lower ledges to practice balance on, now. Wish me luck!

Dec 21, 2009Revengasaur

Yeah, sorry about having a sort of abrasive personality. To clear things up, I'm absolutely not trying to start static with anyone. Really I'm just pissed at the way HSL has treated us in the past. They couldn't care about the soap brand if we paid them to at this point. The important part is to keep vigilant and keep soaping, because it's fun. Even if it means taking the wheels out of heelys and breaking out the exacto knife to remove their overhyped gibberish.

Dec 21, 2009sylonbroadsides

Yeah, HSL has been stupid, they screwed themselves in the process as well.

Dec 22, 2009Revengasaur

I mean really, we want them to make a product for us to buy, SO THEY CAN MAKE MORE MONEY! I asked myself this question: How is that bad business sense?
Here's what I came up with as a possible answer:
The overhead to produce a shoe is (probably) only cost effective if you produce, at the very least, a few thousand. Maybe HSl fears that if they do make another run of soaps not enough people will buy them. Also why invest money in a dead brand when they could use that cash to further promote an active money making brand?

At this point, now that they own the patents, and with plates in heelys the outlook seems bleak.
Maybe when the heelys trend dies they will produce soaps again in an attempt to keep the business alive.
Or maybe HSL will eventually go out of business and sell the soap brand.
I would rather they stay in business and use just a little chunk of the huge heelys profit to kickstart a grassroots advertising campaign. All they need to do is make the shoes and we'd do all the rest. That's how soaps got big in the first place anyway.

Dec 22, 2009Brad

Yeah, I wondered about that too. Still would be nice to get some new Soaps out there though.

Dec 22, 2009sylonbroadsides

Actually, I don't even think that HSL has been investing in it's own product lately. Seriously, their stock is like 2 dollars per stock, I think they're broke.

Customer service won't tell us anything though, it's really ridiculous.

Dec 23, 2009Timuukun

They sure put up a good public front, though. Their website makes me sick...

Oh, and Revengasaur...don't worry. I didn't take offense. And I think you've got the economics right. Once the cost of entry is amortized, the shoes become pure profit. However, there's one thing to consider: HSL still probably has the moulds and equipment necessary to make the Expresses (at the very least), so it probably wouldn't cost all that much to do another production run. After all, the stuff was paid for and amortized a long time ago. The problem is, as ever, convincing them that it's worth their while...it really annoys me that their corporate higher-ups are so closed-minded in that regard.

On the upside...if you're willing to put up with the hole in your heel, HSL still makes the Pro's...which are the exactly the same as the Expresses with a bunch of Heelys logos slapped on them. It's a start.

Dec 23, 2009sylonbroadsides

pft molds and dyes?

They have EVERYTHING ever since chris morris first started selling the cleans in 1997. The only molds they don't have are for unreleased shoes, because the unreleased shoes were only made in size 9. Hence, the unreleased shoes are only available in a size 9 (ex. asides, ninja, slice, first generation septums, etc.)

Dec 23, 2009Brad

I guess all we can do is hope....

Dec 23, 2009Brad

I guess all we can do is hope....

Dec 27, 2009Timuukun


Jan 22, 2010Tedd

So... Any new ideas/progress on this at all? I'll admit that I haven't gotten round to writing the letter yet, but now that my shoes are on the way, I could do a little video footage with my friends and get something there. As for actually writing the letter I'd like to know if anyone else did. If someone else did then I'll start it tomorrow.

Jan 27, 2010Tedd


Jan 27, 2010Brad

I haven't started o-o.

Sure like to see it done though.

Feb 9, 2010sylonbroadsides

you know, maybe we should start yelling at HSL. We don't exactly have anything to lose haha

Feb 9, 2010Brad

That;s true. I might send them a brief, casual email and see what they have to say.

Feb 9, 2010Brad

Well, I sent them an e-mail. I'll post the reply when I get it.

Feb 10, 2010Timuukun

If you've done it, so will I. Sorry for my absence, BTW...lots of schoolwork makes for little SOAPing :(

Feb 10, 2010Brad

I hear that.

