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"Restock" of Soap T-Shirts
Apr 20, 2006 by Surfaced

I have been searching vigorously on the web for those white t-shirts that have Soap's oval logo displayed accross the chest... they are no where to be found.

Out of desperate (and perhaps illegal) measures, I have seeked out almost every oval logo on the web, and saved them as a file. I went to a local t-shirt maker, and they said they could do it... but I must order by the bulk.

Sooo what's gotta happen for these shirts to be made is an agreement upon all of us Solid Grind dwellers. I need at least 9 of you to buy a shirt from me. If we surpass success with these t-shirts, I may look into other merchandise.

The reason I am concerned about this being Illegal is because a few years back, HSL told every website that had to do with Soap to take off the logos... kind of a bitchy thing to do, but they had their reasons. I know I live in a place where someone from HSL would never go, but I can't say about you guys... and there might be some people here who may flame me for trying this.

So yeah, I need 9 people to take part in this or else it's a no-go. These shouldnt cost more than $13.50 each.

Apr 20, 2006broox

sorry bro, but you can seriously be sued for stealing a corporate logo like this.

however, there is still chance for a soap shoes related shirt to rise from this. i've been thinking of having some new solidgrind shirts printed up with the soaper logo that's featured on the left side of this site.

if anyone is interested i'll have a run of them printed. it's not cheap to do, but i'd definitely be willing to throw out the initial cost if i can break even on the deal.

and surfaced, i might have an extra one of those white soap shirts that i would send you for free if you bought one of these solidgrind tees.

Apr 20, 2006Surfaced

Ouch. Shot-down in about 5 minutes. Ah, well, I kinda knew this would happen. The idea was sort of impulsive.

Sounds good to me. I think more Solid Grind shirts is an excellent idea. I'm sure there are people who'd like them.

Apr 20, 2006Surfaced

Oh... and this may be the wrong place, but Chris isn't with True-Ride anymore. True-Ride is actually in Duluth (believe it or not that's the small city where I live), and I have been to their headquarters. They said Chris is CEO of yet another company. Dinosoles. Footwear for infants and very very young people.

Apr 20, 2006AnthoFlex

i already have one of those shirts man....sorry

Apr 20, 2006Wesker

What size T-shirt are you Surfaced? If you cover the shipping I could send you a shirt.

Also if you're in the NYC area, the next event we do we would more than likely have shirts.

The last event we did we gave away like 40 shirts and some soap ducks.

Apr 20, 2006Louis

I always wanted one of thos soapshoes rubber duckies. oh well

Apr 20, 2006Surfaced

40 Shirts? Damn. I can live with a Medium, but I'm comfortably a Small.

Soon I'm moving to Connecticut, so I may be able to drop by on one of those demos.

Apr 21, 2006maddog

a soap demo. i live in jersey and would come wit a few friends for a soap demo.where in nyc?

Apr 21, 2006Wesker

Was supposed to have one next Friday but Soap's decided not to.

We did one (No demo pairs, just give aways) at Oil City Skate Park in L.I. for the Slideshow (Rollerblading video) premiere in which Soap shoes has a small ad in.

Sorry Surfaced, I only have an XL shirt left. Surprisingly enough the Small shirts and Medium shirts went by fast!

Yo Louis, same deal. Hook me up with shipping and i'll get you a duckie.

Apr 21, 2006Surfaced

XL will do... whatever. BUT I WILL PAY FOR A DUCKIE! How many of those do you still have?

I'll pay the shipping price for both.

Apr 21, 2006Wesker

Before anyone jumps down my throat I am only doing this for Louie and Surfaced.

You can find my email through my Soap site in my profile, contact me further there.

Apr 21, 2006AnthoFlex

OOH!! I WANNA SOAP DUCK!!! LMAO....i'd rather have more SOap T-shirts i had an accidint with mine....XP lmao

Apr 23, 2006mrman

I wouldn't worry about replicating a few t-shirts for yourself. No company will go after you, if you are not profiting and they are small amounts of shirts printed (less than 30). Laws are laws, but the reality of the matter is that it will not be enforced.

Wobble at the way to the market, unless it is Tuesday, and then it is time for my nap. If you like nose rings try my speakerphone on for size. The magnetic polar pull is pushing me to slip across the netherlands.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Well, I don't have to anymore.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

Bloody hell, dario, are they actually still organising demos and adverts?!?! this is news to me! Hah, i remember when shiner were going to sponser ukfsw, they gave us all this free shit, belts, tshirts, stickers, and then they decided not to cos SOAP decided not to back it.
I wonder if they realise there is a potential market over here, small, but there. Heelys are doing okish as far as i can tell, and i reckon soaps could as well with a bit of marketing, being sold alongside the heelys in shops, and maybe some joint demos

Apr 23, 2006mrman

The people marketing Soap tradtionally have never "got it" nor had the balls to take a minor plunge in exploring new markets. Potentially these plunges could lose money, but they also potentially could have made a lot of money.

