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soap shoes are nonexistent
Apr 6, 2006 by mgm

In L.A. it seems as though soap shoes are nonexistent. I think I am the only person in school that have ever owned a pair of soap shoes. The only "special" shoe I see around are heeleys. It is probably because kids of any age can use heeleys. It doesn't matter how tall you are and it is seen as less dangerous. Will soap shoes ever become as popular as heeleys?

Apr 6, 2006Surfaced

Heelys owns Soap, and in 2003, when Heelys was actually doing something with the company, Soap was really popular. It was also really popular around 2000 when Sonic Adventure 2 came out.

If Heelys does release a new series of shoes, some of those kids at your school will see them at Journeys. If that happens, the Soap craze will come back in motion.

So to answer your question, as long as Heelys has control of Soap, probably not.

Apr 24, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey man, dunt feel bad....i'm the ONLY one in my school with SOaps too....but dunt feel bad...show them off...show what u can do in em....and pretty soon SOap will thank us all.

Apr 24, 2006Curtinator

yeah don't feel bad I am the me and my brother are the only ones thats of soap shoes in are city. Probably though.

Apr 24, 2006Curtinator

I ment to say my and my bro are the only ones with soap shoes in are city because are city is like a lost city and theres a lot of old people in it.

Apr 24, 2006Louis

the word is spelt "our" not "are"

Apr 25, 2006SapAuthor

and a quick note, it's kind of funny, but Sonic Adventure 2 (the game i'm going through and getting all As on as part of my mission to be the #1 Sonic fan) is why i'm getting those shoes :D

Apr 25, 2006Surfaced

That's not funny at all. A few weeks ago, i busted out my Dreamcast, just to play that the first level in SA2, "City Escape".

Apr 25, 2006Primal

I hear you all here. I live in Britain, and Soap shoes are almost unheard of unless you shove a copy of SA2 under their noses. Good thing is that, if it's unheard of, they don't have a law for it yet, and I can bust a grind to my heart's content and not get arrested or told to clear off.

Apr 25, 2006Louis

cool, another uk soaper. If we ever manage to organise a ukfsw meetup you should come along

Apr 26, 2006Primal

I'll bear it in mind if I ever get time off from university or church x_x''
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