Feb 10, 2010Brad

Just checked my email, this is what they said:


Yes HSL owns Soap Shoes. We are no longer manufacturing Soaps. There are
no future plans to bring this style back into production.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you,
Janice Hopkins

But like Sylon said, we have nothing to lose. So if you guys want, I still think we should bug the crap out of them. I'll send them another email with the petition attached to it and see what the have to say then.

Feb 10, 2010Timuukun

Sounds good to me...

And you'd think they'd at LEAST offer some sort of explanation to a potential customer rather than essentially giving us the middle finger. I'm pretty convinced HSL operates with a flawed business model.

Feb 10, 2010sylonbroadsides

Heelys have been a failing idea since the summer of 2006 ended. That was when they were at their height, and HSL refuses to make any changes so that it can survive.

Just so everyone knows, I'm selling some soap shoes to be a little generous to those without or those who need a pair.

Feb 10, 2010Brad

Speaking of which, do you still have those size 12 Flows? if you could email me a a pic and a price that'd be rad.

Feb 11, 2010Timuukun

*Heelys business model in a nutshell*=

1) Find small children
2) Tempt them with candy and/or kittens
3) Sell them overpriced shoes
4) DO NOT teach them how to use them
5) Make sure that every public place bans them
6) Whine like babies in court when they get hurt and their parents sue

Seriously...I used to be a heeler (still am, sorta, but like SOAPs a lot better), and I can't describe the number of kids I've seen who own a pair of Heelys but have absolutely no clue how to use them. Kids used to stop me and ask me about them, and I'd always tell them that it took me a LONG time to get good on them and that I'm a figure skater and have a lot of balance to begin with and that they should really consider whether they want to get involved with a tough "sport" like that...

And after all that I'd still trip over them when they fell over in front of me after foolishly buying their own pair after seeing me do it. No SOAPer ever bothered me like that. Then again...no SOAPer has ever bothered me period...because I'm the only one I know IRL ;)

Feb 11, 2010Timuukun

BTW, Brad's efforts inspired me to write HSL a real persuasive essay. Here's what I said:

"Dear HSL,

Hey, this is Tim Taylor. I write to you as a great admirer of your product--I have owned four pairs of Heelys over the past five years or so, and I've always loved the stealthy and ingenious way that Heelys spice up the daily grind. However, to make a play on words, the entire reason for this email is quite literally because I haven't been able to get my daily grind often enough.

I notice, as I write this, that your header asks us "want to tell us how you landed a sick grind?" I find this slightly ironic, because the frank answer is, yes, I would love to tell you about ALL my sick grinds...if I could ever perform them. The fact is, grind shoes in general are extremely scarce these days--the Heelys Pro 9201 and 9202 models are only available in kids' sizes on a few select internet sites, and the Grind 'n Roll 7530's are even rarer. Furthermore, these shoes are quite noticeably focused on the skating aspect of their dual-functionality, rather than the grinding aspect (understandable, since HSL would obviously be more focused on the "Heeling" part of "Heeling Sports Limited," but irksome to those who really value a true, high-quality grind shoe).

The predecessor to Heelys grind-plate models was, as both HSL's corporate offices and I are undoubtedly aware, the SOAP shoe--considered by true enthusiasts to be THE definitive brand of grind shoe. While the brand was still owned by Chris Morris and Artemis Innovations, the Broadside and Scorcher models were considered the absolute last say in this special subset of extreme footwear. However, in the nearly 7 years since the last production run of SOAPs in 2003, SOAP shoes have become (without fear of exaggeration) some of the rarest items currently in existence--to find a pair of size 8+ SOAP shoes, for sale online, in decent condition, can be likened to winning the jackpot on a progressive slot machine in a Las Vegas casino.

The crux of the situation, however, is this: Heeling Sports Limited currently holds the premier brand name and all the assets of Artemis Innovations Inc.--that is to say, HSL owns SOAP shoes, and has since 2003. It follows logically, therefore, that, unless they have been destroyed or otherwise lost in the seven years since SOAP's purchase, HSL also still owns the original moulds and means of production for all past SOAP models, up to and including the original 1997 SOAP clean model, as well as the famous Broadsides and Scorchers. Furthermore, I personally know, as a fact, that a community of very dedicated grind-shoe enthusiasts still exists (I can produce evidence on demand of the fervor and dedication of the SOAP community), all of whom would be more than willing to not only buy several pairs of shoes, but who would unconditionally provide free promotion and advertising for HSL should a future production run ever be enacted (myself included).