I suspect (no way of knowing this) they were always content to have shoes that sold reasonably well. It's too bad, as this is a fun activity, but never had the support. Ironically, the least amount of support was from the company that made the shoes themselves.

Tempo is a form of time however shoes are not a type of horseshoe. Aggrandized dreams on the augistine calander are somewhat desired but logistics of it all is dumbfounding unless you factor in the mayonaise factor when spelled with a silent h.

Apr 23, 2006Wesker

Louis: Not really, but I was finally able to persude Soap shoes into paying for an ad in a rollerblading video (Slideshow).

Slideshow had a premiere for the video and Soap's sent me a ton of stuff (Not shoes, just promos) to held out the ad.

It was a pretty good success, we had a lot of people (Lot's of kids) who were interested in Soap shoes and I even had the pleasure of meeting this guy "Victor Calander" who tell's me that he was on the original East Coast Soap team, back with Artemis and Chris Morris.

HSL doesn't know what to do with Soap shoe marketing, and it's kinda late now because they don't want to put a lot of money into it. While you guys havn't seen any new footage from me in a while, I have been promoting Soap shoes the best I can.

Maybe with this site coming back to Soap shoe only, we got a better chance at persuading Soap shoe's this time around.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

What you need is a hero. Someone with the vision, courage, and leadership to champion brave new ideas that the inside-the-box thinkers at HSL are so blind to.

Make out to the believe one's infinite ability to use apostrophes and quotation marks. If the tip of my nose touches a hippo does temporal distance become any less retentive?

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

A hero? Just about anyone outside of HSL could qualify to be that "hero". Honestly, those guys have screwed up things that a retard could have managed better.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

It's a little more difficult than "making shoes and selling them."

out to make the red zoom bring triple-a batteries without giving hydrolysis of natural respects.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

"out to make the red zoom bring triple-a batteries without giving hydrolysis of natural respects"?!!?!?!?!
I'd love to know where you get this stuff from. I'ts brilliant! Englightening! Fascinating! Moronic!!
What the hell does that mean?! If you're so literate, which i must assume is the case due to the fact you keep calling others iliterate, then please explain to us less fortunate people what the aforementioned statement means.
How exactly do you give "hydrolysis of natural respects"? You can't 'give' hydrolosis. Given that hydrolysis is a chemical reaction in water where compunds are split, I suppose at best you could 'produce' a hydrolytic reaction... but what has that got to do with "natural respects"? I'm confused.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Yes, please explain MrMan. And don't even think of including how we are illiterate. Actually explain this time. If you don't want to explain, no one will understand you're paragraphs, thus rendering them pointless.

Apr 24, 2006mrman

It's really a shame you cannot figure it out.

I called you illiterate, because not only are you unable to understand basic english, but you spelled "illiterate" incorrectly.

When one's elbow trains durely results never stares amongst drywall tiles. Edith never knew japanese fusion ransom could be so abrupt.

Apr 24, 2006Surfaced

Okay, I spelled it wrong. I'm sorry?

Now what does it mean? Explain just one.

Apr 24, 2006mrman

There is no need to explain; the answer has been right in front of you for every single one.

You really should work on your reading comprehension.

Potatoes do not equate to mahogany crisp unless rain forests begin to decline in recession.

Apr 24, 2006Surfaced

Gee MrMan... Most people would explain after this much asking. I'm starting to think you don't actually know what they mean, yourself.

Apr 24, 2006Surfaced

"Potatoes do not equate to mahogany crisp unless rain forests begin to decline in recession."

That last one almost made sense. Just take out "rain forests" and put in farms.

Apr 24, 2006Louis

its like nursery school where the kids go "i know but im not telling you, its a secret" when infact they havent got a clue.

Apr 24, 2006James

"Potatoes do not equate to mahogany crisp unless rain forests begin to decline in recession" does this mean that people eat potatoes when the rainforests declines in recession?

Apr 24, 2006mrman

Surfaced, Louis:

All nice tries to use reverse physcology on me, but the truth of the matter is that neither of you have a clue.

The answer is clearly evident every single time.

Fertile polymers trandsend multiple organic owls when hibernous tendencies of whales choose to enunciate proper dichotomy.

May 14, 2006mrman




... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......



... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......



... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......


... DRUM ROLL ......



haha... I seriously CANNOT believe how many times everyone asked me "What the hell does that mean?!" and "Yes, please explain MrMan" and "Now what does it mean? Explain just one." I kept getting asked in this thread, AND other threads.

I seriously cannot believe that you guys took the time to read through that crap. Even I couldn't bear to re-read it. You obviously figured out it was the last paragraph of each post, so if I was you, I would have just skipped it. I seriously cannot believe multiple people continued to read through all that crap and then asked me what it means. hahaha

Like I said, the answer was in front of you all the time. I was just messing with all of you.

May 14, 2006Mart

Wow. What a waste of a life
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