Of course, far be it from me to advise a major corporation on business strategy. However, from my layman's perspective, the situation seems like a win/win for both parties--a new production run of SOAP shoes (in only size 8+, I might add. I know of nobody who would need anything smaller) would not only be inexpensive for HSL to effectuate, but it would provide extra revenue and appease a group of fellow extreme sportsmen, who, at heart, just want to be able to do their daily grind. And who knows? It could even kindle a small trend, in its own way.

Thanks for all your time and any consideration you might give to my humble suggestion. I would love a follow-up phone call, if it is within your corporate capacity to do so. My number is 419-410-3255, and I can be reached from 3-11pm EST most days.

Your devoted customer,
Timothy Taylor"

Let's see what they do with THAT!

Feb 11, 2010Brad

Wow, I totally just got 1-up'd o-O.
Lol, I can't wait for the response.

Feb 11, 2010Timuukun

Sorry, Brad...no upstaging meant. Think of it as a forceful follow-up ;) !

And yeah, this should be good. Plus, if they blow me off the first time, I'll send it as a snail mail. Also...I think I'm gonna look for their latest quarterly financial statement. All publicly traded corporations are required by US Law to provide a phone number, and usually the one they put on their report isn't the same one they put on the websites. That strategy has gotten me through to Apple's higher-ups a couple of times before, so it might-could work on HSL too!

Still, let's see what happens. I defy them to respond to that essay with a sardonic 1-liner! BTW, if this actually works, you guys will still send emails to HSL as evidence of our combined strength, right? Pretty please?

Feb 11, 2010Wesker

Just as a reminder, HSL reads solidgrind.

Feb 11, 2010Ironbug

I think the letter is a brilliant idea, and,I can totally see the point of view behind it, lets hope it goes well.

Feb 11, 2010Brad

Does HSL actually come here? HEY HSL! WE WANT SOAPS!!! And no worries Tim, I'm just happy I got this thing going.

Feb 11, 2010Timuukun

If HSL reads this, I hope they can understand that the only reason we disparage them is because we really want SOAPs. HSL aren't the bad guys on their own, it's just their lack of use of the SOAP brand that is worrisome.

Still no response on the email...I'll post news the second it hits my inbox. Meanwhile, be on standby to email in case they actually want proof of our combined strength!

Feb 11, 2010Brad

Yeah, I'm still waiting a a second email i sent them. Maybe they're just ignoring us.

Feb 11, 2010Timuukun

There is a distinct possibility...It ain't gonna end as simply as that, though.

Feb 12, 2010Brad

Well said.

Feb 13, 2010Timuukun

Two days in, no progress. I think the phone call comes next.

Feb 13, 2010Brad

They haven't replied to my second email either. I sent it twice lol. Yeah, a phone call would be pretty funny.

Feb 14, 2010AnthoFlex

If anyone is gonna call them *cough* has to be travis *cough* (sorry, hes the only one i trust doing so) find out if they'll start back up soaps again if a retailer is interested...my recent work has allowed me to work with many new people, and i think its worth a shot

Feb 14, 2010Brad

Do it Travis. For the good of mankind.

Feb 15, 2010Timuukun

Well, if Trav is gonna do it, I'll hold off. But I'm more than willing to jump in headfirst if anyone wants to appoint me spokesman--I've already got talking points prepared. I'm still gonna send that snail mail as soon as I get out from under school project hell (should be the next week or so), so keep me posted.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! Anyone impress their GF today by putting some SOAP in her life?

Mar 11, 2010Tedd

Bumping to hopefully revive this. Also, bookmarking so I don't lose it to spam.

.... You know.. I think maybe HSL may be the source of the spam. Lol. Just a possibility. Also, if HSL reads this, then they're having a blast trying to go through the spam just to read what we have to say. So I think either HSL is spamming us or they're not reading because of the spam or some other reason. Meh.

Jul 24, 2011ShadowDaHuman

Has there been any progression in this? I would love to see these shoes comming back, and not just in the US and the UK, but all over the world!
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